Unit 3 British American Colonial Life Study Guide

at 21 years of age, led a group of Virginia militia to the Forks of the Ohio to attack Fort Duquesne and caused the French and Indian War. Later rescued the remains of Braddock's army after being ambushed

George Washington

Enlightenment philosopher who wrote that all men had certain basic rights: life, liberty and property, and that if the government did not protect these rights, men had the right to change governments

John Locke

Mass religious revival movement in the colonies that caused many religious denominations to split, made religion more emotional and personal and preached that changes could occur if enough people supported them

The Great Awakening

Intellectual movement that emphasized science and reason to solve all of mankind's problems. Also included that man had certain basic rights that the government MUST protect.

The Enlightenment

This country and their allies were the enemy of the British and the British colonists during the war

French / Indians

competition for this item, along with a desire for a world empire and more land, led to major rivalries in North America between the British and French

Fur / Fur Trade

was the peace treaty that ended the French and Indian War

Treaty of Paris 1763

What rights did unmarried and married woman have in colonial society.

-Could not vote
-Could not own land
-Could not hold office
-Own Land
-Negotiate contracts
-Work outside the home if not a male role

How did the British fight the French and Indian War in the American Colonies

Fight in traditional European style--straight lines, strict discipline, perfect uniforms

What were the results of the French and Indian War for the French

-lands east of Mississippi to England
-lands west of Mississippi to Spain
-Canada gave to England-France loses all territory in India
-France only keeps a few small islands in the Caribbean

What were the results of the French and Indian War for the American Colonists

-a sense of pride for helping defeat French/Indians
-Felt they had a right to lands west of Appalachians
-some believed no longer needed British protection

What effects did the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment have on the American Revolution

Education is typically only for the wealth after children can read and write. Typically only wealthy males could have a higher education. New Egland had the best education, followed by middle colonies. Southern colonies hadthe poorest education System.

What effects did the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment have on the coming American Revolution?

They began to feel that with the Enlightenment and Great Awakening a sense of practical reason and a strong passion to resist the establishment of power from both the British government and oppressing religions

What function dud land ownership serve in the America

- Socail Rank/Wealth
-Political freedom-could vote/hold office if own land
-Personal Freedom-could do own thing, no one to tell you differently

best known individual in the colonies. Was a printer, scientist, writer,inventor, "Enlightened" philosopher, and politician.

Benjamin Franklin