Chapter 4 The Earth's Water

A large body of salt water


About ________ of the surface of Earth is covered by oceans.

70 percent

People use different natural _______ from the ocean for food, energy, ad recreation.


As _____ runs downhill, it picks up salt from dirt and rocks.


Rivers carry this ______into the ocean.


_______provides heat that evaporated fresh water from the ocean.


_________pound on the rocks and sand, and undersea __________ erupt, adding salt to the ocean.

waves, volcanos

The concentration of salt in the ocean is about _________ which causes ocean water to taste salty

3.5 percent

Frozen ice sheets contain mother of the ________ on Earth

fresh water

Greenland and _____________have the only ice sheets in the world.


Some fresh water is frozen in ________ , which are large bodies of ice that move slowly over land.


Fresh water flows across Earth's surface in


Most _________ are small to medium-sized bodies of water that are surrounded by land and hold fresh water.


Describe the two kinds of water that cover three-fourths of Earth's surface.

The two kind of water that cover three-fourths of the Earth's surface is ocean water and fresh water.
The ocean covers 70% of the Earth's surface. People use lots of the ocean's natural resources. For example, people eat fish, shellfish, and seaweed, Peop

The three forms of water are

liquid state, solid state, gaseous state

When heat is taken away from liquid water, it changes into

solid water.

Evaporation happens when liquid water turns into

a gas

moving air is called ______ or ________.

wind or breeze

Cold air is more ______ than warm air.


_________ form high in the sky, usually from ice crystals.

Cirrus Clouds

Drops of liquid water in __________are pulled down by their weight.


If the tempreature is ________ freezing, drops of water become solid, forming sleet, hail, or snow.


Snowflakes are formed when water vapor turns directly into solid _________.

ice crystals.

The __________ is the continuous movement of water between Earth's surface and the air.


Describe the three steps that causes water to change during the water cycle.

Water vapor evaporates from the oceans and condenses into clouds. Water falls as precipitation and runs down to the ocean. From the ocean, it evaporates again.


a structure that carries large amounts of water to one place to a another


an underground layer of rock,sand,or gravel that contains water


the process in witch matter changes state from gas to liquid

water cycle

the continous movement of water from a liquid state on the ground to a vapor state in the air and back again.

water shed

an area of land that drains into a specific river


a man made lake that stores water for later


the act if recycling or restoring some thing to a usable state


the slow changing of a liquid into gas


the act or policy of saving or protecting somthing