The Odyssey Ch. 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17

Lines 1-15 introduce us to Odysseus, "that man skilled in all ways of contending." What traits is he shown to have?

Oyesseus is shown to be courageous, strong, as well as confident within himself. It states how he was tormented and harassed showing his strength. Although he fought to save his life and bring his shipmates home, "Not by will, nor valor could he save them

What is a muse?

A muse is a daughter of Zeus, credited with divine inspiration.

What do we learn has happened to Odysseus' crew?

Odyssesus' crew ends up getting killed by Odysseus so he could save himself. Recklessness and ignorance destroyed them all

What problem is occurring at Odysseus' home with his wife and son?

Suitors want to marry Penelope so they can get Odysseus' wealth. They have taken up their home and dishonor the family. Telemachus goes to Pylos to hear word from Odysseus, and the suitors are planning to kill him once he comes back.

How does Odysseus describe himself to King Alcinous? Based on this description, what can we infer about how Odysseus views himself?

Odysseus describes himself as Laertes' son. Someone who lives high and proud in Ithaca, and is a high and mighty person. He talks about the hardships he's been through, and with this information we can infer Odysseus views himself as a powerful and mighty

Explain the line, "Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his own home and his parents? In far lands he shall not, though he finds a house of gold" (lines 24-26).

This line means that a man will never find sweetness the same as his homeland and his family. He can find riches and wealth on his journey, but that will never replace the sweetness of his wife and son, and his homeland.

Who are the Cicones? What happens during the raid of the Cicones?

The Cicones are allies of the Trojans, so they are enemies of Odysseus. During the raid of the Cicones, Odysseus and his crew rob and kill them until the Ciconian army kills seventy two of Odyesseus' men and drives the rest out to sea.

Explain what happens when a person eats a Lotus.

When a person eats a Lotus, their desire to come home will go away. If Odyesseus' men end up eating the Lotus they will not want to end up coming home and stay with the Lotus eaters.

How does Odysseus show that he is a responsible leader during the Lotus scene?

Odysseus shows that he is a responsible leader during the Lotus scene by ensuring that no one else eats the Lotus flower, and he makes sure that the crewmantes affected by it are safely returned to the ship.

Why does Odysseus tell the men to "stand by" (line 71)? What does this tell us about Odysseus?

He tells them to stand by just in case things go bad. This tells us Odyesseus is brave and is willing to sacrifice himself for the safety of his friends and shipmates. It also shows he always wants the fame because if he goes first he can take the pride.

How does Odysseus describe the Cyclops he sees? (lines 86-92)

He describes the Cyclops as a huge, savage brute (not like a man) that looked like a shaggy mountain reared in solitude, and had one eye.

What does Odysseus decide to bring with him when he goes to see the Cyclops?

Odysseus decided to bring his twelve best fighters, a goatskin full of sweet liquor that Maron, Euanthes' son had given him, Apollo's holy grove, seven shining golden talents, a solid silver wine bowl, and twelve two-handled jars of pure and fiery brandy.

Before the Cyclops arrives, explain what Odysseus' men plead and why he ignores them.

They pleaded Odysseus to take the cheeses and goods from the cyclops', as well as drive the kids and lambs aboard and run. Odyesseus refuses because he wants to see the caveman and see what he has to offer and talk to him, showing Odysseus is not as selfi

Explain why Odysseus chooses to tell the Cyclops about how he has served under Agamemnon (in the Trojan War - the Iliad).

Odysseus chooses to tell the Cyclops he served under Agamemnon because the cyclops knows he was under a powerful army that destroyed cities and other armies. By explaining they are here because of Agamemnon, Odysseus says he's come to the Cyclops for any

Explain how Odysseus tries to appeal to the Cyclops sense of reason in lines 163-175.

Odysseus appeals to the Cyclops by trying to be respectful to him, and explain that if the Cyclops doesn't treat Odysseus and his men well, Zeus will punish him.

What lie does Odysseus tell the Cyclops regarding his ship?

Odysseus tells the Cyclops that his ship broke on the rocks by the land's ends, and wind drove them to the Cyclops' cave, and they were survivors.

What feelings are brought about when Homer creates the simile "caught two in his hands like squirming puppies to beat their brains out" (lines 193-194)?

Feelings involving horror, shock, and disgust are brought when Homer uses this smile because it is stating something so violent and horrific.

Explain why Odysseus does not kill the Cyclops right away.

Odysseus did not kill the Cyclops right away because if he did they would perish as well because they wouldn't be able to move his heavy doorway slab.

Explain what Odysseus intends to do with the olive tree.

Odysseus intned to make a stake with the olive tree to wound the Cyclops.

Explain why Odysseus offers the Cyclops wine.

Odysseus offers the Cyclops wine to make him drunk so that he is unable to escape and defend himself.

What is ironic about the Cyclops stating, "Nohbdy's my meat, then, after I eat his friends. Others come first" (lines 276-277).

This line is ironic because it sounds like he is saying nobody is his meant, which sounds like he isn't going to eat anyone when really he is referring to Odysseus and his crew.

What character trait is revealed about Odysseus stating his name is "Nohbdy"?

Odysseus reveals traits such as cleverness, strategic, and is cunning.

When Polyphemus cries for help from his neighbors, why don't they help him? How is this foreshadowed at the beginning of Book 9?

No one came to help Polyphemus because it sounded as if no one was harming him. At the beginning of the book Odysseus carries the wine with him to the cave, foreshadowing he might need to trick the Cyclops to prevail.

Who is Polyphemus' father and why is this important?

Polyphemus' father is Posiedon and this is important because he is the brother of Zeus, and the god of the seas.

Explain how Odysseus' men escape from the cave. How does Odysseus escape?

Odysseus' men escape by hiding in the cyclops' arms and Odysseus leads them through this procedure.

What character trait is revealed when Odysseus states, "O Cyclops! Would you feast on my companions? Puny, am I, in a caveman's hands? How do you like the beating we gave you, you damned cannibal!" (390-393).

Odyesseus starting this shows he is prideful and he's gloating about his victory by belittling Cyclops.

Explain why Odysseus' men plead with him to be quiet. Why doesn't he "heed them"?

Odysseus' men plead him to be quiet because he is disturbing and aggravating the cyclops and he doesn't heed them because he is so proud of himself it doesn't let him realize he's putting him and his men in danger.

Why is it bad that Odysseus states, "Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes' son, whose home on Ithaca!" (418-419).

Odysseus states this is a bad idea because he is aggravating Polyphemus and by revealing his true identity, which can result in the Cyclops' allies trying to hunt him down to get revenge.

hat is Polyphemus' curse? Does it come true? How do you know?

Polyphemus' curse is that Odysseus has a hard time reaching home, and this does come true. I know because it is talked about in previous stories on how Odysseus gets lost on his journey home.

Odysseus and his men make a sacrifice to Zeus, but why does he "disdain" it? (disdain: dislike, disrespect)

Zeus disdains it because Odysseus tricked and blinded Polythemus.

Who is Aelous? What gift does he give Odysseus?

Aeolous is this wind God and he gives Odysseus a fair west wind that will blow the fleet of ships toward Ithaca, and a great bag holding unfavorable stormy winds.

What does the crew's opening the bag infer about their relationship with Odysseus?

The crew opening the bag infers that they try to steal from Odysseus and don't have follow or have respect for him, because they don't respect his belongings and they seem to be selfish.

How many men are left when Odysseus and his crew land on Circe's island? How did many of them die?

45 men survive and land on Circe's island.

Circe's voice is described as "beguiling." Explain how this affects the men.

This affects the men by making them more prone to obeying her because they don't see her as a threat because of her charm.

Explain why Eurylochus was hesitant to go in to greet Circe.

Eurylochus was hesitant to go in to greet CIrce because they thought it was a snare or trap.

Explain what happens to the crew after they eat Circe's meal.

The meat was cursed and they turned into pigs.

Who helps Odysseus defeat Circe? How does he help?

Hermes helps Odysseus defeat Circe by giving him a plant known as moly. This plant protects him from Circe's power. He also gets warned by Hermes that he must make the goddess swear she will play no "witches' tricks." Giving him this plant and advice, it

Odysseus and his men remain with Circe for how long? What must Odysseus do to go home?

Odysseus and his men remain with Circe for one year, and in order to go home Odysseus and his men must visit the land of the dead and hear a prophecy from the ghost of Tiresias.

Explain how Elpenor dies and what he wants Odysseus to do.

Elpenor drank too much wine and became drunk. He was on CIrce's roof and didn't see the steep backward ladder, and he fell the height off the roof. His neck bone snapped and he died. He wants Odysseus to give him a proper burial.

Explain how Odysseus reacts when he sees his mother, Anticlea. What trait(s) does this show of him?

When Odysseus sees his mother Anticlea, he grieves and begins to cry, but ignores his emotions to go find Tiresias. This shows he is a determined individual even when he is hurt and sad.

Who is Tiresias? Why does he say that Poseidon is mad at Odysseus?

Tiresias is a ghost, and he says Poseidon is mad at Odysseus because he blinded his son, Polyphemus.

Explain what advice Tiresias gives Odysseus regarding the god, Helios.

Tiresias tells Odyseeus that if they raid the beeves, the ship and crew will experience disaster.

Explain Tiresias' prophecy to Odysseus about his life.

Tiresias' prophecy is that although Odysseus survives alone, he'll come home to find his house full of trouble. Insolent men will be eating his livestock as they court his lady.

What must Odysseus do after he kills the suitors going after his wife?

Odysseus has to make a fair sacrifice to Lord Posiedon for forgiveness.

Describe the Sirens and their power.

The Sirens are monstrous beauties who bewitch men coasting by, by singing a sound that will sing their mind away and lure them to death.

Explain how Odysseus protects his men from the Sirens.

Odysseus protects his men from the Sirens by having the men be tied hand and foot or lashed to the mast, and plugging his oarsman's ears with kneaded soft beeswax, and keeping well to seaward.

What is Scylla? What is Charybdis?

Scylla is a 6 headed and 12 legged monster, and Charybdis is a tongue of land monster that swallows and spits sea tide three times a day.

Explain why Circe says to go toward Scylla. Why does Odysseus wish to fight Scylla?

Circe says to go toward Scylla because it is better to lose six men rather than losing them all. Odysseus wants to fight Scylla because he knows he wouldn't survive fighting Charybdis.

Give an example of how Odysseus tries to boost the crew's confidence facing Scylla.

Odysseus tries to book the crew's confidence facing Scylla by telling them how when they had to face the cyclops, they were able to do it because they were so powerful, so taking on Scylla would be easy.

Odysseus attempts to fight Scylla despite Circe's warning. What does this show about Odysseus' character?

This shows Odysseus can be an overachiever and isn't always obedient. He does things for the sake of his own viewpoint and he does it for himself because he wants to, rather than thinking practically and obeying the advice given to him

Explain Helios' threat after Odysseus' men eat the cattle.

Helios is angered by Odysseus' disobedience so he threatens to stop shining if payment is not made for the loss of his cattle.

How does Zeus avenge Helios?

Zeus avenges Helios by sending a thunderbolt to sink Odysseus' ship.

How does Odysseus finally make it back to Ithaca? What does Athena do for him, and where does she tell him to go?

Odysseus makes it back to Ithaca by getting sent home by King Alcinous and his friends. The rowers bring him to Ithaca while he sleeps. Athena disguises Odysseus as an old man, and tells him to visit his faithful swineherd Eumaeus, and tells Odysseus to s

How does Eumaeus greet Telemachus? What does this indicate about their relationship?

Eumaeus greets Telemachus by, "Going forward, he kissed the young man's head, his shining eyes and both hands, while his own tears brimmed and fell." Eumaues greet Telemachus like a father, with excitement and love, and this indicates they have a very lov

What kind of changes happen to Odysseus when Athena removes his disguise?

Odysseus becomes clean, and his beard goes away. His wardrobe becomes fresh and clean and he appears to look younger.

When Telemachus first sees his father, who/what does he mistake him for? What does his reaction tell you about Telemachus?

Telemachus mistakes him for god. This reaction can tell you that Tekemachus thinks highly of others, and respects them, especially the gods.

Why is Telemachus so reluctant to believe Odysseus has returned? What does he suspect is happening to him?

Telemachus is so reluctant to believe Odysseus has returned because he hasn't seen Odysseus in 20 years. He suspects he's being fooled and tricked by the evil spirits.

Odysseus tells his son he is not behaving "princely." What behavior of Telemachus does Odysseus find so un-princely? Why might Odysseus be concerned with whether or not Telemachus acts like a prince?

Odysseus is saying that to be swept away by wonder at your father's presence is not princely. And Odysseus might be concerned whether or whether not Telemachus acts like a prince because he wants his son to act of good honor and behavior. He should also h

How many suitors must Odysseus face upon returning home? What is the immediate plan of Odysseus and Telemachus?

Odysseus must face over 100 suitors. The plan is to return home and hide all the weapons. Odysseus will then go to the suitors disguised as an old man.

What value of the Greeks does the episode with Argos help show? Make an inference that is supported by the text.

Argos was abandoned and was lying on a dung pile. This shows that the Greeks didn't seem to care about this dog and left it to suffer. It shows Greeks don't seem to value this dog.