The Sun and Stars 2

blue star

a star with the hottest temperature


a group of billions of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity

Milky Way galaxy

the system of stars to which our sun belongs

red star

a star with the coolest temperature

solar system

a group of planets held by gravity to a central star

yellow star

a star of average temperature


the center of the sun where most of the energy originates from nuclear fusion


the very hot, outer atmosphere of the sun, visible as a halo during a solar eclipse


the visible surface of a star, giving off most of the light


having to do with the sun

partial solar eclipse

occurs when the moon moves between Earth and the sun and part of the sun is blocked by the moon

solar eclipse

occurs when the moon moves between Earth and the sun, blocking the sun's rays from Earth


the time when the sun is completely blocked out by the moon during a solar eclipse


the region of complete darkness during a total solar eclipse; the shadow of the moon