US History Final Review Part 1

Which of the following summarizes President Ronald Reagan's economic policies?

Reduce federal taxes, cut spending on the arts and social programs, increase military spending.

One result of the expanded national railway systems was that...

People began to eat a much wider variety of foods on a daily basis.

After Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he formed the Bell Telephone Company. How successful was the company?

Nearly 500,000 customers, mostly businesses, owned telephones by 1860.

A member of the guerrilla force in Nicaragua that opposed the Sandinista government and supported by the U.S.


The Constitutional Amendments adopted during the Progressive Era did all of the following EXCEPT...

Outlawed child labor

What was the primary purpose for the new taxes imposed on the colonies after the French and Indian War?

To gather revenue to pay for English troops and officials in the colonies.

In practical application, the encomienda system...

Resulted in terrible abuse of Native peoples.

In return for giving the South the ability to maintain slavery, the Northern delegates got...

Federal control over interstate commerce.

Which is MOST true about agreements over slavery in the writing of the Constitution?

Slaves were seen as partially relevant in the allocation of state representatives to Congress.

An investigative journalist reporting illegal or improper activities in business


Saddam Hussein's primary interest in his invasion of Kuwait was...

Seizing Kuwaiti oil to pay off Iraqi debts.

The Middle Colonies were notable in that...

Of all the regional colonies, they were the most religiously diverse and tolerant.

A new idea, method, or product


The first method by which steel could be mass produced

Bessemer process

Gilded Age captains of industry took advantage of which of the following to gain control of markets?

Improvements in transportation and communication.

Names such as John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Cornelius Vanderbilt were most famous for...

Their ruthless tactics in business and eliminating competition.

French settlement of the Americas initially focused on...

Seeking beaver pelts for trade in France.

Following the French and Indian War, the British government upset colonists by doing all of the following EXCEPT:

They began to close non-Anglican colonial churches.

Although pigs provided a robust and rapidly renewable source of meat to the New World:

They tended to rapidly destroy local plant and animal systems.

All of the following are associated with the Gulf War's aftermath except...

The United States gathered significant data on the new use of technology in warfare.

Which of the following is true about Jamestown?

The colonial enterprise was actually created by an English investment group.

Which of the following best summarizes the collective goals of farmers?

The government should implement a fairer distribution of wealth for all types of workers.

Which of the following best describes interactions between Reagan and Gorbachev?

They met on numerous occasions in an attempt to reduce the threat of nuclear war, they often found themselves too tied to national policies and politics to agree on changes, they formed agreements for both sides that controlled weapons production and depl

Pilgrims and Puritans differed in that:

The Puritans stayed within the Church of England while the Pilgrims did not.

The English colonists of Jamestown were able to finally defeat Chief Powhatan and his armies by...

Forming military alliances with his enemies.

The process of creating large numbers of similar products efficiently

Mass Production

The promotion by a state or society of widespread fear of a potential rise of communism

Red Scare

Groups commonly targeted by the government accused of being Communist were often:

Foreigners, Homosexuals, Entertainers.

The theory that those fit to succeed will and those not fit will fail

Social Darwinism

One area of particular interest to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was the influence of communism in


The process by which nations seek to enter into international agreement to limit the size of their military or military arsenals

Arms Control

A common way for captains of industry to destroy competition was to...

Lower their prices so much that it put small producers out of business, buying up competitors' business and then closing them down, starting new companies that efficiently filled in the gaps in production and transportation.; All of the above

Many supporters of the Bill of Rights were motivated by...

The memory of restrictions placed on the colonists by Britain before the American Revolution.

Salutary neglect is best summed up as

England provided the colonies with protection and markets but enforced few restrictions.

Public education, commercial industries, and small Christian townships. These concepts best describe...

New England colonies

Education in the Southern colonies is best described as...

Provided by the tutors of wealthy plantation owners for plantation children.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, he borrowed heavily from...

Enlightenment figures who championed natural rights and civic duty.

A major reason that the U.S. Government offered free land as part of the Homestead Act was that...

It wanted to encourage settlement of the interior portions of the United States.

Name of the racial caste system which operated in the South

Jim Crow

Results of the French and Indian War included all of the following EXCEPT...

Warmer relations between colonists and Native American tribes.

Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative was intended to...

Destroy Soviet nuclear missiles

The Native American depicted on the seal of the Massachusetts Bay Colony is saying "Come over and help us." Why is this ironic?

The Native Americans were hurt by the presence of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

In the debate over the writing and ratification of the Constitution, Anti-Federalists disliked...

The lack of a formally written bill of rights placing controls on the national government.

The French and Indian War in North America was largely triggered by...

French and English claims to land west of the Appalachian Mountains.

The encomienda system...

Provided Spanish colonists with free Native labor.

Which of the following is true about the Colombian Exchange?

Most animal exchanges came from the Old World to the New World, many staple foods like tomatoes, corn, and potatoes came from the New World to the Old World, Native Americans began riding horses for the first time thanks to the Columbian Exchange.;
All of

The framers of the new Constitution generally agreed that...

The new national government had to have increased authority to effectively rule the nation.

What did Senator Joseph McCarthy become known for doing during the early 1950s?

Aroused false suspicions and used smear tactics.

Which of the following best summarizes sharecropping?

African Americans worked the farmland of white landowners, quickly finding themselves back in a kind of slavery.

A member of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people


A refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest


Initially, American colonies benefited economically from mercantilism because...

Colonial producers had a guaranteed market for their goods, colonists had access to imported English goods, England provided military protection.; All of the above.

One selling point of laissez-faire capitalism to the American people was that it...

Celebrated the much valued self-reliant cowboy spirit.

The right to vote in political elections


Which of the following was NOT a cause of Jamestown's initial failure?

Spanish raiders set fire to the colonial walls.