Human Sexuality Exam 3 Brownstein

definition of gender role

an expectation of your being-ness as a male or female that's reinforced by social reward or punishment (beingness= looks/actions)

gender roles are ___

* ubiquitous- everything about you (hair, skin, face, sit, walk, talk, clothes)
* vary from culture to culture

how males walk

hands down, elbows out

how females walk

hands swing out & hands out/straight

4 main punishments of breaking gender roles

1. name calling (tomboy, dyke, gay, queer, etc.)
2. ostracize (don't let them sit/join you)
3. beat them up/ violent attacks
4. hurt them financially (fire them)


* give them raises
* basically opposite of punishments
* include them

advantages of gender roles

* you don't have to decide what to do (easy decision making)
* you are told how to avoid punishments (like to know roles)
* gives society a sense of order and direction (usually because of and tied to religion)
* makes world more predictable, safer
* deve

complementary vs competitive relationships

* men & women complement not compete for position
* like quarterbacks and receivers
* competitive builds distrust
* competition= fear of being taken advantage of
* compete= want the same roles
* competing is - always keeping score, always want to be winne

religion and gender roles

every religion has gender roles

solution to competitive relationship

* spend time with person
* 50%- problem solving & distributing work load
* 50%- fun

disadvantages of strong represented gender roles

* less freedom
* less rewards to gender roles that are less accepted by culture
* in US- male traits are rewarded and female traits are less equitable
* less self acceptance/ expression of shadow side (animus/anima)
* shadow side: if you are male these ar

soft energy vs hard energy

*soft energy= feminine - listening, empathy, listening, cooking for OTHERS
* hard energy- being aggressive, winning, wanting to be heard or all attention

1. phase that Dr.B doesn't like
2. why he doesn't like it

1. "men and women are opposite sexes" instead say "the other sex"
2. causes marriage problems
opposite implies: oppose, opponent, creates no understanding

what does over lapping bell curve mean

example: men are taller than women but not all men are taller than all women

3 brains + example

1. reptillian or primal brain
2. paleomammalian or emotional brain
3. neomammalian or rational brain
when going out on a Friday
* reptilian- I am tired
* palemammalian- I want to have fun
* neomammalian- makes the decision

gender roles are a

philosophical era, they are generalizations that aren't true

3 existentialist problems for human

1. what to do with our time
2. how to find love/ someone to give love to
3. we die

what does Dr. B want us to do

have compassion for others

places you learn homosexuality is bad

*church - religion
*television - popular media
* older generations- family, parents (children of these people tell other children in school)

what causes homosexuality

some biological factors

biological factors

* Bailey and pillard study- twin comparison
* LeVey study- interstitual nucleus
* Dran Hamer- sheep study
* Witeson- corpus callous differences (2x)
* Sweden study- brain hemisphere sizes
* Fetally androgenized females - hermaphrodites
* Androgen insensit

Bailey and Pillard Study (91)

* "if one twin is homosexual what is the likelihood the other twin/brother will be too?"
* 52% of identical twins will both be gay (to test DNA influence- not 100% influencing)
* 22% of fraternal twins will both be gay
* 11% of adopted brothers will both

LeVey Study

* head of brain research at institute in La Jolla
* 3rd interstitual nucleus (I.N.) in the anterior hypothalamus- bundle of nerves
* bundle of nerves- involved in sexual behavior
* bundle of nerves is 3x larger in men than women
* when I.N. is destroyed i

testosterone and sexuality

no difference in testosterone between heterosexual men and homosexual men

Dran Homer (93)

* studied sheep (10 females, 9 homosexual males, 9 heterosexual males)
* measured I.N. (bundle of nerve studied by LeVey)
* findings matched LeVey
* no difference in testosterone

Witelson (94)

* studied corpus callous (connection between brain hemispheres)
* women have more connections between hemispheres- nerve bundles connecting both hemispheres
* 13% larger connections in gay men

Witelson duplicated study

* showed 30% larger connections in gay men

Sweden Study

* women's hemispheres= semetrical
* men's right hemisphere= bigger
* gay men + heterosexual women= equal hemispheres
* lesbian + heterosexual males= right side bigger

polarities of sexuality

* extreme heterosexual- no interest romantically in same sex at all
* extreme homosexual- no interest romantically in opposite sex at all
* can flow between heterosexual and homosexual, closer to one of the two or completely in between- bisexuality

Fetally Androgenized Females

* produce too much testosterone in development (responsible for genetalia development)
* ends with mixed genetalia (both penis and vagina)
* only affects outside genetalia not inner organs- still has uterus and periods
* genetic testing for gender before

androgen insensitivity syndrome

* 1/20,000 births
* affects males
* body= insensitive to testosterone (as if there is not in the body)
* when born- genetalia is perfectly female
* still have testes, no scrotal sac, no uterus
* don't know until puberty, no periods or breast development

David and Bryan Reimer

*twin brothers
*during infancy both had recurring UTIs --> treatment was circumcision
*Davids penis was destroyed --> decided to remove testicals, make vagina, gave estrogen treatment to raise him as a girl (at this time in psychology they believed nurtur

what does Brenda/David story teach us

*you can raise someone to be a certain sexuality but you can't fight biology

Arguments about homosexuality being unnatural

1. doesn't exist in animal kingdom
2. vagina/penis are made for each other
3. if everyone were gay there would be no children
4. not the "norm"
5. doesn't feel easy or right
6. not psychologically norm

debunking "unnatural

unnatural means it doesn't exist in world but it obviously does

debunking "doesn't exist in animal kingdom

* not true- it does exist in animal kingdom
* even if it didn't exist in animal kingdom- just because it doesn't exist (getting married and wearing clothes don't exist in animal kingdom but doesn't mean they are bad)

debunking "penis made for vagina

* scientifically true
* flaw in logic- saying every form of sex is bad (oral, using hands)
* just because a breast is made for a baby doesn't make those who find breasts attractive bad

debunking "if everyone were gay there would be no babies

* used to be scientifically true if you were exclusively homosexual (not bisexual)
* logic problem- if everyone were to be a woman there would be no children but does that mean that being a woman is bad? NO!
* more gays/lesbians means: more adoptions, bet

debunking "not the norm

* scientifically true (there are more heterosexuals than homosexuals)
* logic problem- just because the first woman in space is not the norm doesn't mean its bad
* just because blue eyes isn't the norm doesn't mean its bad
* wanting higher income (not the

debunking "doesn't feel right or easy

* what feels right or easy for one person doesn't mean it feels right or easy for another person
* example: not everyone is right handed or can roller-skate easily

debunking "not psychologically norm

*used to think homosexuality was a mental disorder until Evelyn Hooker

Evelyn Hooker's research

*noticed that her top students were gay
*gave students both homosexual and heterosexual psychological intakes
*sent results to top psychologists to determine who was gay and who was straight
*psychologists answered with 0% accuracy
* this led to the chang

homosexuality is a crime

* in US it was left up to states to determine this
* up until 2003 it was a crime in the US to be homosexual

Lawrence vs. Texas

* neighbors called police for noise complaint on Lawrence
* when police investigated they found him in bed with a man and he was arrested
* his case went to Texas supreme court
* it was determined that to arrest those for being gay is a violation of

crime to be homosexual

* still a crime in over 72 countries (mostly in Middle East and Africa- most are muslim)
* 8 countries get death penalty
* In russia- greatly restricted (can't write about it)

Obergefell v. Hodges

* 2015
* homosexuals being prevented from getting married
* deemed not right for states to prevent this


irrational fear of homosexuality (doesn't mean you are heterosexual)

causes of homophobia

1. taught it is wrong
2. concern about ones masculinity or femininity
3. concern about own sexual orientation
4. scape goating

scape goating

*blaming others for problems
* putting someone down to make you look better by comparison

ways to make you feel good about yourself

* work hard and achieve on your own (or identify = with those that do achieve like a sports team "WE won")
* accept self
* find someone to put down (scapegoating- #1 way)