Earth and Environment Exam #2


flash of light caused by an extraterrestrial object entering the atmosphere


actual object entering the atmosphere


object once it reaches the ground

importance of minearls

historial tool for geologists---record history of pressure, temperature, composition, and time; they are the building blocks for rocks

definition of minerals

naturally occurring
inorganic solid-some minearls have carbon
orderly crystalline structure-ice is a mineral but liquid/gas water is not
well-defined chemical composition


building block for minerals. as ions with similar ionic radius fit better together. bonding behavior is controlled by valence electrons and ionic radius

most abundant element in the solar system

hydrogen, followed closely by helium

crust vs mantle

more silica in crust than mantle while the mantle has more magnesium

the main difference between minerals

the different ratios of silicon to oxygen
1:4-independent, single tetrahedron-olivine
1:3-single chain-pyroxene
4:11-double chain-amphibole
2:5-sheet structure-mica
1:2-3d network-potassium feldspar

mineral identification

1. color
2. harness using the Moh's Hardness scale (1 is soft, 10 is hard)
3. luster-shininess
4. cleavage-the way it fractures

oceanic vs. continental crust in density

less dense continental floast on denser oceanic crust

what group is most abundant in crust

feldspar-potassium and plagioclase


extremely hard, pyramid shape crystals


hornblende, tremolite


muscovite (white), biotite (black)

clay minearls



enstatite (orthopyroxene), dipside (clinopyroxene)

rocks without silicon (non-silicates)

oxides, sulfides, sulfates, halides, carbonates

overview of minerals

1. formation of minerals is controlled by availability of atoms
2. abundance of SI and O in crust and mantle means that most minerals are constructed from silica tetrahedra
3. silica tetrahedral combine in different ways depending on silica and oxygen rat

liquids to make igneous rock (2)

2. lava-material in liquid form that is exposed at Earth's surface
1. magma-contained in depth

solid of magma/lava (1)

igneous rock=cooling of lava or magma

two types of igneous rocks

1. intrusive-cooled at depth and remains in earth's interior-large grained bc cool slowly
2. extrusive-cooled at surface-fine grained bc cool quickly

texture of igneous rocks (4)

1. aphanitic-extrusive, fine grained
2. vesicular-extrusive, shapes of gas bubbles preserved in crystallized rock
3. glassy-extrusive
4. phaneritic-grains are easily visible-intrusive

continental crust is silica

rich (felsic to intermediate)

oceanic crust if silica

poor (mafic)

mantle rocks are silica

poor (ultramafic)

to melt rocks, need to

increase temperature
decrease pressure
increase volatile content-change chemical composition


when little bits of melted rock form


everything's liquid once you get there

partial melting

in btween solidus and liquidus

flux melting

subduction of oceanic lithosphere under continental crust. water goes from crust into mantle rocks--> lowering melting temperature-->melting of rocks and forms continental volcanic arc

decompression melting

at spreading centers, partial melting of hot mantle rock when it moves upward and the pressure is reduced to the extent that the melting point drops to the temperature of the body

bowen's reaction series

low viscosity-low silica-HIGH in melting temperature, crystallize first
high viscosity-high silica-in LOW melting, minerals with high silica content crystallize last


magma composition; inclusions of host rock that survive

forming continental crust (5)

1. partial melting in the upper mantle produces mafic magma
2. rises upwards through the lithosphere
3. pools at the base of the continental crust, which is less dense than mafic magma
4. differentiation of the magma chamber produces intermediate melts


igneous, horizontal traveling of magma


igneous, vertical (typically along fractures) traveling of magma


igneous. when dikes travel up and create magma balloon that rips through the sedimentary layer. looks like a hill created by magma


igneous, single magma chamber that has crystallized, can be exposed by erosion


when lots of plutons are together and exposed at surface

felsic (igneous)

granite, rhyolite, forms at low temperature, last to crystallize
decreasing potassium/sodium

intermediate (igneous)

andesite and diorite, decreasing silica, low middle temperature-middle to crystallize

mafic (igneous)

basalt and gabbro, increasing iron and magnesium and calcium, high middle temperature-middle to crystallize

ultramafic (igneous)

olivine and peridotite and komatite, forms at highest temperature-first to crystallize

types of magma (2)

basaltic-silica poor, low viscosity, easy for gas to escape
rhyolitic-relatively silica high, high viscosity, difficult for gas to escape

3 V's of volcanology

viscosity, volatiles-chemical elements with low boiling points associated, volume-volcanic explosivity index

as magma cools, the silica content

gets higher because high silica content crystallize first

shield volcanoe

Mauna Loa
gentle, broad, sloping shape,
volume is enormous

flood basalts

low silica content,
much larger in terms of volume than shield volcanoes-eruptions much longer

cinder cones

medium-high volatile content, mono-genetic volcanoes erupt once, volcanic tuff makes up the walls of the volcano (volcanic ash), cinder cones are short lived


pointy, style of eruption changes over the life of volcano (what volcanoes are pictured as)


most explosive made with remnant of past volcano, formed by a collapsing magma chamber and a lake forms around it

anatomy of a volcanic eruption (stratovolcano)

1. oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath continental lithosphere
2. at depth about 100 km, amphibole dehydrates and water is released into the mantle-->lowers melting temperature
3. melt starts to percolate upwards into volcanic system
4. when mantle melts


lava-slow moving, viscous with shiny/sharp crust


lava-fast moving, lumpy or ropy texture

pillow lava

lava, erupted and cooled underwater

lava fountains

non-explosing outpouring of lava

lava flows

rivers of lava downhill--flows can be gentle or fast moving

fissure eruption

the eruption of magma out of a crack in the lithosphere, rather than from a single pipe or vent

lava lakes

long lived pools of lava, lake fed by magma chambers below with perfect balance between heat from below and cool air in atmosphere

lava tubes

surface cools but lava is insulated below ground--produces underground rivers

pryroclastic debris (from volcano)

solid while aireborne-ash, cinders, blocks
liquid when aireborne-bombs (largest)


pryroclastic debris. fine granular material and has effect on climate-dangerous for air travel because it adheres itself to plane turbines

pyroclastic flow

pryroclastic debris. temperature is incredibly high and moves fast as it moves with gravity. they follow stream beds (where many people live)

causes of pyroclastic flow (3)

1. volcanic domes
2. collapsed crater rims
3. direct blast

volcanic domes

unstable edifices of rock that build up slowly


many volcanoes are covered with snow and ice year-round. when hot volcanic materials and glaciers mix, a dense river pours down side of volcano--> mudslide

Mount Merapi

smoke and ash at the beginning-->small frequent earthquakes caused eruption-->landslides caused by magma swelling and changed slope of the sides

Mount Vesuvius

stratovolcano. not complete cone because caldera that used to large ancient stratovolcano named Mount Somma--> vesuvius formed in side the large original volcano
eruption destroyed Pompeii by pyroclastic flow
Pliny the Younger was the only witness

Mount Saint Helens

eruption caused collapse of mountain. earthquake--> eruption--> ash fall in 11 states-->lahars
changed america's mindset about eruptions

phretic eruptions

explosions of steam from interactions og magma and groundwater


the physical breakdown and chemical alternation of rock at or near the Earth's surface, sources of rock


the physical removal of material, transport processes

mass wasting

the transfer of rock and soil downslope under the influence of grcity, transport processes

frost wedging

mechanical weathering, crack in rock-water get ins and it freezes. ice increases in volume and the crack gets bigger. when the ice melts, then ice gets in once again in the winter and makes the crack bigger again.

types of weathering

1. mechanical-physical forces break rock into smaller peices
2. chemical-transformation of a rock or mineral to a different composition that is more mobile than the original. more susceptible to this weathing if increased surface and smaller blocks

salt crystal growth

mechanical weathering, Dead Sea-salt crystals grow while water evaporates

biological weathering

mechanical weathering, roots break up rocks


mechanical weathering, deeply buried igneous pluton suddenly uplifts and erodes overlying rock


mechanical weathering, peeling off in sheets rather than eroding grain by grain

role of acids in chemical weathering

most rocks are not very soluble in water, however small levels in acidity in water will greatly enhance weathering, carbonic acid in rain or ground water will dissolve calcite

spheriodical weathering

chemical weathering, water streams inside rock, weathering causes them to separate, and then weathering also makes them round

oxidation reactions

chemical weathering, reaction when pyrite (iron sulfide) reactions with water to generate limonite (rust) and sulfuric acid --> acid mine drainage. looks like gold but its pyrite--> produce tons of sulfuric acid when water hits it and water leaches into s

sedimentary rock

formed by the settling of minerals derived from weathering and erosion, or biological process
ex: Grand Canyon

origins of sedimentary rocks

1. weathering-mechanical and chemical
2. transport-river (fluvial) ocean, glacial, aeolian (wind-driven)
3. deposition-settling (ex: sand in water, larger particles settle first), chemical changes
4. diagenesis-burial, lithification (turning something int

types of sedimentary rock

1. detrital-composed of grains of minerals already broken up
2. chemical-derived from ionic material
3. organic-classified using composition and texture

detrital sedimentary rock

(transported) matt material (called cement)
lots of weathering, lots of deposition-when we weather felspar, detriral sedimentary rocks are classified by grain sized, grain shape, and the distribution of grain size

classify detrital sedimentary rock

size range, sorting, angular and sphericity


texture is coarse, gravel rounded or angular, poorly sorted
caused by high energy process
breccia-haven't travelled such large distances, particles are sharp


texture is medium, sand, detrital sedimentary rock, permeable


texture if fine, mud, detrital sedimentary rock

shale or mudstone

detrital sedimentary rock, texture is very fine, mud

the differences in sedimentary rock depends

on how far the rock has traveled, the environment in which it lies--> factors of erosion

shale special characterisitic

impermeable caprock that seals off the top-oil can be stored underneath

Burgess Shale

major discoveries of the Cambrian period-fossils

Marcellus Shale


crystalline limestone

calcium, calicite, organic sedimentary rock

biochemical limestone

corals and many other deep sea creatures secrete carbonaceous exoskeletons.

fosfillferous limestone

made of fossils

calcium compensation depth

sedimentary rock forms at less than 5,000 meters

evaporite deposits

mineral that was dissolved in water and when the water dried up, the mineral is deposited
ex: halite, salts, sulfate, carbonates, borates

environments for sediments

swamp, glacial deposits, beach sands, lake, allurial fans
-crossheds-aoliean, usually found in desert
-lake-low energy-shale
-glacial-high energy
-allucial fans-poorly sorted

sedimentary facies



what was the rock before metamorphism, the rock that existed before metamorphism


transformation of one rock type into another through the imposition of temperature, pressure, chemical changes, and/or stress
DOESN'T INCLUDE: changes due to weathering/erosion and due to complete melting

agents of metamorphism

1. temperature
2. pressure-forces applied equally in all directions
3. fluids
4. stress-forces applied differently depending on direction


same chemical elemental structure but different physical structures because they went through different metamorphic reaction. same chemical composition but different minerals

if you find a rock with both types of polymorphs

it occurs at a point in pressure vs. temperature where both types can occure

stress brings about foliation

1. grain rotation
2. change of grain shape
3. formation of new elongated grains

burial metamorphism

similar to diagenesis. burial--compaction--greater burial--more compaction

thermal metamorphism

host rock next to the magma chamber is heated and produces a metamorphic aureole and igneous pluton

shock metamorphism

huge impact. high pressure and low temperature next to subduction zone

hydrothermal metamorphism

hot, iron rich fluids circulate through cracks in rocks-->changes the chemical composition of rocks, usually at mid-ocean rides at the formation of oceanic crust

regional metamorphism

occurs over broad areas of crust, usually in areas that have undergone deformation during an orogenic event resulting in mountain belts that have since been eroded to expose the metamorphic rocks

hydrolic cycle

the processes by which "water evaporates from the ocean, plants, and soil, moves though the atmosphere, and eventaully falls as precipitation" and falls into rivers and streams and be returned back to the ocean

habitability zone

the regions within a specific solar system in which liquid water can be stable
extends from earths out to mars

5 factors in runoff vs. infiltration

1. amount of water already in soil
2. intensity and duration of rainfall
3. surface material (ex: asphalt)
4. slope of the land (flat vs steep)
5. extent and type of vegetation (easier for water to penetrate soil if lots of vegetation is present, plants b


starts with sheet flows, turns into rolls, then gullies, then streams/rivers

advantage of channelized flow

less contact with the ground, water will move faster because of less friction with surroundings


long-lived channels in depression in a surface caused by erosion


deepest part of stream


side of the stream


start of the stream


end of the stream

4 basic controls on flow speed of streams

1. channel gradient-change in elevation over distance
2. channel size and shape-deeper narrow and uniform streams is faster
3. channel roughness-smoother steams are faster. barriers are slow
4. total discharge-more discharge is faster-more water stream ex

while traveling from headwaters--> mouth

channel roughness/channel slope typically decrease. discarge, channel size, flow velocity typically increase

zone of production

erosion is faster than deposition-taking mass out of this part of the river system

zone of transportation

rate of erosion and rate of deposition exactly the dame (no metrial being added or taken away in river system)

zone of deposition

close to the mouth of river. adding mass that has been transported

stream erosion-3 main mechanisms

1. abrasion-caused by sediment scouring away at the underlying rock (sand on stream floor)
2. corrosion-combination of weathering and erosion that involves chemical reactions (carbon dioxide and water create carbonic acid)
3. quarrying-river can pick up a

streams transport material

in solution (dissolved load), in suspension (suspended load), by sliding or rolling (bed load)

suspended load

competition between flow velocity and settling velocity-particles want to sink, but velocity of river determines if they remain suspended
rate that a particle settles is determined mainly by its diameter

bed load

transported by sliding or rolling underwater larger particles, rocks
saltation-in-between sliding and suspended

stream capacity

1. capacity-maximum load of material transported per unit time
2. competence-maximum particle size that can be transported by a river (more energetic rivers have higher stream capacity/competence)

development of river delta

channel gets clogged, then becomes filled in, provess repeats


streams feed into one river

alluvial fans

alluviums drain and deposited at base. will know that water drained off steep mountain, periodic/incremental, typical arid climate

drainage basin (2)

1. sedimentary basin-low-lying geographic province that is filling with sediment
2. drainage basin-a bounded region that drains all of its water out of a common exit point


direction of which water fall
separation of drainage basin

young stream valleys start off

v-shaped, created by rapid downward erosion, little deposition

valleys caused by glaciers characterisitic


base level

lowest elevation that the stream can possibly follow (minimum gradient)

influences on base level

they will try to work back towards base level, when you put a dam. the top of the dam becomes the minimum base level and the gradient of the stream goes down-->the energy of the stream decreases-->can't carry as much sediment and deposit the sediment-->cr

delta will erode because

not eough sediment reaches the delta but filling up the upper part of the river with sediment--> need to constantly dredge the river reservoirs tend to evaporate more

niagara falls

fault--> uplift --> migration of nik point

braided channels

when the source of water is very varied. ex: melting glaciers because they only provide water in summer months

meandering channel

natural consequence of motion of rivers, caused first by small wiggles in rivers and by times the wiggles grow, the water outside curve moves faster than the water inside the curve and has more erosional capacity-->the farter part of the curve cuts the la

oxbow lake

path of the river becomes much longer-->gradient becomes smaller-->river moves slower
but sometimes the river cuts off the long meander --> create an oxbow lake

incised meander

meander river cuts bedrock ex: colorado plateau, the uplift of the bedrock-->river cut the bedrock that went up-->the meander river shape is now fixed


tectonic uplift causes terraces-the previous floodplains rises up
ex: post glacial melting-land rebounces up

formation of floodplain

floodplain is formed from the windshield wiper motion of meander channel formation/cut off/destruction
rocks in floodplains-natural levees have coarse grained rocks. silt, clay, small grained rocks as you go farther out of the floodplains


manage flooding-natural and artificial levees but their consequences: without flooding, the river doesn't deposit sediment onto the floodplains--> need to constantly dredge the river
areas with well developed levees pushes water to areas with less develop

bedrock channel

cutting into underlying rock

alluvial channel

cutting into unconsolidated sediment-alluvium


liquid water that has infiltrated the outermost layers of the crust, contained mainly in pore spaces and fractures

surface water makes up about **of the water we use



fraction of the rock volume that is open space


ease with which fluids can pass through a rock

solutions to groundwater contamination

1. abandon water supply
2. attempt to pump out and purify water
3. clean up the source of pollutant and wait


can come from mineral dissolution, mining, groundwater extraction
down-opposite of uplift

4 main categories of mass movement

falls, flows, slides, subsides

effect of friction on mass movement

Friction resists sliding. Friction is less than or equal to gravity (cannot be greater than)


slow mass movement. Happens on hillsides that expand and contract.

3 points for forces

1. adding mass
2. agitation-ground shaking and falling down. ex: mudflows after earthquakes
3. changing the angle or shape of the slope-tectonic uplight. undercutting

tectonic uplift

� Steeper hill-slopes means more gravity and less friction
� Angle of repose: piles of material cannot exceed a critical steepness; maximum steepness is the angle of repose


holes, caves in the ground caused by erosion (usually water erosion) of material at the base of a steep cliff

karst topography

many sink holes-come from undercutting, holes underground and surface collapses. sinking streams, erosion from river

3 factors to destabalize landscapes

erosion, weathering, and tectonic forces which leads to mass movements

why do people build on hillsides

no more room anywhere else
nice view
stay out of flooding

chemical dissolution

� Most rocks not very soluble in water
� But small levels of acidity in the water will speed weathering
� Carbonic acid in rain or GW creates caves/caverns


(mass movements) free fall, dominantly vertical, move as separate blocks


(mass movements) flow over landscape, more as viscous fluids, turbulance with moving mass


(mass movements) slides on top of basal slip surface move as a semisolid mass


collapse into void. dominantly vertical downward movement. move as separate blocks

mass movement

exchanges between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy

example of cinder cones

owens valley

example of stratovolcanoes

mount shasta, CA
mount rainer, WA

example of caldera

crater lake, OR

exampe of lahars

nevado del ruiz


silica high, granite and rhyolite


diorite, andesite, middle-high silica concentration


gabbro and basalt, middle-low silica concentration


silica low concentration, peridotite and komatite

more silica also means

more potassium and sodium
less iron, magnesium, and calcium

increasing explosiveness of volcanoes

shield (lowest), flood basalts, cinder cones, stratovolcanoes, caldera