stars and galaxies

binary star

Member of a double star system


A group of stars that form a pattern in the sky


a large cloud of dust and gas that can break apart into smaller pieces and form stars


large group of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity; can be elliptical, spiral, or irregular

spiral galaxy

a galaxy with a bulge in the middle and arms that spiral outward in a pinwheel pattern

elliptical galaxy

A spherical or elongated galaxy with a bright center and very little dust and gas; contain older stars

irregular galaxy

a galaxy that does not fit into any other category; one with an irregular shape


colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism

big-bang theory

theory that the universe began to expand with the explosion of concentrated matter and energy and has been expanding ever since


a "quasi-stellar" object; a starlike source of light that is extremely far away; one of the most powerful sources of energy in the universe

cosmic background radiation

radiation left over from the beginning of the universe

open cluster

a star cluster that has a loose, disorganized appearance and contains no more than a few thousand stars

globular cluster

circular shaped star cluster tightly bound with thousands to millions of very old stars

white dwarf

Small dense star

neutron star

smallest of all stars

apparent brightness

the brightness of a star when viewed from Earth

absolute brightness

Amount of light a star actually gives off

Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

chart that shows the relationship between the absolute magnitude and the surface temperature of stars

main-sequence star

star that falls in an area from the upper left corner to the lower right corner of the H-R diagram


The apparent change in position of a nearby star due to Earth's orbital motion around the sun


Early form of a star; This stage lies between the collapsing of dust and gas and the beginning of nuclear fusion


tremendous explosion in which a star breaks apart, releasing energy and newly formed elements


a neutron star that produces radio waves

black hole

the final stage in evolution of a very massive star, where the core's mass collapses to a point that it's gravity is so strong that not even light can escape


A device built to observe distant objects by making them appear closer

visible light

Electromagnetic radiation that can be seen with the unaided eye


the distance between the crest of one wave and the crest of the next wave

optical telescope

a telescope that uses lenses or mirrors to collect and focus visible light

electromagnetic radiation

energy that travels through space in the form of waves

refracting telescope

a telescope that uses convex lenses to gather and focus light

convex lens

a piece of transparent glass curved so that the middle is thicker than the edges

reflecting telescope

a telescope that uses a curved mirror to collect and focus light

radio telescope

a device used to detect radio waves from objects in space


a building that contains one or more telescopes


an instrument that separates light into colors and makes an image of the resulting spectrum


the distance that light travels in one year, about 9.5 million million kilometers

scientific notation

a mathematical method of writing numbers using the powers of ten


all of space and everything in it

eclipsing binary

a binary star system in which one star periodically blocks the light from the other

Hubble's law

the observation that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away

solar nebula

a large cloud of gas and dust, such as the one that formed our solar system


One of the small asteroid-like bodies that formed the building blocks of the planets

dark matter

matter that does not give off electromagnetic radiation but is quite abundant in the universe

dark energy

a mysterious force that appears to be causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate