Anthro chapter 18

Traditionally among the Hidatsa, women made boats. Pawness women worked wood. Among the Mbuti "pygmies" women hunt. Cases such as these suggest that

patterns of division of labor by gender are cultural generalities- not universals

in what kind of society do anthropologist most typically find forced female genital operations, inter village raiding, female infanticide and dowry?


the "traditional" idea that a woman's place is in the home developed when?

among middle and upper class americans as industrialism spread after 1900

What have recent cross-cultural studies of gender role demonstrated?

the relative status of women is variable, depending on facts such as subsistence strategy, the importance of warfare and the prevalence of a domestic- public dichotomy

sexual dimorphism

marked difference in male and female biology

gender roles

tasks and activit�s that a culture assigns to each sex

gender stereotypes

oversimplified, strongly held vies about males and females

gender stratification

unequal distribution of social resources between men and women

domestic-public dichotomy

work at home versus more valued work outside

what are two public arenas that can contribute to status inequality?

warfare and trade

matrilineal descent

descent traced through women only

patrilineal descent

descent through males only


political system ruled by men

patrilineal- patrilocal complex

male supremacy based on patrilineality, patrilocality and warfare


a group of conditions reflecting a discrepancy between external and internal genitals


individuals whose gender identity contradicts their biological sex at birth and the gender identity assigned to them in infancy

sexual orientation

sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex, same sex, or either