I/J Final Study Guide

You will need to be able to write a brief biographical sketch of Jeremiah.

- His father, Hilkiah was a priest
- Resided in the village of Anathoth
- Lived and ministered about 75 years after Isaiah
- Was sanctified for the service of God prior to his birth.
- Was young prophet (around 20) when God called him to full time ministr

Provide names of other prophets who were compeers with Jeremiah and state the significance of the Lord's provision of these great men and women at this great time and period

- II Kings 22:14
- A fellow priest who was younger than Jeremiah. Was carried away to Babylon where he preached while Jeremiah preached to those left in Judah
- Taken captive to Babylon (606 BC)
Was major voice there during the reign

You will need to know the following: To whom and when was Jeremiah written? Provide a brief historical overview of Jeremiah's day.

To whom?
- Jeremiah's sermons were directed to the people of the Southern Kingdom of Judah
- From 626 B.C. until the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.
Following the death of Josiah, Judah plummeted quckly into idolatry and wickedness as a result,

Provide a simple outline of Jeremiah.

- His prophecies before the fall of Jerusalem (1-39)
- His prophecies after the fall of Jerusalem (40-52)

What were the main themes of Jeremiah's message?

Jeremiah's over-arching theme was that the Babylonians would destroy Judah and Jerusalem.
If Judah would repent, God would intervene (as he did during the days of Isaiah) and save them.
They did not, but here God extended His mercy once again in that - if

List five of the twelve object lessons God gave to Jeremiah and the purpose of each one.

Brach of almond tree - God is watching to see that His word is fulfilled.
Boiling pot, tilting away from the north - From the north disaster will be poured out on all who live in the land
A ruined linen belt - in the same way, God will bound the whole hou

Describe the "appalling and horrible thing" in the land as noted in 5:30-31.

The false prophecies of the false prophets and the people's adherence to their lies.
It should be noted that Jeremiah's worst enemies were the false prophets. Had they obeyed God and had they joined Jeremiah, the people may have repented.

Know the superstitious religious view the people had in chapter 7 and the Lord's reaction.

608 B. C. was a time of upheaval in the mid-east. Nineveh had fallen and the Babylonians were positioning themselves toward Egypt via Judah.
But the people only spurned the message.
They put their trust in the Temple, believing that God would never allow

Describe what was happening in Jeremiah's hometown of Anathoth according to 11:18-23.

The people were plotting to kill him, but God revealed their plans to Jeremiah.
He was assured that those who sought his life would be destroyed by the Babylonians as they destroyed Jerusalem.

Know the spiritual lesson that is taught in Jeremiah 13:23.

Fallen man cannot change his essential nature apart from a supernatural interdiction of divine grace... ?
- something the NT calls being - "born-again.

What is the essence of the "new covenant" as noted in Jeremiah 31:31-33? How is it important to the Hebrews' author and why does he quote it in Hebrews 8:8-10?

In Jeremiah 31:33 we find a description of the sanctified heart - cleansed from sin - made inhabitable and indwelt by the Holy Spirit with a desire to obey rather than to disobey.

What we can learn from Jeremiah's "cistern experience" as depicted in chapter 38

One weak-willed political leader can destroy an entire city or nation.