ComArts 250: Texts and Meanings - UW Madison

Absorbing counter-hegemony

elements of resistance are used to slightly shift the dominant ideology, but overall the status quo is maintained

Acting style

the way in which a genre is typically portrayed, like a soap opera and everything being dramatic, or a post apocalypse show where everyone is super good at killing.


Allusions make reference to other texts directly or through implication. It's usually thought of as deliberate on the part of the writer or creator, where they are consciously evoking the idea of another text.


The art of cinematography includes a wide range of decisions made by the Director of Photography, including what film stock to use, how to compose the shot, and how to move the camera. Color and saturation matters too


When we look at what's in the frame, we want to think about how the space is being used and taken up. What's the most important thing in the shot? Is it balanced or uneven?


the idea that popular interests come together into media through use of paratext and marketing


the type of clothing or outfit a character wears What are the actors wearing? How does it reflect who they are as a character? Is it naturalistic? Is it overdone? Does it allow for the expression in their face?




the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests

Explicit meaning

This is the obvious "point" that the film is trying to make, the more overt, obvious levels of meaning.

Film Noir genre

This genre often plays with lighting, using light and darkness to convey a mood and the plot. As the name suggests, noir is a dark genre with a dark tone. The visual quality of the cinematography often matches this tone, with a heavy use of black and whit

Film stock

type of film to use

Formal analysis

Formal analysis sees a work of art as a bundle of components organized into structures, and tries to understand how these components work together to impact the audience. We have already started to identify some formal elements such as mise-en-scene and a


Designed space





Horror genre

For instance, within the horror genre, a close-up can be used to strike terror into our hearts. In this iconic shot from The Blair Witch Project(1999), this close-up on the character's tear-filled eyes conveys a sense of immediacy and authenticity. Togeth


Hype is advertising that goes above and beyond an accepted norm, establishing presence that is brief and unsustainable. It promotes and publicizes an idea intensively, and is often accomplished through synergy





Ideological state apparatuses






Implicit meaning

But we can also dig for meanings that are not stated directly, but instead the viewer needs to work to produce an interpretation of the film's meaning. These meanings may rely upon the explicit or referential, but are more below the surface


Intertextuality is the idea that texts are always in conversation with other texts, or the use of recognizable textual references that allow viewers to read texts in relation to other texts. It's the idea that no text creates meaning in and of itself, but


light and darkness to convey a mood and the plot, use of or lack of lighting has a meaning.

Long takes

a long take is a shot lasting much longer than the conventional editing pace either of the film itself or of films in general.

Makeup and hair

the facial changes of an actor that can either mask or accentuate

Matthew Arnold and his definition of culture

He believed that there existed an elite form of "Culture" that was focused on the achievement of perfection and order. His definition of "Culture" only included "the best that had been thought and said," and excluded things that were considered lesser or


a term that comes from theatre and is used to describe the way that things are visually staged

Mobile camera

??? Camera that moves along with the character, OR the idea that we are all videographers with the ease of access of cameras?

Narrative in games

increasingly more and more genres that participate in very sophisticated forms of storytelling


-Widely accepted belief or example
-I.e: the earth is round, evolution,


the variety of materials that surround a single text. Para- as a prefix means "beside, or adjacent to" so paratexts exist outside the text but are right next to it. They are these additional textual elements that also help us to frame a text and shape its


the recreation of a text for either a satirical or comedic value

Point-of-view shot

a shot where the camera is positioned from the eyesight of a character

Referential meaning

Refers to things or places that already have significance in the real world so that the viewer can readily make sense of them.

Scroll and Exploration


Semiotic Warfare



-makes meaning out of shortcuts
-interpret meaning we don't need a ton of info


-Where does the action take place? What's the scenery, or the architecture, or the general space that is depicted? Where was it shot, and what does that tell us about the story? What's emphasized about the setting and what's de-emphasized?
-Part of the me

Soap Opera genre

Soap operas and other melodramatic television programs also often use close-ups so we can easily see the expressive faces of the actors. Yet these close-up shots do not evoke fear; rather, when taken with other conventions of the genre, they serve to high


The placement of the actors and the props in the shot

Symptomatic meaning

These meanings are more abstract and general, getting at the film's deeper, even involuntary meaning.

The Sign

signified + signifier


They primarily play a promotional role, trying to draw you into seeing the film. But they're also framing your understanding of the film. You learn something about the characters and whether or not you can identify with them, you learn what genre the film

Transmedia storytelling

Another form of paratextual meaning can be seen in transmedia storytelling. This is a strategy where media creators tell a story through systematically dispersing the content across multiple delivery channels. It is still one cohesive story, but that stor

Video Games

