And Then There Were None Study Guide (7th)

Why does Mr. Wargrave believe that Indian Island is news?

because it was in the newspaper and he heard a lot of rumours about it

What is Vera Claythorne's occupation why is she traveling to Indian island

She is a secretary she was hired

What is Mr. Wargrave's occupation Why is he traveling to Indian island?

a retired judge, he's going to meet an old friend

Why is phillip lombard traveling to Indian Island?

he has a special job to do there

Why does Mrs. Brent accept the invitation even though she cant read the invitation?

because she thinks its someone from the past that she shared a beach house with on vacation

how does christie's description of general Macarthur create suspicion in the minds of the readers

she used dramatic irony

Why does Dr. Armstrong accept the invitation to Indian island

He is checking on someone's sick wife

Why is Tony Martson traveling to the island

to vacation

in what ways is Mr Blore different from the other guests who are traveling to the island

he's already experienced the island

Which of the characters do you think is the most suspicious or most likely to be involved in bringing all the charachters to Indian island


Find 2 examples of foreshadowing used to create suspense in the section describing Mr Blore

Mr blore has a list of all the people on traveling to the island, blore also says the day of judgement is at hand

find 3 clues in this chapter that hint to the reader that there is something suspicious about the island

vera says there's something sinister about it, Macarthur felt uneasy & the thought the island was odd, Mrs rogers seemed frightened

what evidence is there that Anthony Martson may be going to die soon

Fred thinks Anthony is special

Identify fred Narracott what is unusual about his relationship with Mr. owen

Fred is a guide he's never met mr. owen and thinks owen is mysterious

Why dies fred think Anthony is the only satisfactory character on the island

Because anthony is the only wealthy passenger

How might Vera describe Mrs. Rogers

suspect and afraid

Describe the mantelpiece in Vera's room why do you suppose the entire text of the poem is included in the story

the mantel piece is a nursery rhyme about a group of indians all dying one by one the entire text is included to show how every single last indian dies

what evidence is there that Vera may feel guilty about Cyril's death

she doesnt want to talk about it

What is Armstrong's opinion of Wargrave

that he has a hunched up attitude and great power with the jury

How does Wargrave feel about Armstrong vera & Mrs rogers

Wargrave thinks armstrong is correct and cautious Wargrave didnt care for vera and thought mrs. rogers was an odd creature who looked scared to death

why do you suppose the section describing Anthony Martson's reaction to the island is short

because he might be the first one to die

What does Mr Blore think the others know

that there is something suspect and mysterious going on

In what way do the words Emily Brent reads in the bible contribute to the suspenseful atmosphere the author is trying to create on the island

the words in the bible are implying death and judgement

what do all the guests have in common

They all think the situation is mysterious and there's something more to the island

who helps Mrs. Rogers when she faints what does her reaction to the recording imply to the reader about her guilt or innocence ?

Lombard & Martson she was in deep shock

who discovers the gramophone


which guest discover that Mr rogers is the one who plays the record on the gramophone


why does mr roger's play the record

he was following orders

How does the title of the record help to heighten the suspense of the story

because the meaning of the title is unknown

why is it not suprising that mr wargrave takes charge of the situation

because he is a powerful man of authourity he is also older and more wise

what steps does mr wargrave take to determine the mystery surrounding the gramophone and the identity of their host

Wargrave asks a lot of questions

what conclusion does wargrave make concerning their host name

he is christian

what evidence is there that owen is playing a strange game or prank on his guests

the record played on the gramophone for all of the guests to hear the others crimes and get a rise out of them

what do the differing invitations to the guests reveal to the reader about Mr owen

that he is a smart man and knows a lot about his guests

what evidence does Dr armstrong have that casts suspicion on mr wargrave's explanation concerning the seton case

Armstrong knew Wargrave knew Seton before the case

which of the guests confessed to the crimes suggested by the gramophone?

Lombard, vera, Anthony, & blore confessed .

who refuses to talk about their crimes said on the gramophone


How did dr armstrong manage to get away with botching the operation of the elderly woman

the sister of the elderly woman was the only one who knew of his crimes and kept it a seret

which one of the guests wants to remain on the island in order to discover the identity of their host, in what sense is their death ironic

Anthony Martson, because he was the 1st to die

why do the guests conclude Martson committed suicide for what reason are some of the guests uncomfortable with this conclusion

They think he committed suicide because they cant think of a better explanation, other are uncomfortable with this conclusion because they think a man like Anthony wouldn't kill himself

what does the missing Indian figure mean

that one of the guests are dead

what is revealed about Wargrave & Marcarthur's guilt or innocence concerning their crimes

that they are both guilty

which of the guests does Macarthur think are innocent of the crimes the voice of the gramophone accuses them of commiting

Vera & emily

what evidence is there that Macarthur feels guilty over his inolvement richmond's death

He keeps thinking about it

what clue does Martson's death does Vera discover in her room?

a part of the nursery rhyme on her mantel piece

Why is Dr. armstrong a suspect in Mrs. rogers death

because he gave her medicine the night before

in what ways does Dr armstrong's guilt haunt his life

his guilt causes him to be more agressive

why do you suppose Dr armstrong waits until after breakfast to tell the group about Mrs rogers death what does this action reveal about his charachter

he is a procasinator he didnt want to tell the others because he's a suspect and didnt wanna be accused

what do you think the china indian figures might represent in the story

all of the guests

Macarthur leaves the terrace to go down the slope to the sea what do you think might happen to him

he's going to die next

what does rogers observe about the china indian figures

they are disappearing

why do lombard armstrong and blore decide to search the house and the island?

to make sure they are the only ones on it

what is wargrave doing while lombard armstrong and blore search the island

staying at the house

What prophetic statement does Macarhur make to vera that may be hinting at action

None of us are going to leave the island

in what way does the fact that Mr. Rogers is an excellent butler cast suspicion on him as the murderer

That he didn't need his wife alive to do his job

what does the last line of this chapter suggest to the reader about the identity of the murderer

That one of them are Mr Owen

what evidence is there in this chapter that the civilized group of of men and women who arrived on the island are beginning to lose the veneer of civilization

they are starting to argue and make accusations about eachother

Why does Lombard come clean about the nature of the invitation he received to come to the island

because he was being accused by the other guests

How is Macarthur killed

Macarhur is killed by an object being used as a weapon (life jacket) he was hit in the head

Who had the oppurtunity to kill Macarthur


in what way does the conversation between Rogers and Vera suggest that neither of them is the killer

They both had to clarify to themselves if another one of the indian figures were missing

what conclusioin does Wargrave make about his failure to locate owen

Owen is one of them

in what way is wargrave a suspect in For Macarthur's death

he gave him some kind of medicine

what 2 logical courses of action does wargrave suggest to the others

Wargrave says that women just like men could be mad and one of them is Mr. Owen

why does lombard suggest that Wargrave is Owen

because he thinks his authority could and wisdom could easily make him crazy

which of the guests does Vera suspect


what evidence is there that Miss brent feel guilty for beatrice taylor's suicide

Emily Brent didn't want to tell the other guests about Beatrice and her story, she would only talk to Vera about it

what 2 everyday items are reported missing

A shower curtain and wool

according to the nursery rhyme how will the next victim die

by cutting himself up

Why is vera raving about bees

because the next victim's death in the nursery rhyme had something to do with bees

why does blore begin to suspect that one of the women is the murderer ? in what way does Lombard insult Blore when he voices his opinion that blore is not the murderer

2. Blore saw Emily out on the island alone, Lombard feels Blore cant be the killer because he doesn't think Blore is capable

What weapon does wargrave think they still have to fight their unknown host

the revolver

What 2 steps does wargrave want to take to ensure the safety of the 5 remaining guests

Wargrave gives two separate keys to the strongest men in the house, and confiscates and locks up all of the weapons

where does the group hide the drugs what precautions does wargrave make to keep the keys safe

The group hides the drugs in a chest In the kitchen, Wargrave gives the keys to the 2 strongest men in the house because neither of them will be able to get the others key

what plan do the 5 remaining people agree on to ensure their safety

The group of five guest decide to hardly separate because if their together they think no one can be killed, they also plan to light a bonfire

who do you think had the oppurtunity to put seaweed in vera's room


How is wargrave killed? does the murderer follow the dictates of the rhyme

Wargrave is killed by being shot in the forehead by the revolver, The murderer follows the dictates of the rhyme

in what ways does Blore's attitude toward his own crime change under the stress of the situation

Blore admits the truth

why does blore nearly run out of the house alone what does he decide to do instead

Blore heard someone walking outside of his room, instead he decides to alert the others and goes to look for Armstrong who has come up missing

what does vera do to pass time while Blore and Lombard investigate the disappearance of Armstrong

Writes in her diary

What physical evidence is there that armstrong is probably dead

One of the Indian figure that represents the remaining guests is missing, the next victim will probably be killed by being attacked by a bear

Why does vera suspect Armstrong isn't dead

his body hasn't been found yet

how is blore killed

A clock shaped like a bear fell on Blore and hit him in the head killing him

what might happen to vera's and lombard's relationship now that Armstrong's body has been found

Vera and Lombard might turn against each other because they know the other is Owen

How does Vera trick Lombard how does his death fulfill the words of the nursery rhyme

Vera asks lombard for help moving Armstrong's body she pick-pockets him & takes the revolver

Why do you think Vera kills herself

Vera kills herself because she is in deep thought about Hugo and feels as if he is asking her to

Who is issac morris why is his death a problem for the police

Isaac Morris bought the island, his death is a problem because the situation doesn't make sense

at first it appears that Vera has murdered everyone on the island and then kills herself what physical evidence disproves this theory

someone else had to be on the island after vera becuase the chair she kicked over after she hung herself was somehow cleaned up and stacked against the wall

who confesses to killing everyone on the island


Why does Wargrave put his confesssion in a bottle

because it used to thrill him to find messages in bottles and so the mystery would never be solved

for what reasons does Wargrave decide to commit the murders

Wargrave commits the murders because he got the idea from having a conversation with someone who brought it to his attention to how many people got away with murder he just wanted to kill criminals

How does Wargrave satisfy himself that all 9 people are guilty

Wargrave talks to their past acquaintances and does background checks

Why does armstrong help Wargrave pretend to be murdered

Wargrave told Armstrong that him pretending to be dead would throw off the real murderer and his plans

where does Wargrave hide the revolver during the search of the house

in a tin in the kitchen

what are the 3 clues according to Wargrave that will help the police solve the mystery of indian island

The know one of the people of the island weren't guilty of a crime, Armstrong's death was associated with a red herring, The manner of Wargrave's death (markings on his forehead, the brand of Cain)

How does he manage to kill himself

Wargrave uses a fine black elastic cord connects it to objects in his room and other things to make it look like he was shot by someone else, this way the mystery of Indian island will never be solved