Test 4 Study Guide - American History

Who won the French and Indian War?


What is another name for the French and Indian War?

The Seven Years War

What was England's plan to get the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War?


What was England's first attempt to tax the colonies?

Sugar Act

What were the stipulations of the Sugar Act?

1. Taxed sugar and molasses into the colonies
2. Gave the British new power to end smuggling, or illegal trade designed to avoid the payment of taxes.

What was the issue that the Stamp Act brought to light? It would be one of the rallying cries of the American Revolution.

Taxation without Representation

What is the abstaining from buying goods and services?


What is an illegal trade designed to avoid paying taxes?


Who were the members of the American Colonial Militia


What was Parliament's attempt to tax papers, pamphlets, newspapers, and cards?

The Stamp Act

How did the colonists react to the Stamp Acts?

Riots and Demonstrations

The reaction to the Stamp Act laid the foundation for the....?

American Revolution

{BLANK} organized the Stamp Act Congress in 1765


What were the 3 things the Stamp Act Congress did?

1. It petitioned the king
2. Rejection of Taxation without Representation
3. Boycott the British

{BLANK} was a leading political figure prior to the American Revolution. He led protests against the Stamp Act.

Samuel Adams

{BLANK} would become the governor of Massachusetts

Samuel Adams

{BLANK} was the name of the group that protested the British taxes and mistreatment of the colonies.

The Sons of Liberty

How did Parliament respond to the colonial reaction of the Stamp Act?

Repealed the Act

What did Parliament pass after the repeal of the Stamp Act? It gave them the right to tax the colonists when they saw fit

Declaratory Act

Parliament passed this tax in 1767. It gave them the right to tax things like, lead, paper, and tea. It also gave them the right to punish colonists for refusing to pay.

The Townshend Acts of 1767

Parliament repealed most of the Townshend Acts, but it kept the taxes on {BLANK}


The repeal of the Townshend Acts lifted the {BLANK}, which had forced colonists to house British soldiers.

Quartering Acts

{BLANK} began as a protest. It turned violent when colonists began throwing things at British soldiers. The soldiers fired on the protesters killing 5.

The Boston Massacre

{BLANK} is ideas, facts, or rumors, spread deliberately to further a cause.


{BLANK} etched a famous work of art that depicted the Boston Massacre.

Paul Revere

Colonists formed the {BLANK} to work together in their growing response to Britain

Committee of Correspondence

The first Committees of Correspondence were led by....?

Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson

In order to help the British East India Company overcome financial difficulties, Parliament passed the...?

Tea Act

{BLANK} was when the Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians and dumped 45 tons of British Tea in the harbor to protest British taxes.

The Boston Tea Party

The British responded to the Boston Tea Party by passing the...?

Intolerable Acts

{BLANK} met in Philadelphia in 1774. They petitioned the king to repeal the Intolerable Acts and called for a boycott of British goods.

The First Continental Congress

Ideas that the First Continental Congress included were:

The right to life, liberty, property, assembly, and trial by jury

{BLANK} were formed by the colonists in anticipation of conflict.


Members of the American Militia were called...?


{BLANK} warned the colonists of the British pending attack

Paul Revere and William Dawes

{BLANK} got world to colonists just ahead to the British Attack.

Samuel Prescott

The first shot of the American Revolutionary War was referred to as the...?

Shot heard round the world

The first shot of the American Revolutionary War was fired at...?


After the shots of the Revolution were fired at Lexington, the British marched onto {BLANK}. Where they confiscated weapons and fought the colonists at the Old North Bridge.


{BLANK} is the traditional governments of Europe


English Nobles forced the king to sign the {BLANK} which proved that even Kings and Queens are subjected to law. It also guaranteed certain rights to English citizens.

Magna Carta

{BLANK} are rights that people are born with

Natural Rights

{BLANK} was the belief that government powers should be separated between the various governmental bodies

Separation of Powers

{BLANK} is an agreement between citizens and government to rule and be ruled.

The Social Contract

{BLANK} wanted to gain more control over the colonies

King James II

King James II combined the colonies with New York and New Jersey to form the {BLANK}

Dominion of New England

The Dominion of New England also restricted the colony's rights to...?

Self Government

{BLANK} was the royal governor of the Dominion of New England

Sir Edmund Andros

What were the two reasons Andros was hated by the colonists?

1. Threatened colonists right to property, self government, and free worship
2. Violated the rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta

King James II was not popular in England because he was...?


{BLANK & BLANK} replaced James II as the rulers of England

William and Mary

The peaceful overthrow of James II is referred to as the {BLANK} because no blood was shed

Glorious Revolution

Parliament limited the power of William and Mary as well as future monarchs by passing the...?

English Bill of Rights

What three things did the English Bill of Rights do:

1. Made Parliament the main ruling body in England
2. Limited royal power to tax, raise an army, or suspend law, all without Parliament's approval
3. Granted Freedom of Elections and Freedom of Speech

{BLANK} was a philosophical movement in Europe between 1600 and 1700

The Enlightenment

According to the Enlightenment thought, and {BLANK} was the basis of all truth


What were the three questions Enlightenment thinkers had about the Government?

1. Where does a government get authority from?
2. What kind of natural rights do humans have?
3. Do governments have the responsibility to respect the rights of all its citizens?

{BLANK} wrote "Two Treatises" on Government

John Locke

John Locke supported {BLANK} and believed people were born with {BLANK}

Democracy & Natural Rights

John Locke believed in the {BLANK}. People agree to be governed in exchange for the government agreeing to protect their natural rights.

Social Contract

{BLANK} believed that the government gained their power from the people


{BLANK} believed in Separation of Powers


What were the 3 branches of government Montesquieu supported?

Legislative, Executive, and Judicial

{BLANK} believed in religious toleration


{BLANK} wrote the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

{BLANK} claims between the British, French, and Spanish led to the French and Indian War

Overlapping Land

The {BLANK} supported the British in the French and Indian war

Iroquois Confederacy

The {BLANK} supported the French during the French and Indian War

Algonquin and Huron Indians

{BLANK} was the most contested piece of land in the colonies. The British and French both desired it

The Ohio River Valley

Virginia sent {BLANK} to Ohio River Valley to patrol the territory for the British

George Washington

Washington led a militia that attacked French Troops before he ultimately...?


The British sent an army to attack {BLANK}. They lost and declared war on the French

Fort Duquesne

In 1754 {BLANK} proposed the Albany plan. The first attempt to unify the colonies.

Benjamin Franklin

Describe the Albany Plan:

A grand council and president general would rule over the colonies, with the power to: � solve colonial disputes. � handle relations with American Indians. � organize colonial defenses . � impose taxes.

{BLANK} was sent to the colonies to raise an army to fight the French during the French and Indian War


Early battles of the French and Indian War were won by the...?


{BLANK} replaced Braddock as leader of British troops in the colonies

William Pitt the Elder

{BLANK} ended the French and Indian War

The Treaty of Paris 1763

What were the stipulations of the Treaty of Paris 1763?

French lost all territories in the colonies, England gained all land east of the Mississippi. Spain gave Florida to the English and gained Louisiana Territory from the French.

{BLANK} led an unsuccessful rebellion against the British


The {BLANK} reserved all land to the West of the demarcation line for the American Indians

Proclamation of 1763

The {BLANK} ignored the Proclamation of 1763


England wanted colonists to pay for the French and Indian War. They imposed {BLANK} which outraged the colonists and pushed them toward revolution


{BLANK} was the leader of the colonial troops in Virginia during the French and Indian War

George Washington

{BLANK} are aggressive promoters of the cause


{BLANK} became the king of English in 1760

King George III

{BLANK} was one of England's best leaders. Would ascend to the office of Prime Minister but resigned due to illness

William Pitt the Elder

{BLANK} became Prime Minister after the French and Indian War. He lost favor with George III

George Greenville

It was {BLANK} who decided to tax the colonies heavily in order to force them to pay for the French and Indian War

George Greenville

{BLANK} became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1766. He wanted to increase revenue from the colonies

Charles Townshend

{BLANK} was a firebrand who spoke out against the British Government. He famously stated, "Give me Liberty or Give me Death.

Patrick Henry

{BLANK} was a smuggler who smuggled goods to make himself wealthy

John Hancock

{BLANK} was a silversmith who was more famous for delivering a warning

Paul Revere

{BLANK} questioned Parliament's right to tax. He later became the 2nd president of the United States

John Adams

{BLANK} fought for women's rights

Abigail Adams

{BLANK} wrote poems and stories promoting Revolutionary Cause

Mercy Otis Warren

What were some of the disadvantages women faced during revolutionary times...?

They could not vote in elections. � They could not bring cases in court. � married women could not own property .

What roles did women play in society at this time...?

They played an active role in social and economic life

{BLANK} were groups of women who joined in on protests and riots prior to the revolution

The Daughters of Liberty