Animal Nutrition Chapter 1

Ruminants are:

foregut fermenters

Horses, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Termites, Humans, and Pigs are:

Hindgut fermenters

Which of the following are ruminants?

Water Buffalo
American Bison

In birds, particle size of food is reduced by:

mechanical action of the crop

Monosacchiardes are absorbed into intestinal epithelial cells by which of the following process?

secondary active transport and facilitated diffusion

Put the functions in the order in which ruminants allocate nutrients (highest priority (1) to lowest priority (4).
1. reproduction
2. storage
3. lactation
4. maintenance

1. Maintenance
3. Lactation
4. Storage

Which atom of the water molecule is more electronegative?


Surface tension associated with water is due to:

H bonds between water molecules

Which of the following types of molecules would dissolve readily in water. Check all that apply.

a. small molecular weight molecules that have several hydroxyl groups
d. sugars
e. ionically bonded molecules
f. ions

Which molecule serves as the primary buffering system in human circulation?


What is a hydrogen ion?

a proton

An acid is a:

proton donor

A pH of 2 corresponds to a hydrogen ion concentration of:


Which of the following is a mineral required by animals?


What is an essential amino acid?

amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the cells are essential

The horse is a(n)

herbivore (hindgut fermenter)

Which of the following are RUMINANT herbivores? Select all that apply.


Which of the following have sacculated colons?


Which of the following properties of water are a result of its extensive hydrogen bonding? Select all that apply.

high specific heat
decrease in density when going from liquid to solid state
surface tension

An acid is defined as:

a proton donor
a solution with a pH less than 7

The function of a buffer is to:

maintain a constant pH in a solution

Which of the following are important functions of water? Select all that apply.

temperature regulation
serve as a solvent

A solute inside a cell that exerts osmotic pressure:

pulls water into the cell

The largest pool of water in a living organism is:

intracellular fluid

What analytical procedure is used to quantify crude protein in a feed?


Why is the measure of crude protein inaccurate?

It includes nonprotein nitrogen which cannot be utilized by many animal species.

How is the amount of fat in a feed sample quantified?

ether extract

Which measure of crude fiber includes the soluble hemicellulose component of cell walls?


Which of the following decrease the bioavailability of a nutrient? Select all that apply.

digestive processes
absorptive processes
liver function