What are latitude lines, how are they measured and their total number of degrees?

latitude are drawn sideways, 180 Latitude

What a map scale is used for and what are the 3 kinds

map scales are used to show distance on a map to the larger real life distance.
1.Fractional scale
2.verbal scale scale.

Where is the prime meridian

0 degrees longitude

What does elevation measure

distance above sea level.

What is Bathymetric map

shows the floor of the ocean.

The location of the equator and its degrees of latitude

the equator is located between north and south pole and at 0' degrees latitude.

the difference between latitude and longitude

latitude is sideways and longitude is up and down

How many total degrees of longitude there are

latitude is 180 ' longitude is 360'

What is legend used for

to show symbols

What a contour map is and what contour lines are?

contour maps show relief of an area, contour lines join points of elevation.

What is elevation

elevation is measuring distance above sea level.

rules for contour lines

the lines are connected but never cross each other.

The difference between a globe and maps.

globes are 3D and maps are flat.

What a Mercator projection is

Is a map more accurate along the equator than the north poles.

what do latitude and longitude lines look like.

longitude meets at the poles and latitude one parallels.

What latitude line is a 0' degrees


What longitude line is at 0' degrees

Prime meridian

Where is the international Date line

180' IDL

How many degrees in latitude between the poles and the equator.
