Social Psych Presented Articles Study Guides

If participants were presented with 10 traits of an unknown individual rather than 4 traits, the participants would like the individual...

Less, based on more information about the individual given

In general, how does an increase in knowledge about a person affect how you like them and perceive them as similar to you?

You'll like them less, and perceive them as less similar to you

Why might familiarity lead to a greater dislike of someone?

On average, we find more dissimilarities between us and others the more we learn about them

Does the presence of phone use while eating a meal with others increase or decrease enjoyment levels?

more distracted, more bored, less enjoyment felt with phone use

Define Schachter-Singer Theory of Emotion

two-factor theory of emotion that focuses on the interaction between physical arousal and how we cognitively label that arousal; in other words, simply feeling arousal is no enough- we also must identify the arousal in order to feel the emotion

Misattribution of arousal theory

the phenomena in which people wrongly assume what is causing them to by physiologically aroused

True or false: In general, if male participants are interviewed in a fear-inducing situation (such as while standing on a tension bridge), then they will find a female confederate more attractive.


Misattribution of neural activity

when a reward that's unrelated to the task is taken into consideration, this could affect decision making

Reversal learning task

an individual learns task based on rewards and punishment, after a certain period of time contingencies are switched

Are male skateboarders more or less likely to take part in riskier tricks (rather than abort) in front of an attractive female experimenter due to elevated levels of testosterone?

More likely to take part in riskier tricks

Do male participants perform better or worse on a reversal learning task in the presence of a female experimenter?

Worse because increase in testosterone levels

competition altruism hypothesis

process through which individuals attempt to outcompete each other in terms of generosity

the public good dilemma

A situation in which (1) the whole group can benefit if some of the individuals give something for the common good but (2) individuals profit from "free riding" if enough others contribute.

resource dilemma

social dilemmas concerning how two or more people share a limited resource; had access to common resource of 7 dollars; if the 3 pps request sum larger than 7 dollars, they all get nothing

Once people know that their contributions to a group are publicized, are they more or less likely to become altruistic?

More likely

When are altruists more likely to be chosen as partners in a resource dilemma scenario: immediately or as they are rated higher status?

rated higher status

True or false: in a resource dilemma scenario, altruists are more likely to be chosen as partners, be rated with higher status, and should receive more money.


If you're in a positive mood, are you more or less likely to help?

more likely to help after taking easy anagram test

If you're in a negative mood, are you more or less likely to help and why?

more likely to help (even more so than in a positive or neutral mood) after taking a difficult anagram test; because benefits are high and costs are low (high benefit-low cost)

When benefits are low and costs are high, are we more or less likely to help in a negative mood?

less likely in comparison to neutral mood (low benefit-high cost)

In a confrontation condition, who is more likely to be disagreed with, seen as more bias, more rude, and less persuasive: the black female confronter or the white female confronter?

the black female confronter

Are female negotiators more less penalized for initiating negotiations about pay?

More penalized

In general, are men and women both more or less likely to be hired after negotiating their pay?

less likely

Do women who attempt to negotiate have a greater social cost than men?

yes, especially when in the presence of a male evaluator

Are evaluators more or less likely to work with women who attempt to negotiate than men?

Less willing to work with women who attempt to negotiate

How can the social resistance towards female candidates negotiating pay be explained?

evaluator perceives her as less nice and overly demanding

Did women evaluators penalize men or women more for negotiating?

they treated them equally

Are men or women more nervous to initiate negotiations in the presence of a male evaluator?

women, because of nervousness and anticipated backlash

When participants are given the option of choosing not to negotiate pay, regardless of gender, what do they choose to do?

not negotiate; prefer it in fact

precarious manhood beliefs (PMB)

belief that manhood is not something you are born with, but, instead, something you achieve

disparagement humor

denigration used for humor but is implied not to be offensive (just a joke); this form of humor usually results in the normalizing of stereotypes
Ex) African Americans are lazy, blondes are dumb, etc.

precarious manhood theory

suggest masculinity is defined in terms of a man's behavior and conformity to traditional male gender roles and is tenuous and susceptible to loss

Are men with high levels of precarious manhood beliefs more or less likely to report amusement with sexist and anti-gay jokes when threatened?

more likely

Do men higher in precarious manhood beliefs believe their amusement with sexist and anti-gay human would reaffirm their threatened masculinity?
