6th - ELA Midterm

What is the series of events that make up a story?


List the stages that make up a plot.

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution

What is a problem in the story, big or small?


Which problem is found in the exposition?

The main problem on which the story was written.

What are the types of conflict?

1. Character vs. Character
2. Character vs, Nature
3. Character vs. Society
4. Character vs. Self

Describe Character vs. Character Conflict

The main character in conflict with another character.

Describe Character vs. Nature Conflict

The main character in conflict with the forces of nature, which serve as the antagonist.

Describe Character vs. Society Conflict

The main character is in conflict with a larger group: a community, society, culture, etc... The character's main struggle is with mainstream beliefs or community values.

Describe Character vs. Self Conflict

The main character is dealing with inner conflict. Often the character is conflicted with self-doubt regarding a moral decision or a decision needed to attain happiness.

What is exposition?

The first part of the plot where characters, setting and basic situations are revealed.

What is Rising Action?

The main part of the story that moves the plot along with complications, twists and turns.

What is Climax?

The turning point of the story that determines the ending.

What is Falling Action?

Events that follow the climax and move the plot toward the resolution.

What is Resolution?

Loose ends of the plot are tied up and remaining questions are answered. The conflict is resolved.

Which POV is:
� Narrator is a character in the story
� Uses first-person pronouns
� Tells story from his or her perspective
� Reader knows only what the narrator knows

First Person Point of View

Which POV is:
� Narrator speaks directly to the reader
� Uses pronoun "you" because narrator is speaking to you, the reader

Second Person Point of View

Which POV is:
� Narrator is outside the story
� Knows everything about all the characters and events
� Uses third-person pronouns

Third Person Omniscient POV

Which POV is:
� Narrator is outside the story
� Knows the thoughts and feelings of only one character
� Uses third-person pronouns

Third Person Limited POV

What is Theme? How can you identify theme?

Theme is an idea about life or human nature that the author is trying to share with the reader.
S- Subject
L- Lesson
I M- Idea or Message
E- Evidence

What is a comparison of 2 unlike things using like or as?


What is a comparison of 2 unlike things that DOES NOT use like or as?


What is an extreme exaggeration?


What is an expression that means something other than the literal meaning?


What is giving non human things Human characteristics or qualities?


What is this an example of?
Santa's beard was a white as snow.


What is this an example of?
Santa's beard is a cream puff of fluff.


What is this an example of?
Santa was so hungry he could eat all eight reindeer in one sitting.


What is this an example of?
Mrs. Claus told Santa to break a leg as he left the North Pole on Christmas Eve.


What is this an example of?
The reindeer laughed and called him names.


What kind of text describes an event and the events that follow?

Cause and Effect

What kind of text provides detailed information to give the reader a mental picture?


What kind of text details similarities and differences between people, places or objects?

Compare and Contrast

What kind of text details the time order or events or steps in a sequence?


What kind of text discusses info about a problem and explains possible solutions?

Problem and Solution

Give some signal words for cause and effect text.

Cause, effect, as a result, due to, reason

Give some signal words for description text.

For example, for instance, many adjectives

Give some signal words for compare and contrast text.

Alike, also both, contrast, difference

Give some signal words for chronological/sequencing text.

First, next, dates, step by step instructions

Give some signal words for problem and solution text.

Problem, solve, issue, since, consequently

What kind of context clue defines the word directly and clearly in the sentence in which it appears?


What kind of context clue uses contrast - often signaled by the words whereas, unlike, opposed to?


What kind of context clue uses restatement- other words used in the sentence with similar meanings?


What kind of context clue uses examples to help you understand the word?


What kind of context clue uses inference from the text?


What kind of context clue uses the cause for or result of an unknown word to explain the meaning?

Cause and Effect

Give a positive and negative connotation for watched.

gazed / spied

Give a positive and negative connotation for commented.

complemented / wisecracked

Give a positive and negative connotation for walked.

strolled / trudged

Give a positive and negative connotation for old.

Elderly / ancient

Give a positive and negative connotation for thin.

slender / gaunt