Plate Tectonic Notes

Continental drift Theory

*Wegener noticed that Africa and South America fit together the puzzle pieces
*Matching Fossils on separated coastlines
*One Large Landmass


One large landmass


Two large landmass

Compositional Layers of the earth

Crust mantal and outter core.

Plate Tectonics

*earths crist and upper mantle are broken into sections called plates
*Plates move around on top of the mantle like rafts


crust and part of the upper mantle
100 km thick (pretty thick)
less dense than the material below it so it floats


Plastic layer below the lithosphere=asthenosphere
plates of the lithosphere floats

2 types of plates

ocean plates=plates below the ocean
continental plates=plates below the continental

divergent boundaries

boundary between two plates that are moving apart or rifting

Types of mountains

folded fault block Volcanic

folded mountains

form when two plates collide mainly of sedimentary rocks

Convection currents

in the Earth's mantle are what drive plate motions. Convection currents are driven by the simple fact that hot things (such as gases and liquids) rise while cool things fall.


The point on the surface of Earth that is right above the focus of an earthquake


How do we measure the intensity of an earthquake?

Mercalli Scale

People feel movement.
Doors open
Pictures fall off wall. VII.
Some buildings lose bricks.
Difficulty driving.

p waves

are the 1st

s waves

waves the deadly high energy waves of an earth quake travel at 1/2 the speed of p waves