Quiz 3 - Registers/Nature of Sound

What are the three factors that define a register?

1. Register is composed of contiguous pitches. 2. When in the same register, pitches are produced in the same physiological manner. 3. When in the same register, pitches show the same basic timbre.

Give the primary characteristics of Mode 1.

1. The TA is the most active. 2. There is a wide area of contact between the vocal folds ("square"). 3. Mucosal wave occurs into muscle body. 4. Larger closed quotients and rapide closure.

Give the primary characteristics of Mode 2.

1. The CT is most active. 2. There is a narrow area of contact between vocal folds ("triangular"). 3. Shorter closed quotient. 4. Mucosal wave only occurs in the outer margins of the vocal fold tissue.

What word/term is used most commonly to name the part of a man's voice that is Mode 2 production?


What is the common term for the part of a woman's voice that is Mode 1 production?

Chest voice.

The typical name for the type of singing a woman does when the TDP production is trained to be used much higher and aggressively than usual is...


What is an example of a man training to use the TDP production higher than usual?

An operatic tenor may train the use of the TDP production higher than usual to achieve a full voiced "high C".

Explain what a passaggio is.

The zone where the CT and TA muscles are changing proportional engagement.

Please explain the primary focus of register shift training for each of the above types of shifts.

Acoustical: Vowel modification should be a focus, as well as balanced breath pressure. Mechanical: Vowel shape should be constant, and the breath pressure needs to be increasing.

When there is a break between registers, it implies what problem with the balance between the two registers?

When there is a break, it means that one of the muscles is more or less developed than the other from the antagonist group.

What Mode do men sing in most of the time?

Mode 1 (TDP)

What Mode to women sing in most of the time?

Mode 2 (CDP)

What is the typical place that men and women shift between the two registers?


There are two types of register shifts -

Mechanical and acoustical.