BJU American Republic Chapter 5


The strongest confederation of Indian tribes in America who teamed with the British in the French and Indian war.

Why did France and Britian both want North America

Open land, fur trade and fisheries

French and Indian War

Also known as the seven year war in Europe. The French and Indians joined forces to fight against the British and Iroquois and decided who would have control

French and Indian War - Brithish advantages

Advantages - 15 times the population, support of the Iroquois tribes and the English navy (strongest in the world)

French and Indian War - Brithish disadvantages

Disadvantages - lack of unity among the colonies, no central organization and little cooperation among the colonies

French and Indian War - French advantages

The government was strong and unified, built forts at strategic points, well trained army and support of the indian tribes that hated the British

What river valley did both countries see to control?

Ohio Valley

George Washington

Governor of Virginia sent George Washington to go and protect a fort that was being built in the Ohio Valley area.

Fort Duquesne

The French got to the fort before Washington and they took it over and named it Fort Duquesne in honor of their new Canadian Governor

Benjamin Franklin

The primary worker on the Albany Plan of Union; known as "First American".

Albany Plan of Union

The creation of a grand council made up of delegates from all the colonies, the assembly would have power to raise an army, build forts, and govern indian affairs. Attempt to unite the coloines

Edward Braddock

led about 1,500 British soldiers and 1,000 colonists in his march from Virginia to capture Fort Duquesne and failed; built many roads and bridges.

William Pitt

An energetic leader who brought dramatic changes in the war he changed Britain's weak defense to aggressive action he replaced older General's with young talented ones and he also paid for the outfitting of colonial soldiers to aid the British, and Pittsb

James Wolfe

Took over Quebec owned by France and it was France's largest and most powerful city and that was one of the best wins for Britain sadly Wolfe was mortally wounded

Marquis de Montcalm

The French commander at the battle of Quebec. He protected Quebec and tried attacking Wolfes fleet but lost and was also mortally wounded.


Ottawa Indian Chief

Proclamation of 1763

Banned colonists from going west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Quartering Act of 1765

Ordered colonists to house the troops in barracks, stables, taverns, and empty buildings and to provide them with firewood, salt, and drink all without being paid back

Navigation and Trade Acts

these acts controlled trade between the colonies and Britain's foreign rivals

Writs of Assistance

General search warrants to search for smuggled goods anywhere even in homes.

Sugar Act

Tax on imported goods such as sugar, molasses, coffee, silks, and indigo for protection of the colonies

Stamp Act

Required colonial business men and lawyers to purchase special stamps and place them on items that were taxed this in turn raised the price that the colonists had to pay for these items. Led to the stronges protest in the colonies.

Stamp Act Congress

Formed by Samuel Adams and was an assembly that insisted on meeting against the Stamp Act.

Samuel Adams

Massachusetts' delegate who urged to meet to settle protest against Stamp Act.

King George III

America's last king. Came to throne in 1760 at age 22. He married Charlotte Sophia.

Townshend Acts

Passed by Parliament in 1767, placed new duties on such items as glass, paper, lead, and tea. Colonists boycotted British goods in protest.

Boston Massacre

What happened the night of March 5, 1770; several people died becoming known as Patriot "Martyrs.

Committee of Correspondence

Organized to promote resistance to Britain.

Boston Tea Party

Men dressed like Indians throwing tea overboard.

Intolerable Acts

Designed to punish colonists after the dumping of the tea.

What 3 acts did the British pass following the Boston Tea Party?

1. The Boston Port Act 2. The New Quartering Act
3. The Quebec Act

The Boston Port Act

Closed Boston ports until all the tea that went overboard was paid for.

The New Quarter Act

After the Boston Tea party. It gave governors power to demand supplies and building for troops

Quebec Act

Allowed French law to be used & Roman Catholic religion to be practiced.

Patrick Henry

Said, "Give me Liberty or give me DEATH!

First Continental Congress

Month long meeting to decide what action to take against the British.


Men ready to fight in a moment's notice.

Paul Revere

Rode through the countryside warning the "British are Coming.


1st place a skirmish breaks out that will lead to the War of Independence.


2nd place a skirmish breaks out marking the beginning of the War of Independence.

Sons of Liberty

Started by Sam Adams in protest of taxes. Used violence and threats. Responsible for the Boston Tea Party.

What battle became the turning point of the war, giving the British certian victory?

The Battle of Quebec

French and Indian War - French disadvantages

Disadvantage - New France was a vast territory with a scattered and sparsely populated French settlements. To defend such a large region was difficult

How did the colonists' individualism hurt the British war effort?

Each colony would only protect its own interest. Many colonists did not want to help unless they were personally threatened.

Give 3 reasons for tightening of British control over her American colonies

1. To help manage a large empire 2. lack of colonists war effort 3. merchants had traded with British enemies during the war

Why did the British issue the Proclamation of 1763

1. To prevent war between the indians and the colonies 2. too tighten the British control

Explain the meaning of the colonial rallying cry "no taxation without representation

The colonist argued that since they were not actually represented in Parliament, Parliament could not tax them

What action did the colonist take against Britian to ruin her trade when the king did not give in to their requests

The colonist refused to buy the English goods and the Colonial merchants would not unload goods from British ships.

How did the merchants avoid the Townsend taxes?

Merchants boycotted British good and smuggled goods.

What organizations were formed to unify colonial opposition to British polices?

Commitee of correspondence

Why did the colonists protest the Tea Act of 1773 even though the tea had gone down in price?

It gave the British merchant thke British East India Company a virtual monopoly on tea trade to the colonies by importing it without a tax

Why did the colonists protest the Tea Act of 1773 even though the tea had gone down in price?

It gave the British merchant thke British East India Company a virtual monopoly on tea trade to the colonies by importing it without a tax

Where did colonia delegates meet to decide what to do about British action? What was the body delegates called?

Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia - First Continental Congress

Where did colonia delegates meet to decide what to do about British action? What was the body delegates called?

Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia - First Continental Congress

For what 2 reasons did Thomas Gage send British soldiers out toward Lexington and Concord?

Thomas Gage heard of a stockpile of weapons in nearby Concord

For what 2 reasons did Thomas Gage send British soldiers out toward Lexington and Concord?

Thomas Gage heard of a stockpile of weapons in nearby Concord - To arrest 2 colonial leaders John Hancock and Sam Adams

What 3 men warned the colonists of the approach of the British?

Samuel Prescott, William Dawes and Paul Revere

Why did colonies other than Massachusetts become concerned about the Intolerabel acts?

The intolerable acts impacted all colonies - the acts included the Quartering Act which gave governors power to demand whatever supplies and buildings were needed to house the British troops in all colonies and the Quebec Act extended the borders of Quebe

What were the colonial militiamen called who came to stop the British on short notice?


What are duties

Taxes on imported goods

How was the British reaction to the Declaration of Rights and the Grievances different from what the colonists expected?

They thought Britian would repeal, but instead they wanted to force the colonists to submit

Why did the colonies other then Massachusetts become concerned about the Intolerable Acts?
