History Exam 1 Dates

Founding of Jamestown

May, 1607

End of English Civil War


1st Navigation Act Passed


Beginning of French and Indian War


Treaty of Paris ending French and Indian War


Stamp Act passed

Spring, 1765

Stamp Act Congress

Oct., 1765

Townshend duties passed


The Boston 'Tea Party'

Dec, 1773

Coercive (Intolerable) Acts passed

June, 1774

1st Continental Congress convenes at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia

Sept, 1774

Battles of Lexington and Concord

Apr., 1775

Battle of Hannah's Cowpens (Battle of Cowpens)

Jan., 1781

Cornwallis' surrender at Yorktown

Oct., 1781

Peace of Paris ending American Revolution

Sept., 1783

Articles of Confederation ratified

Mar., 1781

Land Ordinance of 1785


Annapolis Convention

Sept., 1786

Constitutional Convention

May, 1787

Ratification of US Constitution

Spring-Summer, 1788