Social Studies - Roots of Representative Government & Early American Culture

A religious movement that swept through the colonies in the 1730s and the 1740s.

The Great Awakening

A traveling minister who drew thousands with his sermons and started a home for orphans

George Whitefield

A businessperson and inventor who became one of the best thinkers in the colonies

Benjamin Franklin

An English philosopher who argued that people have natural rights to life, liberty, and property

John Locke

A movement that emphasized reason and science as the paths to knowledge


A traveling minister who preached terrifying reasons about God's anger but promised listeners they could be saved

Jonathan Edwards

Explain how apprentices contributed to the economy of the English Colonies

Apprentices contributed to the economy of the English Colonies by the apprentices learning working and trading techniques. When the apprentices learn this information,it is passed down through generations and allows other children to learn these technique

The first steps to limit the power of England's king were taken in the

Magna Carta

British laws that affected the colonies were made by


The ruling family in England changed as a result of

The Glorious Revolution

The principle that government should be based on laws and not on the whims of a ruler was established by:


The English policy of inferring very little in colonial affairs was called:

Salutary Neglect

What effect do you think the policy of salutary neglect had on the colonists' respect for British laws and authority?

I think salutary neglect had a negative effect on the colonists' respect for British laws and authority. Since Parliament rarely enforced laws on the colonies anymore, it gave the colonists tons of freedom and will to do whatever they wanted so the coloni

What was the Great Awakening?

a religious movement

What did the Enlightenment emphasize as the paths to knowledge?

reason and science

Who benefited from the Magna Carta?

nobles and freemen

Under the English Bill of Rights, what two parties had to agree to cancel laws or impose new taxes?

king or queen and Parliament

What was the impact of salutary neglect on England's colonies?

The colonies became used to acting independently.

What was the Albany Plan of Union?

a formal proposal to unite the colonies (Benjamin Franklin first proposed this)

What was the turning point of the French and Indian War for Britain?

the Battle of Quebec (f&iw war caused by conflicts over land and the fur trade caused this.)

What did France lose under the Treaty of Paris?

power in North America (This ended the French colonization of North America.)

What action drove the Native Americans toward Pontiac's Rebellion?

British settlers moved onto Native American land.

What was the response to Pontiac's Rebellion?

Proclamation of 1763 (What forbade the English colonists from settling on lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.)

How did the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights affect colonial government?

The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights affected the colonial government by creating influences and rules for the colonial government. The Magna Carta limited the power of kings and the English Bill of Rights made it so the kings or the "higher ups

How did England's treatment of the colonies change after the Glorious Revolution? Explain why it changed

England's treatment of the colonies changed after the Glorious Revolution by William and Mary overthrowing a previous corrupt monarch, Colonist's rights were beginning to be respected more and the colonists were granted more self-government. The English i

What was significant about the battle of Quebec that made it the turning point in the French and Indian War?

The battle of Quebec was so significant that made it the turning point in the French and Indian War because in colonial Canada, Quebec was the center of French rule, and losing it created the end for French in Canada. Wolfe and his 4,000 men lined up on p