Moon Phases, Tides, Eclipses

29.5 days

How long does it take the Moon to complete a cycle of phases or a lunar month (new moon to new moon)?

Sun and Moon's gravity

What two forces cause the tides?


What is the motion of the Moon around the Earth called?

2 Reasons for the seasons


New moon

At point 1, the Moon is a...

Waxing crescent

At point 2, the Moon is a...

1st quarter

At point 3, the Moon is a ...

Waxing gibbous

At point 4, the Moon is a...

Full moon

At point 5, the Moon is a ...

Waning gibbous

At point 6, the Moon is a ...

3rd or Last quarter

At point 7, the Moon is a ...

Waning crescent

At point 8, the Moon is a ...


When the Moon moves away from the Sun, does it wax or wane?


When the Moon moves toward the Sun, does it wax or wane?

1 day or 24 hours

How long does it take for the Earth to complete one rotation?

1 revolution around the sun

In 365 days or one year, the Earth will complete...

The Sun, Earth, and Moon being aligned.

Spring tides have greater tidal ranges than neap tides due to gravitational forces resulting from...

Less than 1/2 disk is illuminated

What does crescent mean?

More than 1/2 disk is illuminated

What does gibbous mean?

We see different portions of the sunlit side of the moon as it goes around Earth

Why does the Moon appear to change shape throughout the month?

Sun, Earth, Moon (Diagram C)

What is the order of the Earth, Moon and sun that shows a lunar eclipse?

Sun, Moon, Earth (Diagram A)

What is the order of the Earth, Moon and sun that shows a solar eclipse?

Where the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned (diagrams A and C)

Which diagrams above best illustrate the positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during a spring tide?

Where the Sun, Moon and Earth are at 90 degree angles to each other (B and D)

Which diagrams above best illustrate the positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during a neap tide?

New moon

During which moon phase can a solar eclipse occur?

Spring tides

tides have the largest difference in water level between high and low tides

Neap tides

tides have the smallest difference in water level between high and low tides

Solar eclipse/new Moon

What is represented by the diagram?


If the illuminated side of the Moon in the Northern Hemisphere is on the right side, the Moon is...


If the illuminated side of the Moon in the Northern Hemisphere is on the left side, the Moon is...

50%--however we can't always see it.

What percentage of the Moon is always reflecting sunlight in space?

2 high tides and two low tides (usually)

Most locations experience this many high and low tides each day.

New and Full Moon produces these tides.

During which two moon phases of the moon do spring tides occur?

Light from the Sun is blocked.

From Earth what is being blocked during a total solar eclipse?

The sunlight reflecting from the Moon to the Earth.

From Earth what is being blocked during a total lunar eclipse?

Moon's orbit is tilted, so we don't see these every month.

Why don't we see solar and lunar eclipses every month?

Becoming larger, growing.

What does waxing mean?

Becoming smaller, diminishing.

What does waning mean?

1st Quarter and 3rd or Last Quarter produce these tides.

During which two moon phases do neap tides occur?

Per month, two of each type are produced.

Spring tides and neap tides occur how many times each, per month?

Spring tides

Which tides occur when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned?

You have to wait about 6 hours after one to see the other.

About how long would you have to wait to see a high tide after a low tide?

Solar eclipse

Name the eclipse type.

Lunar eclipse

Name the eclipse type.

The Earth

During a solar eclipse, what does the Moon cast a shadow on?

The Moon

During a lunar eclipse, what is in Earth's shadow?

Moon's gravity

What has the greatest influence on Earth's tides?

About a month

You saw a full moon on June 11, how long will you have to wait to see a full moon again?

12 hours

About how long would you have to wait to see another high tide once one has occurred?

Low tide

If you were in between Earth's tidal bulges, what tide would you experience?

High tide

If you were in the ocean on the opposite side of Earth from the moon, what tide would you experience?

High tide

If you were in Earth's tidal bulge, what tide would you experience?

Penumbra (less dark shadow)

Which shadow would you have to be standing in to see a partial solar eclipse or partial lunar eclipse?

Umbra (darkest shadow)

Which shadow would you have to be standing in to see a total solar eclipse?

Tide, definition.

The term used to describe the rise and fall of ocean water levels.

Neap Tide, definition

What tides occur when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are at right angles to each other?

Full moon

During which moon phase does a lunar eclipse occur?

neap low tide

Name the tide experienced at this location. Is it high or low, spring or neap?


Which diagram best represents BOB standing in a HIGH, NEAP tide?


Which diagram best represents BOB standing in a LOW, NEAP tide? (A,B,C,or D)


Which diagram best represents BOB standing in a LOW, EXTREME (spring) tide? (A,B,C,or D)


What is the most likely position of the Sun in this diagram? (A,B,C,or D)

Full moon

During which of these phases will the tides be highest? (Name the moon phase)


Name the moon phase, seen from Earth, when the moon is in position h? (A,B,C, or D)


Name the moon phase, seen from Earth, when the moon is in position d? (A,B,C, or D)


Name the moon phase, seen from Earth, when the moon is in position f? (A,B,C, or D)


Which of the following best represents the appearance of the moon on October 10, 2005? (a,b,c, or d)


Which diagram shows the sun (S), Earth (E), and moon (M) relative to the location of extreme (spring) tides? (A,B,C, or D)


Which picture shows a HIGH tide? (left or right)


Which of the following diagrams show the correct arrangement of the sun, moon, and earth during a LUNAR eclipse? (A,B,C, or D)


Which of the following diagrams show the correct arrangement of the sun, moon, and earth during a SOLAR eclipse? (A,B,C, or D)