Chapter 3 study guide

how old was George Washington during the French and Indian War when he was selected to be general


What was the name of the fort that George Washington and his troops constructed during the French and Indian War

Fort Necessity

English colonists were supported by British troops called what

Red Coats

What state is Jamestown located in?


What was the first law that supported religious TOLERANCE and passed in the English colonies

Toleration Act

What colony did Anne Hutchinson help establish

Rhode Island

This movement took place during the 1700s and spread the idea that reason and logic could improve society

The Enlightenment

George Washington was a young general for which country during the French and Indian War


laws to control slaves

slave codes

An English settlement in Virginia founded in 1607


The reformers who protested the Catholic Churches practices


A colonist and leader of Jamestown

John Smith

A protestant group that cut all ties with the Church of England and was punished


A legal contract male passengers on the MAYFLOWER signed agreeing to have fair laws to protect the general good

Mayflower Compact

The leader of Puritans who had left England for Massachusetts seeking religious freedom

John Winthrop

A Protestant religious group founded by George Fox in the mid !600s in England


Crops that are always needed, such as wheat, barley and oats

stable crops

Indirect trade between the American colonies and Britain

Triangular Trade

A Quaker leader who began the Pennsylvania colony

Willian Penn

A puritan who claimed to receive religious views directly from God and was forced to leave Massachusetts Bay Colony

Anne Hutchinson

An Indian who had lived in Europe and spoke English


People who have left the country of their birth to live in a mother country


A Protestant group that wanted to reform, or purify the Church of England


Colonist who reached America by working for free for other people who had paid for their journeys

Indentured Servants

in 1770, this allowed the British East India Company to sell directly to colonists

Tea Act

Six acts that the British hoped would bring back order in the colonies but instead they simply increased peoples anger at Britain

Intolerable Acts

This took place at night on December 16 1773 where colonists disguised as Indians snuck onto three ships and dumped over 340 chests into the Boston Harbor

Boston Tea Party

Shootings that took place in Boston known as "The Bloody Massacre", occurred on March 5, 1770

Boston Massacre

These acts placed duties on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea

Townshend Acts

Remembered as the most famous casualty of the Boston Massacre, he was a sailor

Crispis Attuks

This act required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items

Stamp Acts

A local leader who believed that Parliament could not tax the colonist without their permission

Samuel Adams

Members shared ideas and information about the new British laws and ways to challenge them

committees of correspondence

A secret society that was organized by Samuel Adams in Boston, sometimes used violence to frighten tax collectors

Sons of liberty