Moon Phases, Eclipses and Tides

New Moon

the sun lights the side of the moon facing away from Earth. the side of the moon the faces Earth is dark.

Waxing Crescent

you see more and more of the lighted side of the moon.

First Quarter

you see half of the lighted side(right) of the moon

Waxing Gibbous

the moon continues to Wax, get bigger

Full Moon

you see the whole lighted side of the moon

Waning Gibbous

the fraction of the lighted side of the moon that you see getting smaller each day

Third Quarter

exactly half of the moons lighted side. 1/4 + 1/2= 3/4

Waning Crescent

you see a crescent again


To increase gradually in size. The illuminated part of the moon is getting bigger.


To decrease gradually in size. The illuminated part of the moon is getting smaller.


the force of attraction between any two objects in the universe.

High tide

the maximum height reached by a rising tide.

Low tide

the minimum height of a falling tide.

Neap tide

a tide with the smallest difference between high and low tide. occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth form a right angle. Occurs during first quarter and last quarter phases.

what is the distance form Earth to the moon

the moon is 384,400 kilometers from Earth. the moon is closer than any planet.

Spring tide

a tide with the biggest difference between high and low tide. Occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned (in a line). Occurs during new moon and full moon phases.


The regular rise and fall of the level of water in the ocean.

what causes the moons Phases

The position of the moon, Earth, and the sun cause the eclipses, tides, and phase. these 8 different shapes of the moon can be seen from Earth.


The partial or total blocking of one object by another.Earths shadow or moons shadow

Lunar Eclipse

The Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the moon. This occurs when the moon is in the full moon position.

Solar Eclipse

The moon blocks the sunlight from reaching the Earth. From Earth we can't see the sun. This occurs when the moon is in a new moon position.


The darkest part of a shadow where a total eclipse will occur.


The lighter part of the shadow surrounding the umbra where a partial eclipse will occur.

Total solar eclipse

a complete blocking of the sun. occurs when you are standing in the moon's umbra.

Total lunar eclipse

a complete blocking of the sunlight from reaching the moon. occurs when the moon is completely in the Earth's umbra

partial solar eclipse

part of the sunlight is blocked by the moon. occurs when you are standing in the moon's penumbra

partial lunar eclipse

part of the sunlight is blocked from reaching the moon. occurs when the moon is partly in the umbra and partly in the penumbra.

The moon rotates slowly on it own axis once every_______days

27.3. It takes the moon the same amount of time to orbit around the Earth

It takes about 29.5 days after the last_____moon, then the cycle is complete and starts again

new moon. this is about once a month the the moon goes through its whole set of phase, which are 8.

How large is the angle between Earth's orbit and the moon's orbit?

5degree angle. the near side faces the Earth. The moon's orbit around Earth in an oval shape

What factors can make tides vary, even in places that are close to each other?

The floors of ocean and bays floors can effect the height and timing of the tides.

Why do tides occur?

Tides occur because of differences in how much the moon pulls on different parts of the Earth.

Animaks that live in ________ _____ must be adapted to the constantly changing conditions.

intertide zone, by the seashores.

what does the force of gravity between two objects depend on?

the masses of the objects and the distance between them

how can you see the moon?

you see the moon because sunlight reflects off it.