Chapter 15 - Bone Health and Body Defense Systems

What is the outer, dense shell of bone called?

Cortical bone

What mineral is essential for bone and tooth development?


What are non-dairy sources of calcium?

Dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, broccoli)

What is the RDA for calcium for most adults?


What is the most active form of vitamin D?


Besides food sources, where else is vitamin D produced?


How does vitamin D toxicity develop?

From taking too many supplements. You cannot develop toxic levels of vitamin D by too much sunlight or food sources.

What are examples of food sources that provide phosphorus?

Milk, cheese, meat, bakery products, and cereal

What is the RDA for phosphorus?

700mg/day for both men and women

Where in the body is magnesium absorbed?

Small intestine

Is fluoride an essential nutrient?


How much fluoride is found in water that has been fluoridated?

0.2mg of fluoride per 8 ounces of water

What are food sources of fluoride?

Seafood and seaweed

What are the two different types of immunity?

Innate and acquired immunity

What vitamin enhances absorption of iron?

Vitamin C