Social Studies French and Indian War

George Washington

American colonel in the French and Indian War

Ben Franklin

Proposed the Albany Plan of Union

Edward Braddock

British general who led the 2nd attack on Fort Duquesne and died

William Pitt

Became the leader of England (Prime Minister)- Was put in charge of the war in North America
Pushed the British to fight harder

James Wolfe

British colonel who led the successful attack against Quebec and was killed in battle

Both the French and British claimed the rich lands of the Ohio River Valley.

Explain the cause of the war

Purpose- Attempted to create "one general government" for the 13 colonies/ Benjamin Franklin suggested that the 13 Colonies work together to protect themselves.

Explain the purpose of the Albany Plan of Union

Result- Both the colonies and king refused to approve the plan. The colonies may not have wanted to unite because they were afraid of losing their power and independence. The King would have venn afraid that if they banned together they may realize they a

Explain the result of the Albany Plan of Union

Battle of Fort Duquesne

Identify the first battle of the French & Indian War

This was the final major battle of the war.

Describe the significance of the Battle of Quebec

French colonization in North America is ended.-- France lost all their land in North America.
The British gained land (all the way to the Mississippi River).

Explain the terms of Treaty of Paris

Led to a huge war debt
They had difficulty protecting the colonies

Explain the impact the French & Indian War had on the British

They will be forbidden to move into the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains (they will be very upset by this).
Many new taxes and laws will be passed on them, without any colonial representation in Parliament (this will lead to resentments against the

Explain the impact the French & Indian War had on the colonists

Native American uprising against the British settlements in the Ohio Valley.
After the French & Indian war, the English took over the French forts and refused to give supplies to the Native Americans, like the French did. The colonists took Native America

Describe Pontiac's Rebellion

This stopped the English colonists from settling on lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Explain why the Proclamation of 1763 was passed

Angered the colonists because they felt they had won the right to settle in the Ohio River valley.

Explain the colonists reaction to the Proclamation of 1762

This was a cost saving measure that required the colonies to house British soldiers & provide them with supplies.

Explain the purpose of the Quartering Acts

Also, it was passed to help enforce the Proclamation of 1763.

Explain the colonists reaction to the Quartering Acts