Chapter 8 Earthquakes and Earth's Interior


the vibration of Earth produced by the rapid release of energy


a fracture in Earth along which movement has occurred


the point within the Earth where an earthquake originates

seismic waves

vibrations that travel through Earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake


the location on Earth's surface directly above the focus, or origin of an earthquake

elastic rebound

tendency for deformed rock along a fault to spring back to its original shape


a small earthquake that follows the main earthquake


earthquake wave that pushes and pulls rocks in the direction of the waves; also known as a compression wave


a seismic wave that shakes particles perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling (transverse wave)


an instrument that records seismic waves


the record made by a seismograph

surface wave

a seismic wave that travels along the surface of the Earth

moment magnitude

more precise measure of earthquake magnitude than the Richter scale, which comes from the displacement that occurs along a fault zone and estimates the energy released by an earthquake


a phenomenon, associated with earthquakes, in which soils and other unconsolidated materials saturated with water are turned into a liquid that is not able to support buildings

seismic gap

an area along a fault where there has not been any earthquake activity for a long period of time


the Japanese word for a seismic sea wave


the thin, rocky outer layer of Earth


the 2890 km thick layer of Earth located below the crust


the rigid outer layer of Earth, including the crust and upper mantle


a weak plastic layer of the mantle situated below the lithosphere; The rock within this zone is easily deformed

outer core

a layer beneath the mantle about 2260 km thick; It contains liquid iron and generates Earth's magnetic field.

inner core

the solid innermost layer of Earth, about 1220 km in radius.


short for the Mohorovicic discontinuity; It is the boundary separating the crust from the mantle, discernible by an increase in the velocity of seismic waves.