Human Sexuality 5,6,8,9


A person's biological status on a continuum from male to female that is largely determined by physical attributes, including sex chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, internal reproductive structures, and external genitalia. This is also known as one's sex a


A combination of chromosomes, gonads, or hormones that present in a way that is not strictly male or female. A person may or may not choose to use "intersex" as an identity.


Refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. Gender norms vary between cultures and over time.

Gender Identity

A person's internal, deeply-felt sense of their gender as a man, woman, or another gender identity.

Gender Expression

Attributes and behaviors that communicate one's gender identity to others, such as clothing, hairstyles, mannerisms, way of speaking, and social roles.

Gender nonconforming

A person whose gender expression is perceived as being inconsistent with cultural norms expected for that gender. Gender non-conformity is often inaccurately confused with sexual orientation.


A person whose gender identity is congruent with or matches the sex that they were assigned at birth.


An umbrella term used to describe a person who has a gender identity that is incongruent with or does not match the sex that they were assigned at birth.

Sexual Orientation

An enduring emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction that one feels toward a certain sex(es) or gender(s). Sexual orientation is entirely separate from gender. May also, but does not necessarily, refer to a person's identity or the sexual behaviors b


The assumption that everyone is heterosexual and that this sexual orientation is superior.

Sexual Fluidity

Variability in attraction and/or behavior at different times and in different situations throughout the lifespan.

Coming Out

An ongoing process of disclosing one's sexual orientation and/or gender identity to others.


A person who does not experience sexual attraction. A person who identifies as asexual may or may not experience other types of attraction.


A person who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other people regardless of their sex, gender, and/or gender identity.


A person who is not LGBTQ but shows support for LGBTQ people and promotes equality in a variety of ways.

Gender Dysphoria

Unhappiness with one's biological sex or gender role

Performative Bisexuality

Heterosexual identified women who interact sexually with other women for the purpose of pleasing and arousing men.


Dislike of, or bias against LGBT people, which may be exhibited by prejudice, discrimination, bullying, or acts of violence.

Internalized Homophobia

Incorporation of negative societal views of homosexuality into an LGBTQ person's self-concept


The personal, social, and physical process of gender identity development and expression for individuals whose birth-assigned genders are incongruent with their self-identified gender.