Abeka 9th Grade Physical Science Chapter 5

kinetic theory of matter

the molecules of an object move faster as the object is heated.

thermal energy

an object's internal energy due to the random motions of its individual molecules

thermal equilibrium

the state in which no thermal energy is transferred between objects because they are at the same temperature


the transfer of thermal energy from an object of higher temperature to an object of lower temperature

heat capacity

the amount of heat needed to change its temperature by a certain amount

specific heat

the amount of heat needed to cause a unit rise in the temperature of a unit mass of the substance


the device designed to measure the heat involved in physical and chemical changes


device that automatically regulates temperature


the process by which heat flows through materials and between objects in direct contact


the transfer of heat by moving fluids

convection currents

currents within the liquid caused by heated fluid rising and cooler fluid sinking


the transfer of energy as radient energy


the branch of physics that deals with thermal energy, heat, and thier relationships to other forms of energy and energy transfer

first law of thermodynamics

The idea that the energy gained (or lost) by a system is equal to the energy lost (or gained) by its surroundings.

second law of thermodynamics

the idea that natural processes tend to go only toward less usable energy and greater disorder


a measure of the amount of disorder in a system

heat of fusion

the latent heat required to change a given mass of a solid into a liquid without changing its temperature


the change from a liquid into a gas


liquids that evaporate rapidly


liquids that evaporate slowly

the refrigerant, compressor, condenser, and evaporator

the four main components of a heat pump


the matter or portion of the universe being studied


the entire universe except the system

mechanical equivalent of heat

the relationship between mechanical energy and heat

the Carnot engine

a theoretical device that would generate the maximum possible amount of work from a given amount of heat

freezing point

the temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid


when evaporation occurs throughout a liquid

heat of vaporization

the quantity of heat required to change a given amount of liquid already at its boiling point into a gas without raising its temperature

heat pumps

devices that use mechanical energy and latent heat to transfer thermal energy from a colder location to a warmer location


when a substance skips the liquid state and changes directly into a gas


when a gas changes directly into a solid


state of matter that exists when temperatures are too high for matter to exist in its ordinary state