depew multiple choice

the stono rebellion was a conflict between

southern states and planters

the pueblo leader pope led a revolt in response to

Spanish efforts to impose Spanish culture

Jonathan Edwards main goals was

a return to the original Spanish vision

Jamestowns most serious problems during its first year were caused by

settlers attitudes and impracticality

During the French and Indian War, Native Americans fought on the side of

both the French and British

Bacon's Rebellion resulted from

Nathaniel bacons sympathy with the problems faced by English settlers on the frontier

As a result of England's policy of "salutary neglect," the colonies developed a

desire for self government

the "middle passage" refers to the part of the translatic trade network that carried africans from

Africa to the West Indies and North America

the hohokam and anasazi are best known for their

Development of desert farming

the first native Americans that Columbus encountered called themselves


Thomas Jefferson was president when the US acquired and began exploring the

Louisiana purchase

the US went. to war against Britain in 1812 because Britain was

interfering with US foreign trade