Chapter 2 Sections 1 & 2

_______________ Acts closed Boston Harbor. Ended all forms of self-rule in Mass


Each state drafted its own _______________ by 1780- unique because no nation had one.


When George III came to power, ______________ felt the colonies had lost much of their loyalty and became independent from the crown.


The 1st Con. Congress sent George III the Declaration and _______________ asking for the end of the Intolerable Acts.


Many colonists considered themselves to be ____________ when George III came to power.


State Constitution _______________; Separation of Powers, Individual Rights, and Limited Government.


The ______________ petition pledges continued their loyalty to King III and asked him to ask Parliament to repeal their new measures.

Olive Branch

During the R. War, ______________ created a monetary system, raised troops, and sent diplomats to Europe.

Continental Congress

What city became the birthplace of democracy?


Colonists were already settling in North America ______________ the Petition of Right and English Bill of Rights.


were a secret society that worked to intimidate and throw out parliament's tax agents.

Sons of liberty

The petition of right was part of a long battle with King Charles l that resulted in __________________

English civil war

Wrote about the unalienable rights all men deserve in the declaration of independence.

Thomas Jefferson

King John was forced by the nobles to sign ________________ in 1215: and called for the quartering of troops in homes

Magna Carta

The magna carta forced the king to obey the laws, allow people to stand trial by a _________ , and get taxes approved by parliament.


The British wanted the colonists to sign a treaty with the Iroquois at the start of ______________ in 1954

French And Indian War

Said, ...a thirst for absolute power is the natural disease of a monarchy

Thomas paine

___________ Declared their loyalty to the king, but argued that the power to tax should belong solely to the colonies.

Stamp Act Congress

The English Bill of Rights banned monarchs from enacting________, raising taxes, and keeping armies w/o Parliament's permission.


_________ was signed in 1620 and outlined the formation of a society governed by majority rule and the consent of the people.

May Flower Compact

___________ refused to read the Olive Branch Petition.

Georgre lll

The English Parliament is a _______ legislature.


The 2nd continental Congress placed George Washington in charge of the ________.


_________ would have allowed an assembly to control trade, build settlements, and equip fleets.

Albany Plan of Union

Thomas Payne wrote ________, which inspired widespread support for the colonies' independence from Great Britain.

Common Sense

The _________ influence people's thoughts about natural rights.


___________ proposed the resolution to officially declare independence from Great Britain on June 7, 1776

Henry Lee

The ________ created a constitutional monarchy and set expectations about the rights of Englishmen.

May Flower Compact

Parliament wanted the _____________ to pay for the French and Indian War


The Colonies must ___________ or triumph.
