Chapter 18


it exists in all 3 states of matter - solid - liquid and gas


the change from water vapor to liquid water

Specific Humidity

the number of grams of water vapor in a kilogram of air


the point at which condensation equals the point of evaporation

Realtive Humidity

when meterologist use this term they are telling us how near the air is to reaching its maxiumum capacity for holding water vapor - it is usually stated in a percentage


instrument used to measure humidity - it consists of 2 thermometers - one is a dry bublb and the other a wet bulb

dew point

the temperaturee at which saturation occurs and condensation begins - it is a measure of amount of water vapor in the air

condensation nuclei

microscopic particles on which water vapor condenses to form cloud droplets - they are tiny particles

radiation fog

forms when the night sky is clear and the ground loses heat rapidly through radiation - the resulting fog is at ground level - most often found in humid valley's near rivers or lakes and most frequent in late fall and early winter

Condensation of water vapor in the air occurs when the temp drops below the point at which the airs'

capacity and specific humidity are the same

Fog droplets remain suspended in air because

they are supported by slight movements of air

Particles that do not usually act as condensation nuclei are

ozone particles

If both wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers read the same the air is


materail used to provide condensation nuclei in artifical rainmaing

silver iodide

in a cumulonimbus cloud, what keeps the rising air inside the cloud warmer & less dense than the air around it?

heat from condensation

When the temperature of a cloud is below -20 degress C, the cloud consists almost entirely of

snow and ice crystals

A stratus cloud

forms in stable air

Where can clouds form?

any altitude in the troposphere

If a cumulus cloud does not have a continuous supply of moist air it may


meterologist can predict the condensation level and how tall clouds will grow by considering

the air tem at different elevations - dewpoint & the cooling and rising of air

which is not a form of precipitation


when warm mosit winds blow over snow covered grounds, this is most likely to occurair

advection fog

Nimbostratus Clouds

the dark grey layers of clouds that produce a steady rain

Cumulonimbus Clouds

form when warm mosit air rises & cools - these type of clouds have a condensation level at the BOTTOM of the cloud - the tallest of these type of clouds can rise as 2x the height of Mt Everest

Cumulus Clouds

fluffy and white with flat bases - formed by vertical rising air currents