Chapter 5 Cahpter Review

Which Indian group sided with the British in the French and Indian War?

The Indian group that helped the British in the French and Indian War were the Iroquois.

What was Britain's greatest weakness in a colonial war against France?

Britain's greatest weakness in the colonial war against France was that they lacked unity with the colonies.

Give three results of the French and Indian War.

France gave up all claim to all territory in the East. British retained control of Canada and also received Florida from Spain. To compensate Spain for their loss of Florida, France gave them Louisiana.

What were the requirements of the Proclamation of 1763?

The requirements for the Proclamation of 1763 was that no colonists were supposed to go west of the Appalachians Mountains (they were banned).

What were the effects of the colonists' smuggling goods into the colonies?

The effects were that British was suppressing the law and that they would lose their rights in representation.

Which act placed duties on sugar, molasses, coffee, silks, and indigo?

The Act that placed heavy duties on sugar, molasses, coffee, silks, and indigo was the The Sugar Act.

How did the colonist respond when the king did not grant their requests of the Stamp Act Congress?

The colonists wouldn't buy good from English and colonial merchants wouldn't unload the ships full of goods from England.

What was the main reason Parliament passed the Townshend Acts?

The main reason that they wanted to place tax the colonists even more with glass, paper, lead, and tea.

How did the colonists organize themselves to promote opposition to Britain?

The colonists formed the Committee of Correspondence. They warned the colonists when the British was threatening them.

Why did the colonists dump the British tea during the Boston Tea Party?

The tea that the British was bringing in was cheaper than the one's merchants sell. So they dumped the tea in the Boston Harbor.


the strongest confederation of Indian tribes. They helped the British in the French and Indian War.

French and Indian War

The French and the British were leading powers in Europe. They both went for the New World and hoped to build empires. They wanted to increase their wealth and power by establishing new colonies.

George Washington

A fierce general fighting with the British

Fort Duquesne

The French built this fort in honor of their Canadian governor

Benjamin Franklin

Boston man who was an apprentice in printing. ran away and went to Philadelphia and worked at a print shop thing. He published The Pennsylvania Gazette and Poor Richard's Almanack

Albany Plan of Union

It was supposed to unify the colonies.

Edward Braddock

He has fifteen hundred British soldiers and one thousand colonists with George Washington as his aid.They came across French troops near fort Duquesne and suffered a defeat

William Pitt

Helped the British defeat the French. His idea was to turn our defense system into an attacking system. So the America and Britain took things in aggressive action and French forts when down one by one

James Wolfe

He tried to take Quebec many times and the last try he told his men to cross the river quietly one night and surround Quebec. French's general knew about this an ordered an attack. Him and Wolfe were wounded and the French were disorganized so they surren

Moequis de Montcalm

The French general who suffered a big loss in the war


An Ottawa Indian chief

Proclamation of 1763

Banned colonists from going west of the Appalachian Mountains

Quatering Act of 1765

Allowed troops to be in colonists house whenever they wanted to

Navigational and Trade Acts

controlled trade between the colonists and Britain's foreign rivals

writs of resistance

general search warrants who search for smuggled goods anywhere

Sugar Act

tax items such as sugar, molasses, coffee, silks, and indigo

Stamp Act

required all business men and lawyers who had to buy stamps for items that were taxed

Sons of Liberty

Protested the Stamp Act that sometimes led to violence

Stamp Act Congress

less violent organization who gathered together and had a petition that was later sent to King George 3

King George 3

The King of Britain

Townshend Acts

placed more taxes on items such as glass, paper, lead, and tea

Boston Massacre

Colonists were throwing snowballs or anything else at the British soldiers who came to check up on the colonists. Someone yelled fire and 5 people were killed and 6 people were wounded

Committee of Correspondence

Promoted the resistance to Britain

Boston Tea Party

British tea was cheaper than the merchants, so merchants and other people dressed up like Indians and threw the tea overboard into the Boston Harbor

Intolerable Acts

It was several Parliament Acts that punished the Massachusetts

Quebec Act

It allowed French law to be used in Civil cases

Patrick Henry

the man who said "Give me liberty or give mer death!