calcium homeostasis

What is the total serum calcium?

2.1-2.6 mM

total ionized calcium?

REMEMBER 40-10-50
40% : calcium is combined with plasma proteins; not diffusible
10%: calcium is combined with substances as anions, is diffusible but not ionized
50%: is diffusible & ionized. It is important for the functions of the heart, nervous system

List 2 functions of calcium in the body?

1. it enters in the structure of bones, teeth, connective tissue elements and cellular cement substances
2.ionized calcium is necessary for blood coagulation, muscle contraction & nerve function

List 2 functions of calcium in the body?

1. it enters in the structure of bones, teeth, connective tissue elements and cellular cement substances
2.ionized calcium is necessary for blood coagulation, muscle contraction & nerve function

what is the solid form of calcium in the body called?

hydroxylapatite (HA)

function of phoshate acts on what 3 things?

1. skeleton
2. metabolism
3. signaling

function of phosphate on skeleton?

mechanical strength; structural component of bone and teeth

function of phosphate on metabolism?

ATP, phosphocreatn, glucose 6 phosphate

function of phosphate on signaling?

cAMP, IP3 phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of enzymes

osteoblasts hormone


osteoblasts mediator

RANK (activator of NFkB)

osteoclasts hormone

vitamin D

osteoclasts mediator


bone hormone and mediator

hormone: calcitonin
mediator: NFkB

kidney: hormone and mediator:

hormone: estrogen
mediator: osteoprotegerin

GI tract hormone and mediator

hormone: glucocorticoids
mediator: osteoclacin and calbindin




build up

3 hormones concerned with regulation of calcium metabolism?

1,25 vitamin D3
parathyroid hormone

calcitonin is secreted from...

perifollicular cells of thyroid gland

calcitonin reduces...

blood calcium ion concentration

parathyroid hormone is secreted from

parathyroid gland

parathyroid hormone is a calcium ___ hormone


parathyroid hormone effect on bone:

1. rapid phase: it activates osteoclasts to promote calcium and phosphate absorption (min)
2. slower phase: proliferation of osteoclasts with increased osteoclastic resorption of bone (days/weeks)

parthyroid hormone action on kidney

absorption with LOSS OF PHOSPHATE in urine, while increasing Ca absorption

parathyroid hormone on intestine

it increases absorption of Ca & phosphate

calcitonin is a calcium ____ hormone


function of Calcitonin

INCREASES: calcium excretion in urine & decreases & decreases blood calcium ion concentration
INHIBITS osteoclsts function--> reducing bone resorption, thus decreasing serum Ca & phosphate
DECREASES formation of new osteoclas

absorption of calicum is ___ in cases of calcium deficiency & ____ in presence of calcium excess

increased; decreased

absorption of calcium is facilitated by..

1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3, lactose, and proteins

calcium absorption is inhibited by...

phosphate and oxalate because these form insoluble salts with calcium in the intestine

phosphate is absorbed from the ___, when excess calcium is in the diet


oxalate in combination with calcium...

creates an insoluble salt!

what is the rate limiting factor in active calcium transport?


What is the most important effect of calcitriol?

Control of the expression of gene coding for the synthesis of the protein CaBP which regulates the migration of calcium across intestinal cells

The PTH-calcitriol system is involved in bone ___ and increases the ____ of ____ by the _____

Bone resorption; increases the reabsorption of calcium by the renal tube

How does 1,25 vitamin D3 increase absorption from the intestine?

Causes the calcium binding proteins to form in the intestinal epithelial cells.

what is vitronexin?

glycoprotein in serurm that promotes cell adhesion and spreading ; rumored to be involved in TUMORE MALIGNANCY

3 components of cross talk between osteoblasts and osteoclasts


Rank is a...

transmembrane receptor protein expressed on pre-osteoclasts

what happends when RANK interacts with RANKL?

osteoclastogenesis occurs

PTH ___ expression of RANKL and ___ production of OPG which then does what?

induces RANKL
which is -->cranking up the generation of osteoclasts

RANKL is an essential ___ for osteoclastogenesis


RANKL is made in


___ increases the amount of OPG


withdrawal of estrogens leads to -__ of both osteocytes and oseoblasts


___ induces the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 in osteoblasts


PTH: when Ca2+ falls

cAMP rises and PTH is secreted

what inhibits PTH gene expression, providing another level of feedback control of PTH

1,25 (OH)2 D


Reduced bone density and mass

Osteoclasts are involved in Bone ___


Osteoblasts are involved in Bone ___


What is SERM
