Mentor - found online

The nurse manager is presenting at a conference and shows an adequate understanding of a mentoring relationship when giving the following as an example:
a. A coach and a player
b. A teacher and a learner
c. An intern and a resident
d. An advisor and a par

d (In nursing, mentor is synonymous with trusted advisor, and mentoring is a partnership between two people. Coaches help individuals find new ways to solve problems, reach goals, and design plans of action to motivate people to perform at the "top of the

The nurse professor is lecturing to students in their final semester of nursing school. Which statement by the nurse professor about mentoring is accurate?
a. "Mentoring involves solving an individual's problems."
b. "Mentoring focuses on the needs of som

b (Mentoring requires a primary focus on the needs of the mentee and an effort to fulfill the most critical of these needs. Meeting these needs first makes achievement of goals more realistic. Mentoring does not involve solving an individual's problems, h

While discussing a mentoring program with the nursing director, the nurse manager correctly states that mentoring is a
a. partnership.
b. one-way street.
c. static relationship.
d. method of gaining more experience.

a (Mentoring is a partnership and a two-way street with both parties freely contributing to the relationship as equals working together, based on mutual respect. Mentoring is not used as a method to gain more experience. Mentoring is a dynamic, not a stat

You are a graduate nurse in search of a mentor. To find a good "match," what should you look for?
a. Choose an experienced nurse who is successful.
b. Look for things you and the potential mentor have in common.
c. Be very specific with the questions you

b (When considering establishing a mentoring relationship, look for commonalities in nursing education, areas of expertise or practice, or interests. Feeling comfortable and building trust are crucial for a successful mentoring relationship. Broad, open-e

A group of nursing students is discussing mentors. One of the students correctly states a characteristic of a successful mentor when stating:
a. "They ensure that their mentees do not fail."
b. "They push the mentees to a higher level."
c. "They always as

b (Mentors need to communicate high expectations to mentees and push them to meet or exceed these expectations. Mentors should not ensure that mentees do no fail because this is often a great learning experience for mentees. Frequently questioning mentees

The role of the mentee needs to be understood early in the mentoring relationship. What is a characteristic or example of the mentee's role?
a. Not interrupting the mentor
b. Absorbing what the mentor explains in detail
c. Establishing personal short- and

c (Establishing your goals early will help you get exactly what you need from the mentoring relationship. The mentee should ask questions when clarification is needed because communication is very important. The mentor's nursing experience is not consider

Which statement indicates the student nurse's understanding of a situational relationship?
a. "A situational relationship occurs only one time."
b. "A situation relationship is established by the organization."
c. "In a situational relationship, both ment

a (Characteristically, a situational mentoring relationship is a one-time event. Organizations usually establish formal relationships. Acceptance by the mentee and mentor is characteristic of an informal relationship. A structured relationship is formal.)

The "honeymoon" is a specific phase of reality shock. What should the mentor do during this phase?
a. Share personal transition experiences with the mentee.
b. Reinforce the need for the mentee to problem solve.
c. Encourage the mentee to try new things.

d (During the "honeymoon" phase, the mentor should be supportive (by listening and understanding), act as an intermediary with other staff members, and be a role model. Sharing feelings and experiences and the mentor's own transition experience are approp

A new graduate is looking for a mentor. Which staff nurse would be the best choice?
a.Louise, a skilled clinician who
appears hurried, curt, and occasionally sarcastic
b. Jill, a new graduate who worked 2 years as an LPN and seems confident
c. Juan, who h

c (The mentor not only serves as a role model or counselor for the new graduate but also actively advises, guides, and promotes the graduate's career. It is important to select someone who will work with you and has nursing experience as a nurse. Frequent

Which of the following statements by the nurse indicates an understanding of mentors?
a. "Mentors focus on fostering the mentee's individual growth and development over an extended period of time."
b. "Mentors develop nurturing relationships during work t

a (Mentoring involves focus on fostering the mentee's individual growth and development over an extended period of time. Mentors develop nurturing relationships during personal time. Coaching is the approach of assisting an individual's growth through par

A nursing student is in the mentoring process. Which action would occur if the student nurse were in the "follow" phase?
a. The nursing student observes as the mentor places a urinary catheter.
b. The nursing student places a urinary catheter while the me

b (In the "follow" phase, the student nurse and the mentor walk side by side down the same path, and the mentor assumes a more passive role. Therefore, the student would place the urinary catheter, with the mentor nearby for guidance. In the "lead" phase,

A nursing student is in the mentoring process. Which action would occur if the nursing student were in the "Get out of the way phase?"
a. The nursing student would assess chest tubes with the mentor nearby for guidance.
b. The nursing student would assess

b (In the "get out of the way" phase, the nursing student would assess chest tubes independently. In the "follow" phase, the nursing student would observe the mentor assessing chest tubes. In the "lead" phase, the nursing student would assess chest tubes

A nursing student is meeting with a possible mentor for the last semester of nursing school. Which of the following questions would be most appropriate for the student to ask?
a. "Do you like working on this unit?"
b. "Do you like your coworkers?"
c. "How

c (The nursing student should ask open-ended questions, such as, "How are things going today?" The questions "Do you like working on this unit?," "Do you like your coworkers?," and "What kind of problems are you having" are direct questions. Open-ended qu

Which statement by the nursing student best describes the characteristics of a mentee?
a. "The mentee should be passive and observe only."
b. "The mentee should challenge constructive feedback."
c. "The mentee should communicate clearly."
d. "The mentee s

c (The mentee should always strive to communicate clearly with the mentor. Being passive, challenging constructive feedback, and not seeking out learning opportunities are not characteristics of a mentee.)

Which action by the mentor can help reduce the impact of reality shock on the mentee during the honeymoon phase?
a. Listen as the mentee discusses the excitement of starting a new position as a nurse.
b. Avoid discussions about the excitement of the mente

a (To help reduce the impact of reality shock, the mentor can listen as the mentee discusses the excitement of starting a new position as a nurse. Avoiding discussions about the new position or telling the mentee that the excitement will not last long are

What action can the mentor take to help reduce the impact of reality shock on the mentee during the shock or rejection phase?
a. Withhold personal transition stories.
b. Encourage the mentee to discuss his or her feelings.
c. Encourage mentees to keep the

b (During the shock or rejection phase, the mentor can encourage the mentee to discuss his or her feelings to decrease the impact of reality shock. Withholding their own personal transitions stories, encouraging the mentee to keep their feelings to themse

Which action by the mentor can help reduce the impact of reality shock on the mentee during the recovery phase?
a. Encourage the mentee to perform skills that he or she is comfortable with.
b. Maintain a semi-open line of communication.
c. Encourage the m

c (During the recovery phase, the mentor should encourage the mentee to step outside of his or her comfort zone. This can be best achieved by encouraging the mentee to try new skills. The mentee should maintain an open line of communication while working

Which action by the mentor can help reduce the impact of reality shock on the mentee during the resolution phase?
a. Expect the mentee to problem solve clinical issues independently.
b. Continue to practicing skills that he or she is comfortable with.

c (The role of the mentor during the resolution phase is to remain supportive to the mentee. Pointing out positive qualities that the mentee possess is one way to achieve this. Expecting the mentee to problem solve independently and pointing out negative

Review the following characteristics. Which best describe the role of the mentor? (Select all that apply.)
a. Requires a primary focus on the needs of the new nurse
b. Assists the new nurse with difficult nursing procedures
c. Serves as a primary resource

a, e, f (A mentor is more interested in a nurturing role and focuses on the needs of the new nurse and frequently shares personal time. The preceptor acts in a formal role and functions during a defined period of time. The primary focus of the preceptor i

A nurse manager and a nurse director are discussing e-mentoring. Which statements by the nurse director indicate an understanding of the components of e-mentoring? (Select all that apply.)
a. "E-mentoring involves distance mentoring."
b. "E-mentoring is d

a, b, c, e (According to Knight, e-mentoring reflects mentoring that takes place over a distance (learner and faculty are not in face-to-face communication), usually by electronic communication facilitation. More recently, the use of e-mentoring can be vi

A group of nursing students are discussing characteristics of a successful mentor. Which of the following statements identify these characteristics? (Select all that apply.)
a. "Successful mentors are passive."
b. "Successful mentors communicate high expe

b, c, d, e (Successful mentors communicate high expectations, are good listeners, show empathy, and are nonjudgmental. Successful mentors are not passive but are actively involved with the growth of the mentee.)

Which statement(s) by the nursing student best describes the attributes of a mentor? (Select all that apply.)
a. "A mentor actively advises, supports and promotes the mentee's career."
b. "A mentor is a professional who has any amount of experience as a n

a, c, d (A mentor is an experienced nurse who advises, supports, and promotes the mentees career. The mentor has the mentee's best interest at heart and bolsters self-confidence.)