Us History Colonial Times

Explain the basics of the Triangular Trade

They were trading weapons and supplies for slaves.

Define diversity

Showing a great deal of variety

What is the Proclamation of 1763?

Colonies will not pass the appalachian mountains

What was a woman's role in colonial society?

worked around the house and cooked

Why was reading important in colonial times?

The bible

What is the Enlightenment?

Entenel emotion teaches you to do good things

What is the Magna Carta?

Everyone is subject to law. Women are left out.

What is the English Bill of Rights?

English Bill of rights gives power to nobleman and less to the king and queen.

What is the British Parliament House of Lords?

Members by Bloodline

What is the British Parliament House of Commons

Members were voted in.

Define Loyalist (colonial times)

supported the king and queen

Define Patriot (colonial times)

Supported independence

Define pacifist

Believe in peace no violence

What was Pontiac's Rebellion?

They burn british fort on the west side of the appalachian mountains

Define Quartering Act

When people gave food and a place to sleep for the british soldiers

Define Sugar Act (2 parts)

Tax anything with sugar in it. Cracked down on smuggling

Why did the Stamp Act infuriate colonists?

Anything with paper has to have a stamp

List Patrick Henry's famous quotes:

IF this betreezen make the most of it

What happened during the Boston Tea Party?

Dress up as native american and dump 42 pounds of tea into the harbor.

Who supposedly said, "The British are coming!

Paul Revere

What were the earliest battles of the Revolutionary War?

Lexington and conquer

Define artillery -

Cannon and large guns

Who was Benedict Arnold?

Lead the patriot on quebec. Turns traitor.

Which colony practiced subsistence farming?

The Southern Colonies

Which colonies had Cash Crops?

The Southern Colonies

Which colony was known as the BreadBasket Colony?

The Middle Colonies

Which colony had a social ranking system much like England?

New England or Middle

What is an Overseer?

A person who supervises others, especially workers

Where did colonists settle that were escaping the law?

Back country

Which colony was located between the two parts of Massachusetts?

New Hampshire

Which town on the map was the earliest settled?


Which town on the map was settled last?


What was the southernmost settlement?


What body of water did the colonists cross to come to North America?

Atlantic Ocean

Which physical feature provided a natural barrier against the western expansion of the colonies?

Appalachian Mountains

What area of the colonies contained the most settlements?

South Carolina

What is subsistence farming?

Where you grow enough food for your family and a little to trade.

What is the definition of cash crops?

Crops produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower

Explain the Backcountry?

Undeveloped land rough and Scottish's irish lived there

What region did the majority of slave live and why?

Mostly located in the Southern colonies because they produced a lot of cash crops and need a lot of people.

What nationality were the majority of the people who lived in the Backcountry?

Native Amnericans

Explain Salutary Neglect.

England didn't enforce their laws in the colonies. This let the colonies start to make their own laws and start governing themselves.

What country owned a large portion of America before the French and Indian War?

Great Britain

What were the outcomes of the French and Indian War?

England Won

Who obtained the majority of the land after the French and Indian War?


What colony did the Intolerable Act target?


What is the importance of the Sons of Liberty?

A secret organization of colonists formed against the british laws.

What happened at the First Continental Congress meeting?

12 colonies who formed to tell the british to take away the Intolerable Act. The were going to boycott all of England's goods if they didn't.

What happened at the Second Continental Congress meeting?

They signed the declaration of independence making the colonies a new country. They formed an army to fight the britich and made George Wahsington the General.

What was the name of the pamphlet published that persuaded more colonists to support the Patriot cause?

Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

Who were the men involved in writing the Declaration of Independence?

Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson, and James Adams.

What did the Albany Plan of Union say?

Centralized colonies

Who wrote the Albany Plan of Union?

Benjamin Franklin

What is the Theory of Natural Rights?

Every person has basic rights to life, liberty, and property.

Who came up with the Theory of Natural Rights?

John Locke

Who came up with the idea that states are free and independent?

John Locke

Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the war?

Turn the war in the colonist's favor.

Who was Benedict Arnold?

He was a colonist that became a traitor and fought against the colonists with the British.

Who was John Paul Jones?

He was in the navy and fought for the colonists. He defeated the British many times. He was the man that said, "I have not yet begun to fight

Who was Benjamin Franklin?

He was an inventor, a printer, and a politician. He was a father of the American Revolution.

Who was Lord Cornwallis?

He was a British General. He surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown.

What were the challenges of the Continental Army?

Lack of money, supplies, leadership, miscommunication and difficult weather conditions.

What was the treaty that ended the Revolutionary war?

The Treaty of Paris.