English AQA GCSE Jekyll and Hyde quotes

Description of utterson first description chapter 1

mr utterson the lawyer ... cold , scanty and wmbarrased in discourse but sonehow lovable

Chapter 1 description of the street duality

The street shone out in contrast to its dingy neighbourhood

First description of hydes force by Enfield

It was like some damned juggernaut

Quote from chapter 1 showing the importance of reputation

Make his name stink from one end of London to the other "

Enfield describing the nature of the two men in his story

A really damnable man; and the person that drew the cheque is very pink of the properties

Enfield chapter 1 quote about an enquiry rive nature

You start a question, and it's like starting a stone

Chapter 1 Enfield quote about hydes appearance

He must be deformed somewhere

Enfield quote chapter 1 linking to the aspects of being a Victorian gentleman

I am ashamed of my long tongue let us make a bargain never to refer to this again

Quote from the will chapter 2 showing the relationship between Jekyll and hyde

Friend and benefactor Edward Hyde

Quote showing lanyons opinion of Jekyll

Henry Jekyll became too fanciful for me

Quote to show Hyde animalistic qualities in chapter 2

Mr Hyde shrank back with a hissing intake of breath

Quote about how Hyde presented himself to utter sin chapter 2

He had bourne himself to the lawyer with a murderous mixture of timidity and boldness

Uttersons comment about Jude's face in chapter 2

If I ever read satans signature upon a face , it is in that of your new friend

Quote about the relationship between Jekyll and utter son chapter 3

He cherished for me utterson a sincere and warm affection

Jekyll description of Landon in chapter 3

Ignorant , blatant pedant

Physical description of Jekyll when Hyde is mentioned chapter 3

Grew pale to the very lips

Quote from chapter 3 showing how Jekyll is at this stage in control

The moment I choose,I can be rid of mr Hyde

Quote describing the murder of sir Danvers carew

The bones were audibly shattered

Quote describing carews murder weapon

The stick with which the deed had been done , although it was of some rare and very tough and heavy wood, had broken in the middle

Weather description of fog in chapter 4

The fog would be quite broken up

Description of hydes house keeper

She had an evil face , smoothed by hypocrisy but her manners were excellent

Chapter 4 about the accounts of Hyde

Haunting sense of unexpressed deformity

Chapter 5 quote about Jekyll lesson

I have had a lesson - o god utterson , what a lesson I have had!

Quote from mr guest about signatures chapter 5

The two hands are in many points identical

Conclusion utterson comes to after seeing mr guest

"Henry Jekyll forge for a murderer !" His blood ran cold

What Jekyll asks utterson to do if he disappears in chapter 3

I wish you to promise me that you will bear with him and get his rights for him

Quote to show what happens to Jekyll after the murder of carew

Evil influence had been withdrawn , a new life began for Dr Jekyll

Description of lanyon before he dies chapter 6

He had a death warrant written legibly upon his face

How does lanyon explain his illness

I have had a shock

Just before his death what is lanyons reaction to hearing about jekyll

I beg you will spare me any allusion to one whom I regard as dead

Jekylls letter to utterson explaining why he cannot see him chapter 6

I have brought on myself a punishment and danger that I cannot name

What Enfield says to utterson on their walk when he realises about Jekyll chapter 7

what an ass you must have thought me , not to know this was a back way to dr jekylls

At first how does Jekyll appear at the window chapter 7

taking the air with an infinite sadness of mein, like some disconsolate prisoner

Quote showing dr jekylls change at the window chapter 7

The words were hardly uttered before the smile was struck out of his face

What is uttersons reaction to the change at the window chapter 7

God forgive us"
Said by utterson

Description of Poole chapter 8

the mans appearance amply bore out his words

What does Poole believe has happened in chapter 8

I think there's been foul play

Description of the servants chapter 8

men and women huddled together like a flock of sheep

Why was Poole sent back to the chemists for the drug chapter 8

It was not pure

What does utterson consider is his duty chapter 8

I shall consider it my duty to break in that door

What is hydes body described as in chapter 8

the body of a self destroyer

Chapter 9 instruction to lanyon/ end result

if the night passed without event , you will know that you have seen the last of Henry jekyll

How does Hyde talk about the transformation to lanyon in chapter 9

you who have denied the virtues of transcendental medicine

How is lanyon effected by viewing the change in chapter 9

my life is shake to its roots; sleep has left me : the deadliest terror sits by me

Quote from chapter 19 showing how Jekyll could not control changing into hyde

How was it to be remedied?"
He had changed into Hyde without inducing it

Chapter 10 quote about jekylls nature

the balance of my nature might be permenantly overthrown

Chapter 10 quote showing the negatives of choosing jekyll

Jekyll was to die those appetites that I had long secretly indulged

Quote about trying to subdue Hyde chapter 10

My devil had been long caged , he came out roaring

Jekyll describing the murder of Carew

with a gust of devilish fury

Jekylls reaction to lanyon witnessing the transformation chapter 10

the horror of my old friend

How does Hyde torment Jekyll chapter 10

burning the letters and destroying the portrait of my father

What is the only power Jekyll has over Hyde in the end

he fears my power to cut him off by suicide

Closing statement from Henry jekyll

I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end

Quote to show utterson struggles to see the truth setting

Degrees and hues of twilight"
The light shows that only the truth can be glimpsed at and seen at different angles

Quote about the gothic genres events to do with setting

Brilliantly lit by the full moon"
During Carews murder dramatic like a spotlight

Quote to show how the world is effected by Jekylls work in setting

Chapter 8 the moon is described as "lying on her back" personification makes the world has been turned upside down by the secret

Quote to build tension based on setting to do with vagueness

Some square or other" about jekylls house makes you think the story could happen anywhere

Quotes to show how jekylls house represents duality

Front of house " air of wealth"
Back door which Hyde enters though "blistered and disdained