Solar System


A tool that makes distant objects appear larger, brighter and sharper. A telescope is a type of technology.

solar system

the sun, planets, moons, and other objects that orbit the sun


nearest star to earth
*If the earth was further away from the sun, a year on earth would be LONGER.


A gigantic ball of gas which gives off heat and light. The SUN is a star. Star color ranges from hottest to coolest:


satellites of the sun, large bodies in space that move around the sun
*Largest - Jupiter
*Smallest - Mercury


third planet from the sun, only planet that is known to support life
*orbits around the sun in an elliptical (oval) pattern.

Inner planets

four planets closest to the sun, small, made of solid rock; get a lot of heat and light from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars)

outer planets

four planets farthest from the sun, large, made of gases, usually cold and dark (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)


to move in a path around an object


move around an object


spin or turn on an axis


an imaginary line through the center of an object


group of stars that form a pattern shaped like an animal, person or object


sphere made of rock that revolves around the Earth once every 27 and 1/3 days
*does not make its own light. The reflecting light from the sun makes the side of the moon facing the sun look bright.

moon phases

different ways the moon looks throughout the month

new moon

phase of the moon when it is not visible in the sky

crescent moon

phase of the moon in which only a small portion is lit

quarter moon

phase of the moon in which it looks like a half circle

full moon

phase of the moon when the moon is fully lit by the sun as seen from earth


an imaginary line that circles the Earth HALFWAY between the North and South Poles. It divides the Earth into SOUTHERN and NORTHERN hemispheres.


Our year is divided into four SEASONS. The sun's rays strike Earth's SURFACE at different angles at different times of the YEAR. In the Northern Hemisphere (where we live), Earth is tilted TOWARD the sun during the summer and tilted AWAY from the sun duri

sun, moon, and earth

Be able to label and draw the sun, moon, and earth using the relationship of their sizes and arrows to show orbits.

gibbous moon

A phase of the Moon, when the size of the illuminated portion is greater than half but not a full Moon. >half, <full