The Commercial North

Agriculture and Industry

New England and Middle Colonies
-Manufactured ships and iron
-Colonists built 1/3 of all British ships and produced more iron than England

Agriculture and Industry (Part 2)

Merchants became one of the most powerful groups in the North
-Trade caused port cities to grow (New York, Boston, Philadelphia
-Cities grew even more crowded (Firewood and clean water were scarce)
-Fire and disease spread quickly
-Poverty was a big probl

Witchcraft Trials in Salem

In 1692, several Salem girls accused West Indian slave, named Tituba, of practicing witchcraft
-Situation grew out of control as more and more people were accused
-People saved themselves by accusing others
-Many accusers were poor and brought accusations

Witchcraft Trials in Salem (Part 2)

The hysteria continued until the governor's wife was accused
-Realized they had been listening to false evidence
-Only about 10 had been killed or died in jail but about 150 was imprisoned

Great Awakening

Puritan Church had lost its grip on society
-Church membership declined and people were free to practice any religion they wanted
-Preached that going to Church was not enough for salvation
-People must acknowledge their sinfulness and feel God's love for

Jonathan Edwards

Wanted to revive the intensity of original Puritan vision

Great Awakening (part 2)

Other preachers traveled from village to village, prompting people to rededicate themselves to God
-Attracted so many people that revival meetings had to be held outdoors
-Result: Religious revival known as Great Awakening

The Enlightenment

Scientists looked beyond religious doctrine to investigate how the world worked
-Ideas traveled from Europe to the colonies and spread quickly
-Enlightenment had effect on political thoughts in the colonies
-Principles led many colonists to question autho

Benjamin Franklin

embraced the notion of obtaining truth through experimentation and reasoning

Thomas Jefferson

Used reasons to conclude that individuals have natural rights, which the government must respect

French and Indian War

War between France and Great Britain for Control of North America; starts in the colonies in 1754
-England declares war on France in 1756
-1762 Spain Allies with France
-7 Years War

French and Indian War (part 2)

British Colonists began moving across the Appalachian Mountains into Ohio River Valley
-1754: French soldiers attack and kill Virginians near present day Pittsburgh
-Initially French army repels British making many advances along the "frontier

House of Burgesses

sends militia under the command of Lt. Col. George Washington to protect settlers

French and Indian War (part 3)

Albany Plan of Union
-Leaders from colonies meet in Albany, NY 1754
-Meet with Iroquois leaders to secure their support during the war
Ben Franklin proposes the colonies unite and form an army for their common protection

French and Indian War (Part 4)

1754-1757: War does not go well for British
-Defeated at Ft. Duquesne
-Fort William Henry Captured
-Defeated when they attack Fort Ticonderoga

French and Indian War (part 5)

1757 William Pitt becomes the Secretary of State for England
-Pushes for victory at any cost against France
England sends thousands of soldiers to America and spends millions to defeat France
-1758 Capture Louisborg
-1759 Defeat French at Battle of Quebec

Results of the War

1)Treaty of Paris 1763
2)England is Victorious!
-France gives up all of its possessions of North America
England is nearly bankrupt

Proclamation of 1763

No settlers were allowed to cross the Appalachian Mountains into the ORV
-10,000 British Soldiers are to be stationed in North America
-Mostly along frontier and in Canada
Quartering Acts
-Colonial legislatures had to provide

Navigation Acts

1) 1651- England's Parliament passed them (Series of laws restricting colonial trade
2)Colonial goods could only be shipped to England
3)Colonists could only buy products from England
-Benefitted England and proved to be good for most colonists as well

Who received the Blame?

1) 1684- King Charles II punished Colonists who resisted English authority
-Focused on leaders and merchants of Massachusetts
2) England made Massachusetts a royal colony, under strict control of the King

Dominion of New England

1) King James II placed all the Northern Colonies under a single ruler in Boston.
2) Land from Maine to New Jersey was one colony, known as Dominion of New England

Salutary Neglect

England relaxed its enforcement of most regulations in return for the continued economic loyalty