SLP 691 Final

Label the parts of a neuron (9)

dendrite, soma, nucleus, axon hillock, axon, myelin, nodes of Ranvier, axon terminal, bouton

What chemicals originate inside a neuron at rest? (2)

1. A- which is a protein
2. K+ which is a potassium ion

What chemicals originate outside a neuron at rest? (2)

1. Na+ which is a sodium ion
2. Cl- which is a chlorine ion

What is the charge of a neuron at rest?

-70 millivolts

What is the charge of a neuron when it fires?

-55 millivolts

What is it called when the charge of a neuron changes from -55 to +30?


What happens when the charge of a neuron reaches +30? (2)

1. Na+ gate closes
2. K+ gate opens

action potential

What is the exchange ratio of the sodium-potassium pump?

3 Na+ : 2 K+

Where are the sodium and potassium gates (ion channels) located? (2)

1. axon hillock
2. nodes of Ranvier (between the myelin sheaths)

What is it called when the charge of a neuron goes from +30 to -70?


What is it called when the charge of a neuron goes from -70 to -90 to -70?


What happens when the charge of a neuron reaches -55? (2)

1. Na+ gates/channels open allowing sodium in
2. The neuron fires

How does local anesthesia work on a neuron?

It blocks sodium gates/channels from opening, preventing action potential.

How does hyponatremia impact neurons and a person's thinking?

The condition is a lack of sodium, which keeps action potentials from firing. It causes people to be very confused.

presynaptic neuron

neuron that delivers the synaptic transmission (in the form of neurotransmitter)

postsynaptic neuron

the neuron on the receiving end of the synapse (receives neurotransmitters)

Neurotransmitters are either...

excitatory or inhibitory

Where are neurotransmitters stored?

within synaptic vesicles of the bouton (axon terminal)

What happens when an action potential reaches the axon terminal (bouton)?

The bouton becomes receptive to Ca++ (calcium gates open), causing the neurotransmitter to spill out of the vesicles.

What can happen when a neurotransmitter is spilled into the synaptic cleft? (4)

1. Bind with receptors on the postsynaptic dendrites (which later separate)
2. Are taken back up into the presynaptic neuron
3. Diffuse away
4. Inactivated by chemical means

motor end plate

the point of synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle

CN I, olfactory function

sense of smell

CN II Optic Function


Symptoms of problems with CN II Optic (1)

1. visual field cuts (contralateral)

CN III Oculomotor

motor adduction to the eyes

Symptoms of problems with CN III Oculomotor (4)

1. Problems keeping eyes looking in the same direction
2. Eyes are rolled outward (abducted)
3. Ptosis (drooping of eyelid)
4. Dilated and unreactive pupils

CN IV Trochlear

Innervates superior oblique muscle, which turns eye down & out

Symptoms of problems with CN IV Trochlear (1)

1. diplopia (double vision)

CN V Trigeminal - sensory (3)

1. touch to the whole face�forehead, cheeks, chin, mandible
2. touch within oral cavity--floor of mouth, anterior 2/3 tongue, teeth, & gums
3. touch to ear canal

CN V Trigeminal - motor (4)

1. depresses mandible (opens)
2. Tensor veli palatini- opens eustachian tube
3. Tensor tympani- dampens sound in middle ear
4. Suprahyoids- raise larynx

Symptoms of problems with CN V Trigeminal (sensory) (4)

1. Cannot feel touch to face
2. Cannot feel touch inside mouth
3. Drooling b/c unaware saliva is collecting inside mouth
4. Lesions on anterior 2/3 of tongue b/c of biting

Symptoms of problems with CN V Trigeminal (motor) (4)

1. Jaw crooked when opening
2. Inability to pop ears or middle ear infections
3. hyperacusis
4. unable to swallow safely or perform a pitch glide

CN VI Abducens (1)

Abducts the eye

Symptoms of problems with CN VI (2)

1. Eye rolls inward (internal strabismus)
2. Diplopia (double vision)

CN VII Facial (sensory) (1)

1. Taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue

CN VII Facial (motor) (3)

1. Muscles of face (forehead, eyebrows, close eyes, lips, cheeks)
2. Salivary glands
3. Stapedius muscle
Wrinkle head, raise eyebrows, close eyes tightly and smile (inability to close eyelid)
Lips/cheek muscles�smile, pucker (stick

Symptoms of problems with CN VII Facial (sensory) (1)

1. Loss of taste (not due to smelling deficits)

Symptoms of problems with CN VII Facial (motor) (7)

1. Inability to raise eyebrows
2. Inability to close eyes tightly or produce tears
3. Inability to smile, pucker, or keep lips closed tightly
4. Cannot puff air into cheeks
5. Dry mouth
6. Hyperacusis
7. Bells palsy

CN VIII Vestibulocochlear (2)

1. hearing
2. balance

Symptoms of problems with CN VIII Vestibulocochlear (2)

1. loss of hearing (ipsilateral side)
2. vertigo & nystagmus