
The genealogical method

Which of the following techniques was developed specifically because of the important of kinship and marriage relationships in non industrial societies?

Interview schedules allow informants to talk about what they see as important

Which of the following is one of the advantages an interview schedule has over a questionnaire based survey?

A good, friendly working relationship based on personal contact

In the field, ethnographers strive to establish rapport

Larger numbers of ethnographies are being done about people in Western, industrialized nations.

Which of the following is a significant change in history of ethnography?


A GENEALOGICAL CONSULTANT is an expert who teaches an ethnographer about a particular aspect of local life.


A synchronic approach studies societies as they exist at one point in time, while a DIACHRONIC approach studies societies across time


At the beginning of the 20th century, the influential French sociologist BRONISLAW MALINOWSKI proposed a new social science that would be based on the study of social facts, analytically distinct from the individuals from whose behavior those facts were i


STRUCTURALISM, a theoretical approach that aims to discover relations, themes, and connections among aspects of culture, has been faulted for being overly formal and for ignoring social process. Contemporary anthropologists now emphasize how day-to-day ac


As one of the ethnographer's characteristic field research practices, the GENEALOGICAL METHOD is a techniques that uses diagrams and symbols to record kin connections.

Contemporary anthropologists have rejected it as overly formal and for ignoring social process.

Which of the following statements about ethnography is NOT true?

Achieved status

What is the term for a social status that is not automatic-that comes through choices actions effects talents or accomplishments-and that may be positive or negative?


What is the term for the identification with and feeling part of an ethnic tradition and exclusion from other ethnic traditions?


What is the term for the physical destruction of an ethnic or religious group through mass murder?

Intrinsic Racism

What is the term for the belief that a perceived racial difference is a sufficient reason to value one person less than another such as in the case of burakumin in Japan?

cultural rather than biological categories.

Human races-like ethnicities in general- are

False - CULTURAL Colonialism

NATURAL Colonialism is the internal domination by one group and its culture / ideology over others.


MULTICULTURALISM is the view of cultural diversity as valuable and worth maintaining.


PREJUDICE refers to the devaluing of a group because of its assumed behavior values abilities or attributes.

False - Hypodescent.

HYPOCASTE is the term for the arbitrary rule that automatically places the children of a union between members of different socioeconomic groups in the less-privileged group.


Given the lack of distinction between race and ethnicity this chapter suggests the term ETHNIC GROUP instead of "race" to describe any such social group.


In what kind of society does differential access to strategic resources based on social stratification occur?

Band leaders were leaders in name only; sometimes they gave advice or made decisions, but they had no way to enforce their will on others.

A band refers to a small kin-based group found among foragers. In this type of political system,

And it includes non-states as well as the states and nation-states traditionally studied by political scientists.

The anthropological approach to the study of political systems and organization is global and comparative,

Personal attributes, such as wisdom, leadership skills and generosity.

In foraging and tribal societies, what is the basis for the amount of respect or status attached to an individual?

It is a means of resolving disputes so as to forestall open conflict.

Which of the following statements about the Inuit song battle is true?


The influential sociologist Max Weber defined three related dimensions of social stratification. They are WEALTH, POWER, AND PRESITGE.


PRESTIGE is esteem, respect or approval for culturally valued acts or qualities.


AGE SET refers to a group uniting all men or women born during a certain span of time


Broader than political control, the concept of SOCIAL CONTROL refers to those fields of the social system (beliefs, practices, and institutions) that are most actively involved in the maintenance of any norms and the regulation of any conflict.


Among the different types of socio-political systems, NATION-STAGES lack socioeconomic stratification and stratum endogamy although they do exhibit inequality and a permanent political structure.

yet they earn only a fraction of the income.

Women do more than half of the world's work,

Patrilineal - patrilocal

In what kind of society do anthropologists most typically find forced female genital operations, inter-village raiding, female infanticide, and dowry?

There is conclusive scientific evidence that sexual orientation is genetically determined.

All of the following are key ideas to take away from this chapter's discussion of sexual orientation except:

developed among middle- and upper-class Americans as industrialism spread after 1900.

The "traditional" idea that "a woman's place is in the home

the lack of a clear public-domestic dichotomy is related to relatively mild gender inequality.

Among foragers


In general, the status of women is higher in societies with MATRILINEAL descent than in those with patrilineal descent.

False - Gender stratification

CULTURAL STRATIFICATION refers to an unequal distribution of socially valued resources, power, prestige, and personal freedom between men and women.

False - Increase

American's attitudes towards gender vary with class and region. When the need for female labour declines, the idea that women are unfit for many jobs DECREASES and vice versa.


Sex differences are biological, while GENDER refers to the cultural construction of whether one is female, male or something else.


GENDER roles refer to the tasks and activities that a culture assigns to the sexes.

The nuclear family is a cultural universal.

Which of the following statements about the nuclear family is NOT true?

industrial middle class and foraging bands

The nuclear family is the most common kin groups in what kinds of societies?

isolation from the extended family arises from geographic mobility that is characteristic of many industrialized societies.

Why is a focus on the nuclear family characteristic of many modern nations? Because

people perceive and define kin relations differently in different cultures, although anthropologists have discovered a limited number of patterns in which people classify their kin.

Like race, kinship is culturally constructed. This means that


What is another name for a person's "in-laws"?

False - bilateral

In UNILINEAL kinship calculation, kin ties are traced equally through males and females.


NEOLOCALITY refers to the post-marital residence pattern in which the married couple is expected to establish its own home.


In a bifurcate merging kinship terminology, lineal and COLLATERAL relatives are merged.

False - procreation

The family of orientation is the name of the family in which a child is raised, while the family of POST-CREATION is the name of the family established when one marries and has children.

False - lineage

A BLOODLINE refers to a unilineal descent group whose members demonstrate their common descent from an apical ancestor.

Divorce is unique to industrialized nation-states.

Which of the following statements about divorce is NOT true?

It is a cultural universal.

Which of the following statements about marriage is true?

It increases the number of individuals on whom one can rely in time of need.

How is exogamy adaptive?

A man who marries, then divorces, then marries again, then divorces again, then marries again, each time to a different woman.

Which of the following is not a form of polygamy?

exogamy promotes alliances.

Most societies discourage incest because

False - Low

Dowry is a marital exchange in which the bride's family or kin group provides substantial gifts when their daughter marries. This custom is correlated with HIGH female status.

False - Sororate

When a widower marries a sister of his deceased wife, this is called a LEVIRATE.


The custom called LEVIRATE occurs when a widow marries a brother of her deceased husband.


The term genitor refers to the biological father of a child, while PATER is the term anthropologists use to identify ego's socially recognized father.


ENDOGAMY refers to the culturally sanctioned practice of marrying someone within a group to which one belongs.

Beliefs about the supernatural can function as part of a group's adaptation to the environment.

What does the anthropological analysis of the Hindu practice of ahimsa suggest?

levels of American religiosity haven't changed much over the past century.

Is American society really growing more secular? On this question, a considerable body of sociological research suggests that

animism, polytheism, monotheism

According to Sir Edward Tylor, the founder of the anthropology of religion, what is the sequence through which religion evolved?

In Melanesia, where mana was similar to the notion of luck, anyone could get it; but in Polynesia, mana was attached to political elites.

Which of the following describes the concept of mana, a sacred impersonal force existing in the universe, as was used in Polynesia and Melanesia?

symbolic reversals of ordinary behavior

What is typically observed during the liminal phase of a rite of passage?


Contagious magic is based on the belief that whatever is done to an object will affect a person who once had contact with it.

False - levelling mechanism

A SHOVELING MECHANISM refers to a custom of social action that operates to reduce difference in wealth and bring standouts in line with community norms.


According to Tylor, ANIMISM, a belief in spiritual beings, was the earliest form of religion.

False - syncretism

A REVITALISATION is a cultural, especially a religious mix, emerging from acculturation.


The term COMMUNITAS refers to an intense feeling of solidarity that characterizes collective liminality.

musically talented mothers had an easier time calming their babies (calmer babies attract fewer predators, grant more rest to their moms, and are less likely to be mistreated).

Exploring the possible biological roots of music, researchers have speculated that music might have been adaptive in human evolution because

criticized for being too sketchy and spontaneous to be considered art.

To emphasize the dynamic nature of aesthetic values and tastes, this chapter descries how French impressionism was initially

Most or all societies use creative expression for both religious and secular purposes.

Which of the following statements about the relationship between art and religion is true?

people use one thing to mean something else.

Symbolic thinking in art is an important aspect of appreciating the novelty of the emergence of culture in human history. Symbolic thinking means that

as always linked to religion

How do most Western societies view, erroneously, non-Western art?


The term IMPRESSIVE culture is synonymous with the arts.


Around 70,000 years ago, some of the world's first artists occupied Blombos Cave in what is now South Africa. In Europe, evidence of art goes back to about 10,000 (TEN THOUSAND) years.


TEXT can refer to anything that can be "read" - that is, processed, interpreted, and assigned meaning by anyone exposed to it.


ETHNOMUSICOLOGY is the study of the music of the world and of music as an aspect of culture.


CATHARSIS refers to an intense emotional release.

the capitalist world economy, a single world system committed to production for sale or exchange, with the object of maximizing profits rather than supplying domestic needs

The increasing dominance of world trade has led to

the political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended period of time.

This chapter defines imperialism as the policy of extending the rule of a nation or empire, such as the British empire, over foreign nations, and of taking and holding foreign colonies, while colonialism refers specifically to

the destruction of indigenous economies, ecologies, and populations.

Industrialization and factory labour now characterize many societies in Latin America, Africa, the Pacific, and Asia. One effect of the spread of industrialization has been

European commercial interest in exotic raw materials, such as spices and tropical hardwoods.

What fuelled the European "Age of Discovery"?

The development of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Which of the following resulted in the growth of a market for sugar in Europe?


Britain used the notion of a white man's burden to justify its imperialist expansion. France claimed to be engaged in a civilizing mission in its colonies. These, together with some forms of economic development plans, illustrate an INTERVENTION PHILOSOPH

False - postcolonial

The term OLD-COLONIAL Is used to describe the relations between European countries and their former colonies in the second half of the 20th century.


Weber faulted Marx for an overly simple and exclusively economic view of stratification. According to Weber, there are three dimensions of social stratification. They are WEALTH, POWER AND PRESTIGE.

False - communism

Spelled with an uppercase C. Communism indicates a political movement and doctrine seeking to overthrow capitalism that originated with Russia's Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. Spelled with a lower case c, CAPITALISM describes a social system in which prope


CAPITAL refers to wealth or resources invested in business with the intent of producing a profit.


What is the term for our contemporary world in flux, with people on the move, in which established groups, boundaries, identities, contrasts, and standards are reaching out and breaking down?


When forces from world centres enter new societies, they are often modified to fit the local culture. Which of the following terms refers to this process?

they are caused by humans and their activities.

Scientific measurements confirm that global warming is not due to increased solar radiation. The causes are mainly anthropogenic. This means that

attempts not only to understand but also to find solutions to environmental problems.

Environmental anthropology

because it is a natural phenomenon, any increase in the production of greenhouse gases will be solved by nature's own balancing mechanisms, always preserving life on Earth.

All of the following are true about the greenhouse effect EXCEPT:

False - ethnoecology

An ETHNOMUSICOLOGY is any society's set of environmental practices and perceptions - that is, its cultural model of the environment and its relation to people and society.


CULTURAL IMPERIALISM refers to the rapid spread or advance of one culture at the expense of others, or its imposition on other cultures.


With so many people "in motion", in today's world, the unit of anthropological study expands from the local community to the DIASPORA - the offspring of an area who have spread to many lands.

False - Acculturation

DISCULTURALION refers to changes that result when groups come into continuous firsthand contact. Diffusion however, can occur without firsthand contact.


Scientists prefer the term CLIMATE CHANGE to global warming. The former term points out that, beyond rising temperatures, there have been changes in sea levels, precipitation, storms and ecosystem effects.