
Responsibilities of English Monarch

bond by law, not above the law; share power with Parliament

Upper House of Parliament

House of Lords

Lower House of Parliament

House of Commons

Views of John Calvin

human depravity, predestination

human depravity

humans born 100% evil


the belief that what happens in human life has already been determined by God


Calvinists in England, members of church of England, protestant-noncatholic christians


first attempted english North American colony

John Rolfe

English Settler, Married Pocahontas, grew Tobacco

1619 Virginia

House of Burgesses, Headright System, seeds of slavery

seeds of slavery

labor for tobacco, population that looks different

House of Burgesses

Elected assembly in colonial Virginia, created in 1619.

Headright System

Headrights were parcels of land consisting of about 50 acres which were given to colonists who brought indentured servants into America. They were used by the Virginia Company to attract more colonists.

Governor's Council

The upper legislative body in Royal Government

John Winthrop

The first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Goals of Massachusetts Bay Colony

perfect church with perfect political system; city upon a Hill for England to follow

Anne Hutchinson

American colonist (born in England) who was banished from Boston for her religious views, points out everything wrong with Calvinism

Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania/ Delaware

founded for religious purposes

Virginia and Massachusetts

founded as joint stock

Maryland, New York/ New Jersey, Carolinas, Pennsylvania/Delaware

founded as proprietary



King Henry II

chose governor for PA


chose the governor for VA after 1624


safe haven for Catholics


Safe haven for Quakers

Rhode Island

complete religious freedom

Baltimore (Calvert)

founded Maryland


Founded Pennsylvania

Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina

practiced staple crop agriculture

South Carolina

major crop - rice

New York/ New Jersey, Pennsylvania/ Delaware

produced cereal products


highest slave numbers

Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina

tobacco produced

Rhode Island 2

self governing


colonies had what kind of legislature


lost American colonies (7 years war)


went into debt (French and Indian war)


sided with North America (French and Indian War)

Appalacian Mountains

Proclamation of 1763 halted settlement west of

Sugar Act

neutralize debt (passed by Parliament)

Declaratory Act

Act passed in 1766 after the repeal of the stamp act

Sugar/Stamp/Townshed/Tea Acts



Non- regulatory

Stamp Act

first widespread colonial protest after passage of

Daughters and Sons of Liberty

most effective groups to organize boycotts of British products

repealed it; passed Declaratory Act

Parliaments reaction to colonial opposition to the Stamp Act

Response to Declaratory Act

tried to compromise w England

Glass, oil, tea, paper, paint, silk

Townshend act taxed

all but tea

Townshend act repealed

Paul Revere

engraving of Boston Massacre

lowered price

Tea act affect on tea

Lexington and Concord

First shots of the American Revolution

Loose conferdeauion of states

type of govt during/after revolution


white land-owning males over 21

Articles of Confederation

first form of government created by British North American colonist

Northwest ordinance

significant accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation

New states can be added to the union; new states with equal original states

Northwest ordiance


region abolished slavery after revolution


granted religious freedom after the revolution


slavery spread bc of economic importance

James Madison

author of the Constitution

bill of rights

found in constitution ; constitution protects individual rights

Great Compromise

Compromise made by Constitutional Convention in which states would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house

3/5 Compromise

Slaves counted as 3/5 of a person

Slave Trade Compromise

Slave trade would continue for 20 years until 1808.

electoral college

A group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president

New Jersey Plan

upper house follows

Virginia plan

lower house follows

New Jersey plan

smaller states preferred


south wanted slaves


presidents required age


senators required age


House of Rep required age

House of Representatives

popularly elected according to Constitution

6 year s

senators serve for

2 year

House of Representatives term