history chapter 4

producing just enough to meet the needs of their family

substance farming

crops that are easily sold in markets in the colonies and overseas

cash crops

variety, such as of ethnic or national groups


rules governing the behavior and punishment of enslaved people

slave codes

pattern of trade that developed in colonial times among the Americas, Africa, and Europe

triangle trade

give 2 reasons southern planters began to use enslaved africans to work in the fields

1. because indentured slaves were too expensive
2. planters needed large forces to work on plantations

give 4 reason why the middle passage was such a terrible ordeal for the enslaved africans

1. where chained together for months
2. could hardly sit or stand
3. received little to no food or water
4. many didn't survive

give 5 reason how salve codes governed the behavior of enslaved people

1. didn't allow to move about
2. didn't allow to leave plantation
3. weren't allowed to learn how to read or write
4. whipped for minor offenses
5. hanged or burned for major crimes

what is the main cash crop of South Carolina and Georgia


A region of flat, low-lying plains along the seacoast


who controlled the economic and political life in southern colonies

plantation owners

who kept the slaves working

owners of large plantations

a system by which people elect delegates to make laws and conduct government

representative government

to sell good to other countries


to buy goods from other countries


an economic theory whose goal is building a state's weath and power by increasing exports and accumulating precious metals in return


charter colonies

these colonies were based on a grant of rights by the english monarch to a company

proprietary colonies

these colonies were the property of an owner or group of owners

royal colonies

these colonies were under direct english control

who could vote in the colonies

white male property owners

the permanent movement of people into one country from other nations


an illness that affects large numbers of people


a young person who learns a trade form skilled craftsperson


the democratic ideas, practices, and values that are at the heart of citizenship in a free society

civic virtue

name 3 groups that helped create the population growth in the colonies

1. immigration/immigrants
2. enslaved people
3. large colonial families

what was valued by many purple in the colonies


colonists in New England and Pennsylvania wanted people to be able to study what

the Bible

The what was a movement in Europe that placed a great value on knowledge, reason, and science

The Enlightenment

the earliest colleges in the colonies were founded to train who


name 3 things about the great awakening

1. was a religious movement of the 1730s and 1740s
2. it forced colonist to become more religiously tolerant
3. helped spread democratic ideas in the colonies

name 2 things about Enlightenment

1. was the movement of people who believed in reasons and scientific methods
2. the best example of Enlightenment in the colonies was Benjamin Franklin

a military force made up of ordinary citizens




a group of Native American nations in eastern North America joined together under one general government

iroquois confederacy

the movement of the british settlers onto native american lands sparked what

Pontiac's War

The what prohibited colonists from moving west of the Appalachian mountains into native american territory in the ohio river valley

The Proclamation of 1763

what important step did Prime Minister William Pitt take to win the war in north america

Pitt sent the best troops and military leaders to america

where was Washington's first command

The Ohio River Valley- Fort Necessity

The French settled whete because it linked their settlements in canada with their settlements along the mississippi river

The Ohio River Valley

who lost most of its territory in america and became powerless


give 3 things about Albany Plan of Union

1. it was proposed by Ben Franklin
2. 1st attempt to unite the 13 colonies in a common goal (to fight the French)
3. each colonial assembly refused to give up any power to a central government so it did not pass

Treaty of Paris

ended the french and indian war

in the treaty of paris britain did what

gained canada and all french land east of Mississippi river except new orleans

in the treaty of paris france did what

kept 2 island in the gulf of st. lawrence and it's islands in the west indies

in the treaty of paris spain did what

1. they had entered the war in the french side
2. gage up florida to britain and got all fence land west of the mississippi river and new orleans
3. kept south america and central america (including texas)