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British Soldiers kill five colonists during conflict as British troops entered the city.

The Boston Massacre

This was one of the first British laws placing taxes on the colonies. The colonists were taxed through all of their paper materials.

The Stamp Act

This was a system set up by minutemen to warn colonists about the British.

Paul Revers Midnight Ride

This was the name given to the fighting in which the French and their Native American allies united against the British colonist.

The French and Indian War

The reaction of the British Parliament to the Boston Tea Part there were many rules established.

The Intolerable Acts

This was a document explaining to the world why the colonies should be free and separate from Great Britain

The Declaration of Independence

The colonists took a beating in these fights in order to hide their weapons.

The Battles of Lexington and Concord

This document, issued by Great Britain, set aside all British lands west of the Appalachian Mountains for Native Americans.

The Royal Proclamation

The colonists talked about strengthening their militias into a larger army.

The Second Continental congress

These were laws that made colonists pay taxes on everyday items imported from Britain. The colonists were taxed through tea, glass, paper, and lead.

The Townshend acts

The colonists snuck on ships and dumped many crates into the harbor

The Boston Tea Party

The colonists were forced to provide food and shelter to the soldiers

The Quartering Act