Chapter 19 Review - Earth Science

The mercurial barometer was invented by


The force exerted by the air above is called

Air pressure

What are centers of low pressure called


Variations in air pressure from place to place are the principal called


In winter, large landmasses often develop a seasonal

High pressure system

A sea breeze is most intense

during mid to late afternoon

What is the pressure zone that is associated with rising air near the equator

Equatorial low

What are high altitude, high velocity winds called

Jet streams

Where is deflection of wind due to coriolis effect the strongest

Near the poles

In what stormy region do the westerlies and polar easterlies converge

Polar Front

Describe how an aneroid barometer works

An aneroid barometer works by using a vacuum sealed chamber to negate a needle or pointer. This is done by detecting the natural high or low pressure in the air surrounding the vacuum sealed chamber which moves the pointer by contracting and detracting.

Write a general statement relating to the spacing of isobars to wind speed

The spacing of isobars is inversely proportional to the wind speed

Describe how weather that usually accompanies a A. barometric drop in weather and B. A rise in barometric pressure

A. bad weather
B. good weather

How does the corioilis effect modify air movement in the Southern hemisphere

Wind is deflected to the left

The trade winds originate from which pressure zone

Subtropical high-pressure zones but then converge near the Equator at the Inter-tropical convergence zonee.

Air pressure

The force exerted by the weight of a column of air above a given point


an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure

Pressure Gradient

the amount of pressure change occurring over a given distance

Coriolis Effect

the apparent deflective force of the earths rotation all free moving objects, including the atmosphere and oceans; Deflection is to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere

Jet Stream

Swift high altitude winds


a low pressure center characterized bu a counterclockwise flow of air in the Northern hemisphere

Anti Cyclone

a high pressure center characterized by a clockwise flow of air in the northern hemisphere

Trade Winds

two belts of wind that blow almost constantly from easterly directions and are located on the north and south sides of the subtropical winds


the dominant west to east motion of the atmosphere that characterizes the regions on the poleward side of the subtropical highs

Polar Easterlies

in the global pattern of prevailing winds, winds that blow from the polar high towards the subpolar low these winds, however, should not be thought of as persistent winds

Polar Front

the stormy frontal zone separating cold air masses of polar origin from warm air masses of topical origin


the seasonal reversal of wind direction associated with larger continents, especially Asia

Prevailing Wind

Global winds that blow constantly from the same direction


An instrument used to measure wind speed

El Nino

(oceanography) a warm ocean current that flows along the equator from the date line and south off the coast of Ecuador at Christmas time

La Nina

A cooling of the ocean surface off the western coast of South America, occurring periodically every 4 to 12 years and affecting Pacific and other weather patterns.