Chapter 9 and 10 Ap history

Industrial Revolution

A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods.

division of labor

the assignment of different parts of a manufacturing process or task to different people in order to improve efficiency.

Artisan Republicanism

An ideology that celebrated small-scale producers, men and women who owned their own shops (or farms). It defined the ideal republican society as one constituted by, and dedicated to the welfare of, independent workers and citizens.


An association of workers, formed to bargain for better working conditions and higher wages.

Commonwealth v. Hunt

(1842) a landmark ruling of the MA Supreme Court establishing the legality of labor unions and the legality of union workers striking if an employer hired non-union workers.

Labor Theory of Value

The belief that all value in produced goods is derived from labor

What began the market rwvolution

When states began building massive canals and roads long states along Atlantic states with new states in trans

Market Revolution

economic changes where people buy and sell goods rather than make them themselves

Erie Canal

A canal between the New York cities of Albany and Buffalo, completed in 1825. The canal, considered a marvel of the modern world at the time, allowed western farmers to ship surplus crops to sell in the North and allowed northern manufacturers to ship fin

Why was the Erie Canal significant?

connected western farmers to cities

Who supported the Erie Canal and why

Merchant supported it in order to gain access to Westin markets New York's governor supported in order to get tax revenue from it and the gentle to reign of Albany also helped

What was the first great engineering project in American history

Erie canal

The benefits of the Erie Canal

lower shipping costs, reduced travel time, NYC became a city of commerce, and towns grew along the canal

What are the crucial for flexibility to the Mississippi bass in forever base transportation system

The steamboat

Benefits of railroads

quickly travel overland, beating water routes, any direction, don't freeze

How did the south respond to the market revolution and industrial revolution

Did not invest profits in manufacturing and instead remained tied to agriculture

Two main groups of immigrants

Germans and irish

What was the first transatlantic shipping service

The Black Ball Line

Business Elite

The Business Elite was a new social class of businessmen who benefited greatly from the Industrial and Transportation revolutions. These men, generally living is growing cities, were made up of merchants, manufactures, bankers, and landlords who became ve

Describe the middle class

Made up of farmers mechanics manufacturers traders

Benevolent Empire

A broad-ranging campaign of moral and institutional reforms inspired by evangelical Christian ideals and endorsed by upper-middle-class men and women in the 1820s and 1830s.

Sabbatarian values

A movement to preserve the Sabbath as a holy day. These reformers believed that declining observance by Christians of the Sabbath (Sunday) was the greatest threat to religion in the United States.

What business is it the division of labor impact the most

The shoe business

How did the division of labor impact manufacturing

You help increase output and cut the price of exports and turned employees into powerful bosses while eroding workers wages and independence

If they could not use the division of labor system what did they use

Modern factories

Cincinnati system

1830s, Cincinnati merchants built slaughter houses that processed thousands of hogs per month. so efficient and quick the city became known as "Porkopolis

mineral-based economy

An economy based on coal and metal that began to emerge in the 1830s, as manufacturers increasingly ran machinery fashioned from metal with coal-burning stationary steam engines rather than with water power.

What did We're in do in order to prohibit competition from the Americas about textile industry

They prohibited the exploitation of textile machinery in the immigration of mechanics

How did British machine to get to the United States

British mechanics were LURD to the Americas because of the high wages so they disguise themselves and sell to the US worry just sold British ideas to Americans

Who were Samuel Slater

Created of cotton gin

What were the two strategies Americans use in order to compete with the British rivals

Improved on British technology and tap cheaper source of labor

Who created and where was and what was it called the first factory to perform all cloth making operations under one roof in the Americas

The boss in manufacturing company by Tracy Jackson in Waltham Massachusetts

What did the Boston manufacturing company do in order to get cheap labor

TheyRecruited thousands of young women from farm families and provided them with housing and education and therefore they could pay them off lower wages

Waltham-Lowell System

A system of labor using young women recruited from farm families to work in factories in Lowell, Chicopee, and other sites in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The women lived in company boardinghouses with strict rules and curfews and were often required

Sellers Family

Founded Franklin Institution in Philadelphia. Named after Benjamin Franklin, whom the mechanics admired for his work ethic and scientific accomplishments, the institute published a journal; provided high-school level instruction in chemistry, mathematics,

Machine Tools

machines that made parts for other machines

Navist movement

Opposed immigration since the 1830s


Northern landlords, slave-owning planters, and seaport merchants who dominated the political system of the early nineteenth century.