Beacon Cove Baker - water cycle & weather


the change from a liquid to a gas


the change from a gas into a liquid


the falling to Earth of any form of water (rain, snow, hail or sleet)


the mixture of gasses surrounding the Earth

water cycle

The continuous process by which water moves from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back.


water that cannot soak into the ground and instead flows across Earth's surface.


what the atmosphere is like at a given time and location


a tool used for measuring wind speed


a tool used for mesuring air pressure


the amount of water vapor in the air

wind (weather) vane

a tool used to determine wind direction

weather balloon

a tool used to gather weather information high in the atmosphere


a tool used to measure humidity


a tool used to measure temperature

air pressure

the weight of the atmosphere on Earth's surface


moving air

air mass

a large body of air with the same temperature and moisture properties throughout


the boundary between two air masses

weather map

a map that uses symbols to show weather data


the long-term weather patterns of a region

climate zone

an area that has similar average temperatures and precipitation throughout


the imaginary line that divides Earth into its northern and southern hemispheres

cold front

forms when cold air moves under warm air which is less dense and pushes air up (produces violent weather at the frontal boundary but once front passes, crisp dry air follows)

warm front

formed when a warm air mass overtakes and rises over a cold air mass (gentle precipitation usually found at frontal boundary)

cumulus clouds

fluffy, white clouds, usually with flat bottoms, that look like rounded piles of cotton. Found in the middle layers of the atmosphere (2000m - 6000m)

stratus clouds

form in layers. Fog is a type of this cloud that develops near Earth's surface (0m - 2000m)

cirrus clouds

wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that form at high levels (6000m and up)


Evaporation that takes place on the surface of any plant on the surface of the Earth.