Chapter 15 Personality and Social Interaction

Importance of Relationships

homo sapiens evolved to live in groups, have a social nature
compared to all other animals humans have the longest developmental period of dependency on others
genetically wired to need each other
healthy social relationships are essential

Three Mechanisms of Social Interactions



personality characteristics of others influence whether we select them as dates, friends, marriage partners
own personality characteristics play role in kinds of situations we select to enter and stay in

Social Selections

decision points that direct us to choose one path and avoid another
mate selection is a prime example of this

Personality Characteristics in Desired Marriage Partner Study

large variety of participants
mutual love/affection was the most favored characteristic in the survey
almost as important are personality characteristics - dependable character, emotional stability, pleasing disposition

Assortative Mating

people are married to people who are similar to themselves
what are these positive correlations caused by?

Botwins Findings

correlated preferneces for personality characteristics desired in potential mate and our own personality characteristics
correlations were consistently positive
also found that people were getting the mates they wanted based on preferences
partners person

What are positive correlations in Botwins studies due to?

direct social preferences based on personality characteristics of those doing the selecting

Characteristic for a great partner

people are happy if they are married to partners
high on agreeableness, emotional stability, and openness

Difference in Scores between partners personality and one's ideal predictions

did not predict happiness

Violation of Desire Theory

break ups should be more common when one's desires are violated than when they are fulfilled
people seek mates who are dependable and emotionally stable and those who fail to choose such mates are at at risk for divorce

Selective Break Ups

people who fail to get what they want - including a mate who is similar - tend to selectively break-up more often than those who get what they want


tendency to feel tense worried and anxious during social interactions or even when anticipating social interactions

Shyness in adolescence/early adulthood

shy people tend to avoid social situations, resulting in a form of isolation

Findings about shy women

less likely to go to a gynecologist
less likely to bring up contraception with potential sexual partner

Shyness and Selection of Risky Situations

affects whether a person is willing to select a risky situation in the form of gambles
has an impact on selective entry into or avoidance of situations

Other Personality Traits and Selection Situations

high empathy - more likely to enter situations such as volunteering for community activities
high psychoticism - choose volatile and spontaneous situations more than formal or stable ones
high on machiavellianism - prefer face to face situations offer mor


personality characteristics of others evoke responses in us
own personality characteristics evoke responses in others

Aggression Evocation

aggressive people evoke hostility from others

Hostile Attributional Bias

tendency to infer hostile intent on the part of others in the face of uncertain behavior from others
bc they expects others to be hostile aggressive people treat others aggressively and those people act aggressive back
hostility in others evoked by aggres

Evocation of Anger in Partners

two ways
1. person can act a certain way thats gets an emotional response from partner
(dominant person being condescending)
2. can elicit emotions from another that upset the original elicitor
(an aggressive man might elicit silent treatment from his mat

Study by Buss

looked at the role of personality on evocation of anger and upset in married couples
assessed personality characteristics of husbands and wives
strongest predictors of upset are low agreeableness and emotional stability

Deep and Caring Close Relationship

have a life cycle - from infatuation and romance to companionship and sharing
can be threatened at anytime by negativity

Ratio of Satisfying Close Relationships

ratio of positive to negative interactions is at least five to one

Average Relationship Satisfaction Equation

one negative interaction/five positive interactions

Indicator for Relationship Trouble

How they argue
the harsh startup 0-60 in no time starts with the worse and escalates from there begin the discussion with insults
Why Gottman can tell in 3 minutes with 91% accuracy

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

1. Criticism (vs complaint) - "You are a forgetful idiot" vs "the
garbage did not go out last night." Making it personal.
2. Contempt (=sarcasm=disrespect) - criticism taken to the next
level, signals that they are disgusted with you. Can be an
effort to

Other Characteristics that Indicate bad relationship

�Flooding - negativity becomes overwhelming, cannot handle the
emotions, get carried away by the anger, flee or fight reactions
�Failure to repair of hurt feelings - Lack of efforts to take a break,
calm down, come back in one hour, etc.
�Bad memories - a

What are satisfying relationships based on?


Ways to have satisfying relationship

�Respect each other
�Enjoy each other
�Want goodness for each other
�Enjoy their company, enjoy spending time together
�Their happiness becomes important to you
�Know each other well
�Check in
�Stay connected through day
�Know preferences and desires

Friendship in a relationship benefit

protects from feeling adversarial (criticism,
contempt, defensive, stonewalling). Boosts the positivity setpoint,
prevents negative from spiraling out of control

Gottmans principles of positive relationships

7 of them
1. develop detailed knowledge of your partner and allow them to learn about you
2. nurture affection, remain fond of the other, keep the passion alive
3. turn toward rather than away from each other especially when stressed
4. share power even i

Principle 1

know their world, their preferences, their daily events, know their worries desires etc
keep up to date on life
have intimacy - deep knowledge of the other

How to Communicate in Relationship

if you're irritated say so
if you're angry make sure they know why
if you want something ask for it etc

Principle 2

attraction remind each other why you are attracted
show your live - touch each other often
remember the magic
remind self why you fell in love
enjoy the other
helps maintain your respect for this person and therefore will prevent contempt

Principle 3

stay connected, do fun stuff together
avoid detachment
never ignore the other dont neglect the relationship
repeated small emotional connections count a lot
this is the emotional bank account of a relationship

Principle 4

strive for equity in benefits
gottman focused a lot on gender roles - ask for her opinion
let the other influence you
ask them for help once in a while - this shows you value their opinion, validating their worth

Principle 5

when arguing avoid the harsh startup
when arguing realize that relationships are not zero-sum games
relationship paradox

Relationship paradox

often we are most impatient with those we love e.g. we will yell at someone we love sooner than we would at a houseguest

Principle 6

break gridlock on the unsolvable problems - dont let them become permanent topics of argument - accept the other persons view
accept the differences
forgive the others mistakes

Principle 7

shared meanings - create a shared history together
create a relationship culture - have rituals, customs, and values
become a "we" without sacrificing personal identity keep your standards
know the other but know yourself. dont expect that a relationship



Evocation of Likability

linked with higher levels of adjustment mental health and academic performance
people high in agreeableness and honesty
those low evoke pain

Expectancy Confirmation

a phenomenom whereby a persons beliefs about the personality characteristics of others cause them to evoke in others actions that are consistent with initial beliefs
if told someone is hostile will act more aggressive towards that person


all the way in which people intentionally try to change the behavior of others

Two Perspectives of Manipulation

- are some individuals more manipulative than others?
do stable personality characteristics predict tactics used?

Taxonomy of Manipulation

developed through a two step procedure
nominations of acts of influence then factor analysis of self-reports and oberver reports of nominated acts
11 tactics identified

11 Tactics of Manipulation

charm - try to be loving
coercion - yell at him till he does it
silent treatment
reason - explain why i want him to do it
regression - whine until she does it
self-abasement - act submissive so he will do it
responsibility invocation - get her to make a c

Sex Differences in Tactics of Manipulation

with exception of regression (crying, whining) men and women are similar
women use regression more with crying whining pouting sulking to get their way but difference was small

Personality Predictors of Tactics of Manipulation w/ surgency

emotional reactivity
high surgency: coercion, responsibility invocation
low surgency: self abasement hardball

High Agreeable manipulation tactics

pleasure induction, reason

Low Agreeable manipulation tactics

coercion, silent treatment

High Conscientiousness manipulation tactic


Emotionally Unstable manipulation tactics

use a variety of tactics to manipulate others, but most common is regression

High intellect-openness manipulation tactics

reason, pleasure induction, responsibility invocation

Low intellect-openness manipulation tactics

social comparison


manipulative strategy of social interaction, personality style that uses other people as tools for personal gain

High Machiavellianism Characteristics

select situations that are loosely structured, untethered by rules that restrict the deployment of exploitative strategy
high machs tend to evoke specific reactions from others such as anger and retaliation for having been exploited
influence or manipulat

High Narcissism Characteristics

are exhibitionistic, grandiose, self-centered, interpersonally exploitative

Applying Naracassism to 3 Social Interaction Paths

1. selection - associate w/ people who admire them, who will reflect the positive view they have of themselves
2. evocation - exhibitionism splits people - some view them as brilliant others as selfish and boorish
3. manipulation - highly exploitative of