the revolution American revolution

Which Enlightenment philosopher promoted the principles of separation of church and state along with freedom of the press?

answer: Voltaire

What effect did the success of the American Revolution have internationally?
The American Revolution provided the blueprint for gaining independence.
The American Revolution served as a model of how to fight a revolution.
The American Revolution enabled o

answer: The American Revolution inspired other countries to declare independence.

The ideas of the Enlightenment, including the concept of the social contract, influenced the American Revolution. Which of these statements best explains what a social contract is?
People choose government representatives who write and pass laws.
People r

answer: people support the government in exchange for rights and protection.

The Boston Tea Party was the first major act of defiance by the colonists. What were the colonists protesting?
increased government spending
high taxes
taxation without representation
debt from the French and Indian War

answer: taxation without representation

Which philosopher of the Enlightenment most influenced Thomas Jefferson when drafting the Declaration of Independence?

answer: Locke

In the era of the French Revolution, France faced many of the same issues as those faced by the colonies in the American Revolution. Which problem affected both nations?
colonial rules
government-mandated social classes
taxation without representation

answer: Tyrannical monarchies in power

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson listed a series of grievances that colonists had against British rule. What purpose did this serve?
The list identified changes that would be made under the new government.
The list explained the reason

The list outlined how the British broke the social contract.

The Constitution was drafted in 1787, after the American Revolution ended. What document preceded the Constitution in outlining the powers of the US government?
the Declaration of Independence
the Articles of Confederation
the Bill of Rights
the Two Treat

answer: The Article of Confederation

The American Revolution subsequently inspired nineteenth-century independence movements in which part of the world?
Latin America and the Caribbean
Eastern Europe
North Africa
Southeast Asia

answer: Latin America and the Caribbean

In retaliation for the Boston Tea Party, the British passed laws to punish Massachusetts. Specifically, the British closed Boston Harbor to trade until restitution was provided on the tea. What effect did these measures have on colonists?
They temporarily

answer: They united the colonies in their fight against the British.